Are gfs worth it?

Are gfs worth it?

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worth what

You should see the wallet after 3 children. Use protection kids

They’re not if you’re a beta provider like your pic suggests.

I recently got a gf and I can’t stop spending fucking money on her. She never asks me for money or to spend money on her but I just want to do things for her. She comes from a very poor family and I just want her to experience some of the luxuries in life. Fuck bros, am I cucked?

yes, most likely she's using you as a cash cow, while fucking chad on the side

If she turns into a capable and understanding wife, and a loving and stern mother to your children in the end.

yeah for me it's like i only had debt and clothes with holes in and lived with my mother before gf and now i got significant savings a well paying job and she improved my clothing habits also altho i still don't like to spend money on them.

Good for you OP. How did you make it? Study/work hard?

it was always my main problem that i had low self esteem and no ambition combined with severe learning difficulties. what happened is we got together for some reason and she managed to make me want more from life. she also kindled my ambition. we both tried to make at least as much as the other to have balance in our savings and finances and it got us both ahead step by step. so it was a good thing i guess. great positive overall.

If you easily can afford it, no. If you’re blowing a significant % of your income on her, yes. I literally make 12x as much money as my gf so I feel like it’s natural that I pay for more things than she does. In return she takes care of the home and cooks more than me. Also, she buys me just as many gifts as I buy for her.

A good rule of thumb is if your gf expects you do to 50% of the housework and cooking then you shouldn’t be spending more money than her. If you don’t live with your gf then it’s almost always a bad idea to blow a lot of money on her.

and the funny thing her entire carrier is probably built around her moving to the same city i lived in. it's kinda crazy, we barely knew each other she said she already liked me enough to find a job opening here she started with hotline work and worked her way up to second line and app support and now dev ops. she is making about 4 times she used to and even that was a great job compared to her prospects at home.

so it's not like i was just rescued by her we built our life up with mutual support. she made the greater leap of faith getting together that's for sure.

i'm coding did freelance work occasionally when we met, after we moved in together i had to get a steady job as a junior dev. later was senior and led projects and now i'm doing architect work. i'm making 4-5 times than i started with also.

i don't know what makes relationships work or not i never understood women, but there are good ones out there.

Really good to hear man. Nothing better than having someone that brings the best out of you

That's the funny thing I learned about trading securities: It started with the simple "buy low, sell high", sure how hard could it be? In a month or two, the stock breaks your heart and go run to advisers who don't have investments themselves and tell you what to do and the same thing screws you over. In time you get more and more fancy stuff and ching-chong indicators, youtube gurus in their rented suits telling you jackshit, your friends telling you this and that and you bite. Father time cracks a cold one and you take a good long look at your portfolio. Yep, you're down 50, you're like, "I gotta let it go man, cash could be elsewhere", and you hover the pointer in sell but in the last few minutes you withdraw. The market closes. You missed the opportunity. You sit down and get yourself a nice glass of whatever the fuck you want but you fight-off the need for something stronger and the last pangs of regret that whisks through your mind. Same shit happens, now 65. Then 72. 78. 90... You have just enough credit for a nice sturdy 4 foot fiber rope, but then it moons. You have suddenly acquired a vast fortune, the heavens part, and some ancient divine deity with his voice resonating in cadence with the sonic booms of F-15s with vapor trails flying in formation tells you "You have hodl'd ur time in hell, nigga".

yeah the financial aspects are great and i mentioned it because op asked if it's worth it. but there are always compromises in a relationship. and that's fine really that's why it's a relationship. but it's grinding us up. we are like the meme boomers that will get rich by the time their life nearly ended and constantly tired not able to enjoy our finest years to the fullest. fuck this fucking scam they call wagecucking!

how old were you when u met your gf?

28. i only had 1 gf before her that didn't last very long and didn't end well.

If you are a chad they pay you

No. Acquiring a gf is operating at a loss.

I hope this is a meme and you didn't actually take the time to type it out.