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What are the odds he announces mainnet's release date tomorrow?
Nathaniel Scott
Other urls found in this thread:
Lincoln Gomez
*on monday
Alexander Hernandez
Ur so delusional
There is no working product
Brayden Gray
Hard to say, we're defintely very close though, so that's a thing.
Adrian Ward
Don't be a ponce. Just buy nerva
Ethan Torres
Steve has been working on Aggregation for a long time now, he MUST be close...
Hudson Davis
Mainnet will be released when I turn 90 so 7/7/77
Evan Perry
Monday dec 3rd at the nyc meet up, thats why its developer focused
Jaxson Anderson
Based and seven pilled
Ryder Diaz
1000 to 1 eoy
Austin Clark
That’s what I’m thinking too, but I’m pretty deluded so I’m just seeing what we all think
Cooper Carter
You smell like a raccoon.
Asher Kelly
Can we watch it live?
Isaiah Watson
Anthony Hernandez
prediction: sergey announces mainnet will be live in late January
Benjamin Wilson
Juan Edwards
Something big is happening
Ian Fisher
In other words, 100%
Wyatt Ward
Only once will I post this. Only once.
Those of you who have been blindly following the chainlink shills are absolute fucking retards. If you had an IQ above 90 and spent 30 minutes researching, you'd actually understand why you are making the worst investment of your lives.
The problem with this board is literally most of the Chainlink shills could not explain to you why Chainlink is actually an amazing shitcoin. The few anons that do get it's a scam and post legitimately useful information get ignored because most of this board is dense and dumb as fuck and when they can't understand something is a scam they act like it wasn't even posted.
Chainlink is next gen ponzi. It will make all current holders with 10k+ bankrupt. You may have to wait 2-3 years, which most of you will be too dumb to do. You'll see a decrease a year from now and because you've been checking the price every fucking day for over 1500 days you'll think "fuck it, I'm selling, this isn't going anywhere!". When the token actually goes to zero you'll be holding the keys to your piece of shit Pontiac and those of us who weren't total brainlets and didnt buy will be having you park our Bentley's because you work as a fucking valet now.
This is not pasta. Do not repost this. This is simply the truth. Fucking screencap and check back in 2021. You know I'm right, I always am.
Kevin Rodriguez
Tulen postaamaan tämän vain kerran. Vain kertaalleen.
Te, ketkä ootte seuranneet Chainlink shillejä sokeasti - olette vitun aivovammaisia. Jos sulla on yli 90 ÄO ja käytät yli 30 minuuttia tutkimustyöhön, ymmärtäisit, miksi olet tekemässä elämäsi parhaimman investoinnin.
Ongelma tämän laudan kanssa on kirjaimellisesti Chainlinkkiä shillaavissa, jotka eivät osaisi selittää sulle miksi Chainlink on oikeasti niin mahtava veikkaus. Ne muutamat nyymit, jotka ymmärtävät asian ja aidosti postaavat hyödyllistä infoa, tulevat ignoratuksi, koska suurin osa tästä laudasta on hidasälyistä ja helvetin typerää ja kun nämä ihmiset näkevät jotain mitä eivät ymmärrä, he käyttäytyvät kuin sitä ei olisi edes postattu.
Chainlink on aikaansa edellä. Se tekee kaikista 10k säkkien omistajistaan miljonäärejä. Saatat joutua odottelemaan 2-3 vuotta, joka suurimmalle osalle teistä on mahdotonta tyhmyytenne takia. Näette vuoden päästä 5x arvon ja koska olette tarkistaneet hintaa joka vitun päivä 1500 päivän ajan, ajattelette "vitut. Mä myyn, ei tää oo menossa mihinkään!" Sitten kun link tokenin hinta oikeasti räjähtää parabolisesti, te pitelette avaimia rämään korollaan, ja me, jotka tästä joukosta emme olleet täysiä idiootteja, saamme heittää omien luksusautojemme avaimet teille, koska toimitte nyt hotelli-vitun-palvelijoina. Se on lähimpänä luksusta, mitä ette koskaan tule kokemaan.
Tämä ei ole pasta. Älä repostaa tätä. Tämä on yksinkertaisesti totuus. Ota se vitun screenshotti ja palataan asiaan vuonna 2021.
Kevin Wright
The LARPer the other day seemed convincing
Luke Foster
This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team
Aiden Martin
Perustettu ja punapilleröity
Jordan Cruz
Insider here, Sergey announces mainnet on monday
Kayden Allen
McDonald's partnership tomorrow
Partnership will be called "McChain"
Christopher Jones
Le enkrat objavljam tole. Le enkrat.
Tisti med vami ki ste slepo sledili chainlink žicarjem ste pofukano absolutni zaostalci. Če bi imeli IQ nad 90 in porabili 30 minut za raziskavo, bi dejansko razumeli zakaj delate najslabšo naložbo svojega življenja.
Problem s tem forumom je da ti dobesedno večina Chainlink žicarjev ne bi zmoglo razložiti zakaj je Chainlink v bistvu neverjeten drekcekin. Peščica anonimnežev, ki razumejo da je nategavščina in objavljajo legitmno uporabne informacije, jih je prezrtih ker je večina tega foruma pofukano zabitega in glupega in ko niso sposobni razumeti ko je nekaj nategavščina se pretvarjajo da to sploh ni bilo objavljeno.
Chainlink je ponzi nove generacije. Zaradi tega bodo vsi trenutni nosilci z 10k+ bankrotirali. Morda boste morali počakati 2-3 leti, za kar vas je večina preglupih. Leto od zdaj boste videli upad in ker ste preverjali cene vsak jeben dan zadnjih 1500 dni si boste mislili "Jebeš to, prodal bom, to ne gre nikamor!". Ko bo žeton dejansko šel do ničle boste držali ključe svojega kup-dreka Pontiaca in tisti od nas ki nismo bili popolni možgančki in nismo kupili vam bomo podajali ključe svojih Bentleyev ker ste zdaj služičad.
To ni prilepek. Ne objavljate tega ponovno. To je preprosto resnica. Naredite jeben zajem ekrana in se javite nazaj v 2021. Veste da imam prav, vedno imam.
Chase Butler
It won't be just announcing mainnet and releasing it right away, I believe. If this user from a few months ago really did get this email from Rory, it would suggest that mainnet will appear in the pivotaltracker (of course maybe Serg will still announce a date for mainnet at a speech/conference).
Grayson Peterson
If they were planning to announce it in advance it would make sense for Sergey to do so formally at a conference rather than just sneak it on the pivotal tracker unannounced and wait for autists to notice and spread the news amongst themselves
Connor Jones
Yeah that's what I think will happen. He'll probably give a date and it'll appear in the pivotal soon after. Doesn't make sense to drop it unannounced because it's better for the network to have more node operators ready to begin right when mainnet is live.
Nathan Nguyen
This will literally change the way we eat forever
>kanye knew
Jonathan Gonzalez
Pic related is from Sep 10 2018
Christian Reyes
That's exactly how the alpha node happened. They created the chainlink repository the night before he actually announced it at the bitcoin super conference and no one noticed until a few hours later. I think it makes sense to announce it too, but that's not how they've operated so far, though maybe that's different because of the open pivotal tracker.
Justin Gutierrez
Which one?