Is this what college is like?

Am I missing out by not going? I want to bareback barely legal cunt :(

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Some, but definitely not all. Check out the party scene prior to deciding which college to attend if you decide to go. Some are super fucking boring and full of ppl who think a party is a 12 pack and a couple friends.

If you are the kind of guy the look for, you wouldn’t give these skeezers the time of day. Nothing is more annoying than these types.

Yes but most sluts aren't as obvious. Still I would raw dogg that one on the left

Just go to a bar a pick up a chick loser


>No condoms
Enjoy your menagerie of STDs

Shimmy-shimmy ya shimmy yo shimmy yay

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No. Its a lie. Only chad is invited to these parties. Sorry bro.

>Is this what college is like?
No. College is for learning.

>Am I missing out by not going?
You get to talk to smart people, and MAYBE learn some life things.

>be the biggest whore you could possibly be when you should be looking for a long-term mate
>wonder why nobody wants you after hitting the wall

The absolute state of retard wimin

It's all Tinder nowadays, dude.

imagine the smell

Those girls are young and stupid. Go to college for the education and networking.

In all actuality very few women actually post shit like that or do those things in real life, sure they might talk about stuff like that with their friends and they def are having way more sex then the average male but this site likes to take extremes and pretend it’s the norm. Yes women’s nature is not like your Disney films, but no your average college girl isn’t getting gang banged by niggers every weekend like Jow Forums would have you believe.

>Go to college for the education
Dude what the fuck


And I went to one of the biggest party schools in NY, But this was early 00's. I graduated in 2008, and before the only biggest social media was myspace, and facebook was only made for people with .EDU emails.

I can't imagine what kind of cancer it is today, with social media and dating apps. I'd imagine the bars are most likely quiet with only lit up faces from phone screens.

go to a state school in your state if thats what you want. it should be relatively affordable and of all the colleges I went to that I had friends at (other than the Ivy Leagues) state schools had the best parties. Nowadays the Ivy Leagues probably don't even have parties because there are too many nigger lesbians

Depends where u go. But pretty much every school has some form of variation to this. However girls in college are smarter than your average roastie so it's not as easy as it seems. You have to be good looking that's all

Oh but most important is friends or networking. U need a large group of friends for really easy tang

lmao, i spent last year at uni with a group of chads and stacies with majority doing engineering, we were 5 per flat and tended to go out in groups of 10-20
There was a few girls bringing different dudes from the club back each week, a couple even had long distance boyfriends.
the best looking and outgoing guys were banging different girls each time we went out, 1-3 times a week
the sailing club my close friend was in mentioned there were 2 girls in it that had fucked most of the guys in the club including him.
they are as degenerate as you imagine.

promiscuous sex is bad for your mental health in the long run
always strive for the right one

>your mental health

can't read number 9. at the fridge
"no penor blocks" wtff?

You know how I know you’re LARPING? Kek, I’m what you nerds would consider a chad and yes I’ve witnessed first hand how women will swallow my load within 24 hours of meeting me and then text their orbiters while laying in bed naked after I just jizzed down her throat saying “teehhee maybe we can go get a coffee sometime billy beta”, yes a decent amount of them are sluts, guess what? Most guys would throw their mom down a flight of steps for a whiff of pussy both sides are to blame. The point I’m simply making is this website attracts a lot of incels that try to make the extremes seem like the norm when that’s not the case. Sluts like to make it seem like their behavior is normal so they don’t feel bad about it.

I’m at Kent State and a couple girls on my dorm floor get fucked by different guys each week, everyone knows it. I confronted one of them and her response was “if guys can have sex why can’t we tee hee ;)”

I think I’m done with American “””women”””, what disgusting creatures.

>I confronted one of them
"Hey you, slut. What gives you the right to have multiple sexual partners when none of them are ME?"

>Kent read, Kent write, Kent State

Found your problem.

Imagine beeing the 15 y o kid of one of this females, seeing this picture

rule 2 doesn't belong, strange to put it there

also this

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if you are Chad you don't need to go to college to fuck these sluts anyway

true but many aren't using their bodies for the intended purpose of finding a man who will stay with them even after having sex and to protect her and their children

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>girls in college are smarter than your average roastie

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>However girls in college are smarter than your average roastie

Biggest lie I've ever heard in my life

It's no worse than perusing Jow Forums.

Only if you’re acttractive

Why do guys that don't have sex hate women so much?

Is there a psychological explanation?

I feel like you rarely see guys that have regular sex talking shit about women, while guys that either A) have never had sex before or B) only pay for sex regularly post about their disdain for women. Just an observation.

self hatred

>No black cocks

>Implying those girls in OPs pic are clean as a whistle

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I can't count the number of times I had unprotected sex with a drunk thot

>I feel like
>Just an observation.

He said, regurgitating a received opinion.

Nice rebuttal.

deprivation of basic human and psychological needs tends to foster negative behavior

>Why do guys that don't have sex hate women so much?
You are missing the point here. Its because women act like total degenerate slimeballs now and are sleazy as hell and its eating away at the bedrock of society. And before you call me an incel I am married with kids and have plenty of sex.

Not even commenting on the opinion itself - just pointing out that you're an NPC.

Fathers that treat woman (their mums) bad or an unhealthy relationship with their mother perhaps.
Yes thats probably what its like if you're not studying something like math or quantum physics. This picture seems a bit extreme though

No cock blocks.

Ok man, thanks for your really intriguing input.

