Absolutely FLOORED right now. HE’S A FUCKING MADMAN

Holy shit! After watching a lot of the presentation by CSW, I’m absolutely shitting my pants right now! This is insane! I never expected this big of a fucking scope! Imagine, EVERYTHING running off of Bitcoin! I honestly cannot even fucking fathom it. But here it is. Right in front of our faces! Get ready for the rekoning, biz. Get ready for SV to flip Core. It’s going to happen. I’m ready, are you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm ready.

Oh god i'm so ready i forgot that this is all fiction

I hope we see fondamental not in two years3

I'm ready to fire the fucking miners and switch completely to DPOS / DAG solutions.
NANO solves p2p cash. I don't care if the lawyer miner is lying. He's solving a problem that's already solved.

Lulwut? Are you fucking retarded? There is absolutely nothing like this whatsoever. Your hatred and stupidity has clouded your mind. He’s talking about being integrated in EVERYTHING. Not your shit coin that can do transactions and a few other things. You are seriously stupid as fuck

How many rupees did you get for this one?

Wow the fucking hate is REAL. Like Democrats hatin on Trump. They can’t see the truth through their own clouded hatred for someone. Sad and pitiful... really

He's rambling incoherently about things that don't exist while claiming to be satoshi without evidence.
IOTA will be scalable without miners. So will DAG. Fucking TRON is better than this man's dementia ridden vision.

>He thinks that envisioning a world where bitcoin is integrated into everything is the same as that happening.

user is your only real world experience that which you’ve gained from your parents bedroom? You sound delusional

This user gets it

They have the right idea and strategy for mass adoption. I'm convinced about that after watching the presentation. They have a vision and professional supporters and partners. They are about to make bitcoin usable for the real world. Not just something neckbeards mumbles about, without understanding how the real grown up, business world works. There is no reason for SV not to flipp btc. It really is superior, and the fact that the bitcoin protocol will stay unchanged, really is vital if people and businesses are to build on top of it. They also has a solution to the scaling issue, which turns out not to be an issue at all. Bullish as fuck.

Craig also has the biggest balls I've seen in a while. I wonder if that has something to do with why Roger is so mad at him?

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He didn't do anything except make a speech about something he's never actually going to do just like he's done countless times before. He's just trying to get more investors he can scam out of their money.

>Not understanding the fundamental breakthrough of PoW and its significance.
People like you really are the niggers of the crypto sphere.

Attached: disdain4plebs.jpg (400x462, 25K)

2 shillpoints have been deposited into your shill account. Please spend on toilet paper and do not leave it in the street.

reddit is dadda way

>fundamental breakthrough of PoW
POW was great for distribution but adds absolutely nothing besides energy costs and fiat taxes to crypto now.
I guess it also makes retards rich so they can rage hashwars that noone cares about, crashing the crypto markets and hurting startups trying to actually innovate.
Fire the miners. We don't need them anymore.

What are you faggots even talking about

>They also has a solution to the scaling issue, which **turns out** not to be an issue at all.
Anyone with an IQ over 125 who was not bamboozled by 1 meg Greg's "trust me, I'm the expert" song and dance has known this forever, but good on you for coming around to the truth, user. The notion that a fucking developer of all people should limit the blocksize is so fucking retarded. It's like trying to raise a baby elephant in a dog cage: you can try, but sooner or later physics takes over and the elephant is going to burst his confines.

We have lost three years of progress because of cowardly miners listening to clueless neckbeards wringing their hands about bullshit. The whole "big blocks harms decentralization argument" was basically the "muh global warming" of bitcoin: a retarded talking point designed to snooker the empirically challenged into shooting themselves in the foot. It's honestly infuriating what you think about it, but fortunately the adults seem to be slowly taking back the reigns of power. Bitcoin will not be denied it's rightful place in the history of our civilization.

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>POW was great for distribution but adds absolutely nothing
You are too low IQ to post here. If you don't understand why PoW is the only incorruptible viable long term mechanism for decentralized consensus you cannot be helped.

