He doesn’t have a 6 figure job

>he doesn’t have a 6 figure job
>he doesn’t have a gf/wife
>he doesn’t have kids
>he doesn’t have a house
>he doesn’t have a 401k

He is a man-child basement dweller who lost all his money on a internet ponzi

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Wait, how many replies did this get yesterday?

im gonna throw up

Basically the story of my life but take out crypto , I've invested zero.
Waiting for next life


way too many

I have a 6 figure job and a 401k. I don't see why I would want any of the others. Being a manchild is great.


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Joke's on you. We don't have basements here in Florida.

I used to think that way.
But if you're set financially, it's not a bad challenge. You can still be a manchild, plus have adorable little rugrats who hate the same things you do.

Instead of taking responsibility you are going to play Peter Pan on pleasure island. Let’s see how that turns out in 10 years.

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I have all of those things but also lost my money on an internet ponzi. Will I /makeit/?

>he pays taxes to further destroy his country and import more niggers
>he has a wife that will inevitable get old, fat and wrinkly
>he has annoying kids that drain his resources
>he lives in a wooden mcmansion
>he pay dollars into some stupid ponzi
>he thinks he is hot shit

lol moron

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Or he could stop being such a brainlet, save up enough cash, go to another country that has sane laws, and clone himself.
Why let a roastie get between you and your creations? Take the roastie out of the equation.
Cloning isn't as hard as it's made out to be, and it's only illegal because of muh religion and muh ethics.
How many women, do you think, are in favor of researching cloning technology? Fucking slim to none because they know it's the last power-play they have

why can't we have a nuclear end already

I can smell those grapes from here, very sour, you should probably stop eating them


wrong, not everyone aspires to be a typical NPC like OP.

I already played Peter Pan for 30 years. It's been turning out great. I always hear my coworkers complain about dumb shit I never have to deal with

What do you even do all day? I got bored of video games at like 22. Going clubbing every weekend is hard on your liver.

The easiest way to stop being a manchild is simply stop fapping and learn to get Jow Forums, then nobody will give a fuck about what you do and probably even will try themselves if you get enough charisma from nofap

you are a typical NPC who can't keep himself busy and needs a (((job))).
typical NPC also needs constant assuring so he thinks he is right on track.

>Implying his clone won't be an entirely different personality because of difference in upbringing

Holy shit, that's creepy.
Imagine having someone who is identical to you, except you fucking hate them and all their shitty opinions.

In the end, none of this matters.

This, literally every married cuck I know is a slave.
>oh man I’d have to ask my wife if I can do that!
>I-I-I don’t have the money this weekend the misses and the kids sure aren’t free haha
>took the kids to Dora on ice this weekend sure was great haha
>oh man I really need this job I better do everything the boss ever asks cuz of my mortgage!
>I’m 400k in debt!
>haha who cares if my wife will take half my shit if a divorce happens she would never leave me!
>she said I’ll get to build a man cave in 5 years if I’m lucky and repaint the house, remodel the bathroom, mow the lawn every week, clean the gutters, refurbish the basement, and buy her a vacation to the Bahamas with her girlfriends! Can’t wait to sip a cold one and watch some sports ball!
On top of all that the woman usually disrespects the fuck out of them unless the guy is an alpha with money (hint only 10% of men are this).

The virgin existentialist.
How's your second year at a state school going?

i have all those things except the kids part. hoping we can prepare ourselves in six years. desu

>prepare ourselves
That's a big part of it.
If our finances weren't in shape, I have doubts the marriage could've lasted through two kids.

And that's a given if you're the one raising them, imagine you having a dad who watches anime and posts on Jow Forums. The clone would be growing up in 2020s and hate everything you stand for. Would probably blame you for trump and global warming.

lol, no doubt
it might even kill your ass

That’s like a hotter zoey deschanel

I have all of the things listed except kids. I haven't been in school since I got my CDL license years ago. 30 year old boomer truckerfag here.

