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her boobies are too small, I'd pass

Spotted the faggot

Im so fucking lonely anons. how do I get a gf like that? is it even possible? A girl like that probably wants someone famous. Im not famous

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Jesus Christ, she’s gorgeous.

I’m 33 and haven’t been on a date or felt a boob yet.

Hold me, fren. It’s not gay if we don’t make eye contact.

have you tried talking to a girl?

How do you talk to women?
>just like a man hurr
Doesn't work and the women you do this to start hating you with a passion

Lol I had some of that for awhile just because I thought it was funny to cheer for something that sounds like a welfare queen.
>Come on Zilliqa keep sellin that ass and get daddy some GREEN BITCH!
Idk who it's actually pronounced but I thought of it as Zil-E-Kwah

what are you talking about?

checked for 1/10 bait

I love how the threads about the most solid and revolutionary project in this space since Ethereum are the least serious.

Yes, every day with my job. But am
Too ashamed of myself to ask for dates or put the effort in to meet someone. Maybe when XLM is worth 5.00 a token I’ll try again.

U got bruled, son

so no one is talking about Zilliqa?
can someone redpill me on what you can actually do with le partial sharding

I'd pump her up

checked for slampig

You are a faggot if you are seriously that afraid of talking to a woman. Who cares if one fucking hates you? Who cares if a thousand fucking hate you? As long as you’re not a retard and don’t do it at work or stalk them, it doesn’t matter. Just keep at it until you find one who doesn’t hate you, then get her alone and kiss her. From there, get your fucking dick wet and you’ll see that even an autist can get pussy, incel.

Nothing, because sharding doesn’t work. Zil’s devs said it did, but then they had to delay mainnet because it didn’t. Twice,

It’s too much effort after a certain point and not worth it. Not everybody was meant to find a relationship and be with somebody, user. It’s a tough pill to swallow and a bit defeatist, but you can get so fucked up mentally that it’s better to avoid them altogether and save yourself the embarrassment.

Being a virgin and avoiding the company of women late into is life is okay ifvyoure not hurting anyone.

>prefers big tits
pick one and only one you asswipe

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How to get sexy spic gf lads