All you had to do was listen
All you had to do was listen
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rat poison squared
>muh rat poison
Oh wow 100 year bubble, when the average lifespan is just 80 years. Such bubble, you sure showed them kek
i can just imagine someone sitting in his office trying to explain to him what a bitcoin was and how its used and he probably got so fucking shellshocked and couldent believe people were spending money in it.
>so a tcp/ip packet is worth more than 10000 and people are buying it?
fuck off boomer scum
you are right i should have bought in 1940...
Btc gas had a 90% loss guys
90 freaking %
I mean
The man lived through the tech bubble and closely watched great stocks such as and I don't think he was surprised in the least, just told it like it was.
>newfaggot thinks the stock market is a bubble because the chart went up
I think he got your point
>muh new paradigm
Buffett isn’t even a boomer you moron
He purchased his first stock when he was 11 years old
And still did better than any coinfag
kek fucking 11 years old, i swear 99.9% of Jow Forums wouldent even know what a fucking stock was at age 18
>Stocks go up for 200 years
It’s a bubble
>crypto goes up for 8 years and crashes
Muh paradigm. I swear to god kids these days are retards, thank god for AI, good riddance
Kinda wanna see this faggot get rekt holding bags for years and years
The man was buying up pinball machines and installing them and franchising our paper routes when he was like 15, he is a literal investing god. Yet you have a bunch of basement neets thinking he didn’t know better
Top kek
Even gods need to be taught humility...
Berkshire Hathaway generates 20+ billion in free cash flow a year while producing useful products for people like insurance, banking, electronics, hold building, soft drinks.
The company could be worth 0 today on the market and it wouldn’t matter. It’s something brainlets can never understand
I can't believe that anyone is listening to what Craig Wright is saying. He is such a fool, a charlatan and a scam artist. I can't believe anyone would be so dumb as to watch a single video clip of Craig Wright and not say that their gut doesn't say he's a fraud. I would never recommend any of my friends or colleagues listen to this man; if they did, I would surely ostracize them and boast to others how I had not fallen prey to Faketoshi's lies and falsities. All he wants is money, and according to many prominent body language experts, young children to groom. This is a common trait among those who seek wealth and power. Do not listen to this man. I am telling you right now. Bad fortune will come to you if you even think about indulging his narcissistic fantasies for one second. I am sure of it.
good riddance to you and the dinosaurs of your generation
when it a comes tumbling down I'll be laughing at your misery
The only thing tumbling down is the exchange rate of your internet meme coins to real goods and services
Maybe it is you who needs to be taught humility?
when hes collecting his welfare from blowing out all his real money on fake money he will learn it
You faggots are late to sucking his dick... muh buy more apple and amazon... its gonna be a while before ath gay boys...
i guess the only person you have to look up to is your dropkick father that youve probably never met or left you at a young age
Buffet buying stocks at 11 is like us buying crypto now. If we were to become stock investors today and long term hold like buffet did we'd maybe 10x our money in 50 years.
Tons of people on this board are millionaires not on gay buffets account, but because they invested early... you salty faggots were late to suck his dick and late on bitcoin too and come here mouthing off..
>comparing a new type of currency to productive assets
He's disingenuous or genuinely mistaken about what bitcoin is. Also, he was shilled on computers in the 90s by none other than Bill Gates and still didn't invest because he couldn't understand their utility. There's no reason to trust his opinion wrt new technology.
>dislikes worthless currency
>so his alternative is an even more intangible and worthless "currency"
crypto is a meme.
Agreed. Buffett deserves credit where due. This area is not his strong suit and it does not have to be. He's still half right. So many cryptos are pure garbage.
>trusting boomers
>Tons of people on this board are millionaires
top kek