Next time on the road, ignore the slope warning signs and accelerate

this fucking image is the only image that makes me want to stop my nofap streak, fuck you OP

How long have you gone

had 30 days, lost to this image like 14 days ago, now 14 days and AGAIN this same fucking image

Tfw I will likely never have a gf that looks like this

>he doesn’t have a 6 figure job
give me 1 year, I'll have a 6 figure job. Right now at 90
>he doesn’t have a gf/wife
except I have a fiance
>he doesn’t have kids
except I will when I'm 28
>he doesn’t have a house
>he doesn’t have a 401k
except my employer matches my 4% contribution

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I have all of these things except kids and a house. I rent because the housing market here is super inflated, and I'm lucky enough to be grandfathered into a rent controlled house. It's actually better for me financially to rent and invest than build equity in a home here.

I'm a fucking faggot so no girlfriend for me

Nothing wrong with beeing a manchild, society is shit and we are sold a lie.

It is not worth it.

shes too small.
pretty though

Judging by the replies here, /biz is fucked, and I have been on the wrong board. I thought most of you faggots were gonna make it
>7 figure salary
>wife for 7 years
>2 aryan boys
>2 houses, 1 prime res, 1 for rental
>401k with an added RA
>side business
Dabble with crypto for the fun, don’t hold eth, btc or any btc fork

>I thought most of you faggots were gonna make it
Why would you ever have thought that?

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user, I thought I was enjoying the satire
Holy fuck!! You guys are for real, on phone so don’t have a crying pepe

fuck off newfren

pls sir, I can has frens

>NPCs are told to not have kids
>NPCs are told to be selfish twats (see Boomers)
> is the NPC

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>Lol NPC wanting to create human life with someone you love while I stay by myself in effect 0 change on the world
>Lol NPC wanting a comfy retirement
>Lol NPC wanting a place to call their own
Seriously dude. Not sure if those grapes are even safe to eat.

but I got a car
trumps all else in life

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typical NPC response ignoring all the negative aspects of the NPC life.

with those NPCs its like with the faggots who accidentally buy something thats shit and then get buyers remorse but can't admit they fell for bullshit so they try to drag others in while they circlejerk with fellow retards in denial who fell for the same meme.

>i make six figures
>i have 8/10 fiance
>i max 401k

I want to kill myself everyday. The real meaning of man is to pursue a fulfilling and meaningful goal with all his heart and soul.

Too bad my meager six fig wageslavery act as golden handcuffs that paralyze me.


What if I don't' live to age 55 or 60 or whatever?

What about any of those things denotes NPC life? You're literally stating that you don't even desire to be a "player" in the "game". If those desires make one an NPC, than the lack of them doesn't make you not an NPC, you're less than one, cut content or something. Neck yourself and literally nobody would care.

You gotta think and play the game from outside the box, not be a slave in it.
NPCs don‘t understand this tho.

I earn 100 dollars a month, my dude. Help me, my house is falling down.

I jacked off 14 times in the last 24 hours.

Literally everyone is a slave to something or someone. You just get to pick your chains. It isn't a bad thing. You aren't half as free as you think you are.

Mirin. Can I have a taste sir?

NPC cope

great, desu you either should fap your brains a lot and just live in pure pleasure or not fap at all and live in the potential, there is no middle way

fap your brains out*, i usually binge my ass off and then go for some streaks so i get the contrast in my life

Not directly from my dick, but you can clean up the mess from wherever I shoot my load onto.
I actually feel terrible and sore and I think it's really unhealthy plus I have terrible fetishes now and can't get off to regular sex.

You haven't even begun to explain how you've figured everything out. I'm waiting though.

I am sure you're the one. Reading posts on a mongolian tapestry messageboard has given you wisdom and insight beyond that of your father, or even his father. You're exiting the matrix, right? By not procreating and posting online about it?

Pffft. Know-nothing do-nothing cope.

>reddit spacing
go away NPC, this place is not for you.

