We will never be under 4k EVER again.
We will never be under 4k EVER again
jesus fucking christ does someone have a spambot for these fucking threads
[Hard substance] support confirmed
nice digits
Trips confirm we going down! Strap in boys!
Kek will us to make it, thanks friend
but we are under $4k...
confirmed for bull run
zoom out
even if i zoom out we are still under $4k
It's not over user, we'll hit 3k next year, bitcoin isn't going to moon until 2020, but take advantage of the sale right now because you don't want to be the retard who misses the next moon which will be 50k maybe even 100k.
now zoom in, enhance.
still under $4k
this zooming only changes your perspective about how much we are under $4k.
Thanks based OP. Facts really make bobo angry.
I can't believe that anyone is listening to what Craig Wright is saying. He is such a fool, a charlatan and a scam artist. I can't believe anyone would be so dumb as to watch a single video clip of Craig Wright and not say that their gut doesn't say he's a fraud. I would never recommend any of my friends or colleagues listen to this man; if they did, I would surely ostracize them and boast to others how I had not fallen prey to Faketoshi's lies and falsities. All he wants is money, and according to many prominent body language experts, young children to groom. This is a common trait among those who seek wealth and power. Do not listen to this man. I am telling you right now. Bad fortune will come to you if you even think about indulging his narcissistic fantasies for one second. I am sure of it
>4026 on bittrex
It's crashing!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!
Aluminum foil support at $3960
>microwave it
Non-Newtonian fluid support at $3900