Just lost a friendship over George bushes death. I blew up on the guy I knew and redpilled him about 9/11 and the jews...

Just lost a friendship over George bushes death. I blew up on the guy I knew and redpilled him about 9/11 and the jews. Rip fuck em only person I had to hang out with. Now it's just me and my world of warcraft account and my ethereum I bought at $5. Fuck NPC niggers.

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You fucking sperg, at least you have nobody left to reveal your power level to

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was he jewish

Which crypto scammer is this

Lol sudo

>Now it's just me and my world of warcraft account and my ethereum I bought at $5

still sounds pretty comfy

this. read the bible too.

I nearly did the same think when McCain died and every magazine and news organization was calling him an american hero

Worst part is you're completely wrong about any Jews/911

Praise Kek! He has devoured another soul. God would have mercy on you but his power doesn't reach into the Frog's stomach.

you had a 50% chance of picking the right George Bush
I'm here to tell you you got the wrong one

WoW servers are still up? fucking lol

Redpill me about 9/11 OP

HAHAHAHA! Time to an hero incel faggot!

Your paranoid hate will continue chasing all of the sane, stable people in your life away. At some level you are doing them a service.

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When are you going to realize that you've become the stereotypical raving crazy conspiracy theorist that nobody likes? No, you don't have some special insight or secret knowledge about the inner workings of the world, some "inconvenient truth." It just feels that way. You just fell into the same trap that all conspiracy theorists fall into.

he's better off without you

This is a thread made by bots for the purpose of IP collection
If you post in this thread you consent to being put on Santa's Naughty List
Stay safe out there frens

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Planes cant go that fast that low without tearing apart and are impossible to control at that speed as well


What does that mean?

I think they did a really good job sweeping it under the rug. After all the accusations of a conspiracy no official independent research was done and almost no audience is given to the facts pertaining 9/11. I don't live in the USA so there's no reason for me to talk about this with people that often and I never do anymore which tells me they did a really good job sweeping it under the rug. Europe doesn't bother criticising the USofA and leaves them to handle that internally, but they sure are quick to criticize anyone else but their NATO allies. But from what I remember, a lot of people claiming contrary to government opinion on what happened died in very suspicious circumstances. There are people who testify having heard explosions before planes ever hit the building, engineers claim that steel bars would not have melted at the tempratures the crashing planes caused. Somewhat more mainstream criticism is the fact that the Towers were built with the possibility of a low flying plane crashing into the building to be able to withstand such an impact. And the fact that the actual collapse of the towers looked more like a controlled explosion.
More rumor based conspiracies are that people saw presumably agents go in and out of the building weeks before the tradegy (rumored to have been planting bombs in key parts of the fundamental structure of the tower.

However, the most intriguing evidence to support conspiracy theorists is tower 9 (I believe its called tower 9 or 7). There is footage of the media reporting, I believe BBC, on the incidint before it actually occured. Tower ''9'' was also never hit by a plane and just collapsed for no good reason and no good reason has ever been given, completely ignored and swept under the rug.


Angry, racist red neck wondering why he has no friends.


Come home.

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one of the problems is that if you go down any specific rabbit hole there are so many "coincidences" in so many places that it's easy to miss the forest for the trees. for example your part about people seeing agents go into the tower for the weeks beforehand you will find that maintenance work was being done which required the unprecedented full shutdown of power in the weeks prior, and also that wirt walker III marvin bush's business partner (president's brother) did the security for WTC. the whole thing is so intricately tied together with so many parties benefiting from it that it becomes too confusing to try to separate the important information from what doesn't matter. what we know for sure is that the official explanation does not make sense

What the fuck has Bush Snr got to do with 9/11?

It's what you get for being a retarded nazi OP

yeah we should all believe what the news tells us to believe
fuck off normie

(((nothing at all)))

OP can i inherit your ETH b4 you kys? If you don't kys I'll give it back

if you only knew..

Go become a body builder OP or an ultra runner.

No he’s not

And he killed cryptos one and only true hope in 1963

Israeli agents were living next door to the supposed 9/11 hijackers. They had their phones tapped and knew everything that was going to happen on 9/11.

They had a front company called Urban Moving Systems based in New Jersey which transporter the 9/11 hijackers from where they received their flight training in Florida to live in NJ.

They were seen celebrating the first plane hitting from the parking lot of Doric Towers in NJ (which overlooks the Manhattan skyline) when the first plane hit, so a tenant who witnessed this reported their license # to the police.

Later that evening their van was pulled over with a van “packed full of explosives” - enough to “do great damage to the George Washington bridge” which was their target according to the famous TV anchor Dan Rather.

Fox News Carl Cameron did. 4 part series investigating this before Fox was told to quit talking about it. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Research “Ryan Dawson”, he has the best films about 9/11

he didn't sold ethereum at $1000

look up
>lucky larry

Look at the retarded, non-sensical drivel that comes out when a twoofer comes out.

>There are people who testify having heard explosions before planes ever hit the building
>And the fact that the actual collapse of the towers looked more like a controlled explosion.

What fantastic, bullet-proof, undeniable evidence, how can anyone believe the official story now.

In a few years we are coming up to two decades since the attack happened, and not a single testimony, document, picture, video or witness has come forward with ANY information that supports a conspiracy. Literally nothing.

The only conspiracy is that a bunch of mudshits managed to take advantage of poor airport security and incompetent government security.

Moreover, even with the greatest source of human information at your fingertips, you still repeat the same old tired arguments; repeated even in the face of undeniable logical arguments such as the sheer number of people that would have to be involved in this conspiracy, and the consequences of being caught (public executions).

Lastly, what are you even proving? You will never be able to prosecute the government unless you have undeniable proof, nor are you actually tackling inflation, wars, welfare, regulation and general totalitarian. You're just another mindless loser.

unironically get mental help
>everyone rejects my toxic personality and insane beliefs
>it must be everyone else who is wrong
narcissism is a disease

Not an argument

I'm not making an argument dumbass
I'm dropping a redpill as requested

I lost all my friends because im a sociopath... i know the feels, nigger

Ppl still play wow? Just kill yourself already faggot, youre worthless

>believing in an imaginary faggot
Never gonna make it

What the fuck did George HW Bush have to do with 9/11?

You know that George HW Bush and George W Bush were two different people, right retard? You're probably an underaged retard born in 2000 so probably not.

Anyone born after 1997 should be perma'd for being a stupid faggot that knows nothing about the world. I hate zoomers so much.

I lost a friend over ripple. Cuck wanted feds to come in and shut down other coins so ripple does better. Cant believe he use to be an open source ancap kind of guy. Now he retweets david Swartz and tiffany non stop.

they are in the same skull and cross bones faggot

please kys, its all realative