>You haven't even begun to explain how you've figured everything out
Maybe he works on Wall Street and shills crypto dark pools?
I hear that's profitable.

I have 6 figures job but whenever I date a gf for months, she gets too comfortable and starts doing dumb shit / disrespecting me so I break up.

And I am not going to buy a house for me alone...

Feels like I am stuck at level 1.

I've probably been here longer than you, retard

doubt it newfag, now go away live in your box.

This place is filled with boomers now

>I said reddit and newfag!
You ever looked at how people typed on the old textboards? Just wondering if you know how ridiculous you sound to people who have been around the block when you say shit like ">reddit spacing"

its mostly filled with morons and niggers nowadays.

go away

serious question
are asian women allowed in the ethnostate?

Fuck you boomer. Children and a wife are a meme. Only slaves want that shit. Also, the housing market is on the brink of a massive collapse. Why would you pay hundreds of thousands for a worthless asset when you could rent for the same price as a homeowner's yearly property taxes? You have to go back.

>houses are going to crash any day now, said the increasingly nervous renter as his landlord hands him another rent increase.


>rent for the same price as yearly property taxes
Lol, depends massively on where you are. In areas with reasonable costs of living, the difference between a month's rent and a mortgage payment (including taxes and insurance) is a couple hundred. In my case, I was renting a smaller place for a couple of hundred less a month before I bought. Now I am building equity (already gained $20k in equity just by getting in at the right time, not even from payments), and get to deduct the property tax on my income returns.
The housing market is not going to collapse everywhere either, if at all, it will collapse in areas where housing is ridiculously expensive. Currently, we can't keep up with demand for middle-class housing, and mortgages aren't being given out for peanuts like before. There's a long way up before it comes back down. You have no clue what you're talking about.

This is exactly why I decided to buy, too.

why do you faggots respond to this bullshit bait?

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I'm probably the only fag on the entire internet that knows who she is, and that's only because I was obsessed with her.

yeah this. never get married.

Who is she?

These are the thoughts of a deeply fucked up man who is trying to rationalize his aloneness as a good thing.

This guy gets it.
>making lots of money and doing whatever you want all the time = based
>voluntarily burdening yourself with one vagina + a house and kids = ultimate cuck + future divorce rape and poverty

wouldn't you like to know

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>t beta cuck who fell for the marriage meme

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That's not the same person lol

Get off Jow Forums and go clean the gutters and cope with your shit life you cuck

Never said it was : )

I can tell you're projecting hard lmao. I go on this site maybe once every few months. You would kill people if it meant you would have a life as nice as mine.

>he doesn’t have a 6 figure job
>he doesn’t have a 401k
wagie detected


Learning to thrive on your own is what every man should strive for, you think a woman will be by your side forever? KEK, you must not have much experience with them then. Sure some great ones exist but they are like finding a needle in a hay stack. “Love” is nothing more than chemical reactions going off in your body giving you good feels, learn to produce these mechanisms on your own through exercise and meditation and you become a god. Or ya know you can always depend on someone else for your happiness and the approval of your peers, not everyone has to have the same beliefs fren.

Well in that case I would indeed very much like to know whomst this m'lady is.

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This. At least never put yourself in a position to be financially fucked over by a woman.

"Marry me user and I'll stay home and take care of the kids."

If you agree to that shit, just kys. She'll have you by the financial balls for the rest of your miserable life (and it will be miserable.)

>I've figured out the secret guys
>I'm gonna be a rich and powerful wine aunt and everyone will respect my kitties!

Damn you guys, what the hell
It's like you come from some other planet where there are no reasonable, levelheaded, just normal women
Look harder outwardly or inwardly because you're missing something in one of those directions

>“Love” is nothing more than chemical reactions going off in your body giving you good feels
The wisdom of a truly enlightened 16yo

having a wife and family is a waste of time and money.

Only cucks think that shit is an achievement.

>i-if you don't man up and marry me r-right now y-you're going to be alone forever!
Being alone is better than being a henpecked husband.