>POW was great for distribution but adds absolutely nothing besides energy costs
It is sad to see how blinded you are. You are completly wrong with this statement. POW is vital to secure the chain and make sure the miners stay honest and continue to invest in the bitcoin infrastructure. You should read this paper as it explains why pow is the only viable way. You'll probably hate it because the author is Craig, but I assure you it's worth your time


I like you

> it's the only option!
No, that is completely untrue. You have been brainwashed by vested interests
Nah, too many papers to read that aren't written by retard miner lawyers.

>Anyone with an IQ over 125 who was not bamboozled by 1 meg Greg's "trust me, I'm the expert" song and dance has known this forever
You're right, and I am glad to finally have a 125+ IQ. Feels great to finally see the light through all the politics, ideologies and muh feels and muh rasberry phi

How much is Craig paying you for this shit? It literally screams pajeet, especially the over enthousiasm.

BCSV has lost all trust with anyone out there. Do you think any businesses or investors want to do business with an Australian poof who has shown he will backstab anyon and everything? No. This coin will be left to bleed to death.

dude is a scammer and so are you

I'm sorry for providing you with facts. It wont happen again

How about getting merchants to actually accept bitcoin.

Pajeets can't write English that idiomatically, you mong. If you're going to call him a shill, at least call him a high-class huwhite shill.
>BCSV has lost all trust with anyone out there. Do you think any businesses or investors want to do business with an Australian poof who has shown he will backstab anyon and everything?
The CSW derangement syndrome is real. Can't wait for the moment where we get to see the equivalent of pic related in the context of bitcoin's history. If we're lucky maybe one of the bigger headcases like Ronald McJonald Foosball will an hero on a livestream.

Attached: ihaveascream.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

0.000000000001 BCASH Shitoshi's vizard has been deposited into your non-existing wallet sofware.

Bitcoin SV makes every altcoin obsolete. One coin to rule them all.

BSV is about scaling up, fast and onboarding enterprise and government usecases first. Merchants will have no choice but to adopt initially because of the overwhelming value proposition. BSV is driving bloclchain adoption from the top down, like all real tech adoption. Core and BAB are trying to go from the users up, or the merchants up. but it is a failed strategy because it will never work for enterprise use with 1Mb or 32Mb blocks and a constantly forking protocol.

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>How about getting merchants to actually accept bitcoin
Why woud they do that when the community can't even agree on what bitcoin is? Luckily we have Craig and SV who will finally end this shit show and lock down the real bitcoin protocol. Only after this is it possible to make useful applications for bitcoin.

If you read this Craig. Thank you! You have the biggest blocks and soon the longest chain! Bless your balls

That’s all you can say you brainwashed fucking bot. How about something with a little bit more substance. Like I said, just like trump haters.

You are the retard that everyone knows is retarded.

Also want to point out this beta brony faggot clinging to catchphrases like "fire the miners" I bet he feels so powerful when he types that LMFAO you are a weakling in mind and spirit. GET FUCKING TOLD

unironically pumping tn, got insider info of a bunch of fucking soft whales starting to initiate.

do what you want with the info

I'm gonna take a nice, gurpy shit

get those soft whales out of here, we need stiff whales

Ah yes and so is Calvin and CoinGeek it’s just all one big exit scam huh. Go feed some chickens Roger

I can't wait till CSW and Calvin get in a drunken argument and CSW steals a wheelbarrow of S9s and forks off BSV_final coin. Then Satoshi's vision will be secure.

street shitters.

>he said so, so it's true.
retard couldnt even win the hash war and maintain the BCH brand kek. MUH NEW INTERNET.
fuck outta here paid shill

Yeah, the guys who can type out coherent long form English are the street-shitting shills, not the single ID poster coming in with a low-effort one-liner consisting of two words.

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I appreciate you user. That link does not return ant videos on vimeo for me.

can you post the title so I can search it manually?

"coingeek"; there is an incomplete video of the live stream on yt

Not sure how much is missing. youtu.be/iHTd9IUDfG0

I've been trying to find this for hours.

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Flavor of the month shitcoin.
SAGE goes in all fields.