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This. Chicks are so lazy, picking up someone is considered creepy.
>t. 8/10 ottermode

I can get with this they are kind of destroying our society but women are children and it’s jews/elites that are programming them to act that way.

>This picture seems a bit extreme though

It’s not in today’s day and age

Seriously my only problem is with fucking child support and alimony.

If I make 150k and you make 40k, and we have 50/50 custody, I shouldn't have to pay you shit.

Just dumped a super qt3.14 because I wasn't gonna give her financial leverage over me. Sorry girl.

>Is this what college is like?
if you're chad, yes
but if you're the kind of guy who browses Jow Forums, the only thing you'll ever get from girls like that is a disdainful look

The degeneracy of college roasties will be tempting and you'll be angry that you're missing out, but trust me desu your life will be better without it

>See this garbage post, realizing that there are autistics on this board Not realizing this is bait.

I wasted 4 years of my life on college.

Yes I did drugs and alcohol, and fucked a bunch of women. But it was 4 years of my life down the drain, I have nothing to show for my degree (business admin) and $50k in debt.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that going to college was the biggest mistake of my life.

If you really need the "college experience", take out a loan for $20k get a shitty little apartment in a college town, and just drink and have fun, and fuck women, until the money runs out. A lot cheaper and less time than wasting 4 years of your life and $40k+ in debt.

If I could do it again I would have chosen plumbing at age 18

Like previous poster said, the comments here reflect nothing but the sad negative things that happen to the brain of a young man who isn't cumming in someone regularly.

You people really scare me...half of you take the sexual frustration and get Jordan Peterson woke the other half are ready to kick a homeless person to death or become modern day Gestapo.

I never did any of this at college. Stayed at home/dorm, walked around with a friend or two, snuck alcohol into the dorm.

Correct which is why we need to redirect peoples anger at the elites (jews).

Even tough you are right to some extent. It still shows that: people that are fully contempt with their life and have for example all their needs fulfilled: like sexuality in your example. They will always live a mediocre a lifestyle. They dont want anything or anyone to change? What for? They dont have a problem with the current situation or environment because they are doing good in it. They are much more prone to follow a herd mentality actually fooling themselves that they are thinking for themselves.

Basically you are biased either way, if you get laid frequently or if you never got laid. Your opinion will be heavenly influenced that way. Here on Jow Forums it is the one extreme of people that dont have rather success with women therefore a lot of opinions are flawed.

But one thing you have to admit that atleast here the discussion is sparked, something that barely happens in real life

Took the plumbing pill at age 19, currently 24 now with a house, a wife, and a newborn living in South Florida. Glad I never went to college but sometimes dream about just sitting in an office chair all day.


Why are white women so disgusting compared to asian women?

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society isn't built by drowning yourself in pussy, that's just your choice of escape

The worst. The absolute lowest form of my life right now.

Im 2nd year, and i hate college. I hate everything about it.
>will there be sex
hnmmmmmm, are you
-6'3 feet tall?
-strong defined jaw line?
-muscular and ripped?
-rich enough to afford expensive clothes
then yes, there will be sex. if not, youre going to be a virgin here forever.

When i was in highschool, i was somewhat depressed, but college is absolutely devastating. like, college is the first time where i started having regular fantasies of shooting up the place.

The parties are fucking awful. Worst thing in the world. Ive been to some frat parties. heres what they do
>loud shitty music blastic of the top 30 or any nigger rap classic
>roasties: "woooooo!, i recognize this song"
>guys, "EH, EH, EH"
there will be on guy at a party who can actually dance well, and hell pretty much dominate the part

The first thing you do at a party is get smashed drunk. Not because its fun to be drunk, but so you can stop feeling depression.
And then once youre drunk, you can try to talk to girls. Now, the pretty chads can get a girl to come home with him. But you? Theyll give you a look of digust and tell you flat out to fuck off, before you even say a word.

And thats all you do at a party. Listen to shitty, HORRIBLE rap and pop music, and get rejected by every girl. Where is the fun? this is not fun in anyway at all

Clubs are the fucking worst.
i HATE, bouncers. part of the reason why i workout is, is i want to take one of those fucking bouncers at a night club, and bash their fucking fat nigger face against the wall.
The club scene is just the same as a the party, pretty much, except you need to pay $10 to enter, and pay for expensive drinks.
its fucking horrible.

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Nice, just bought 100k

Seek help. Not even memeing, seek mental help.

I can go on and on how much college fucking sucks and is the most excruciating thing on the planet.

School Clubs? you think clubs are fun?
First off, clubs ARE a sausage fest. Every single club ive been to, its mostly guys. And i dont even join seclusive nerd clubs. I did stuff like tea club and shit. and its all fucking guys. And, its a bunch of guys who are thirsty for pussy like yourself. Even clubs where theres lots of girls, like track club i went. Yeah, theres 15 girls there, but theres 30 guys.
There will ALWAYS be more guys than girls.
girls dont need to go to school clubs. Girls just have to ask one of their 100 likes on tinder to let them join their friend group or hang out with chad chaddington on the floor, to get automatic friends.

Everyone at school club is a fucking casual if youre into the hobby. And if you know nothing about the hobby, you wont fit in because everyone knows too much about it.
Club meetings are boring as fuck. You sit there listening to some jerk off the same age as you give a lexture about k pop or some shit. All the guys their commence in their virgin discussion. The very few girls there, all gather amongst themselves and ignore all the guys. THey may only fuck one guy at the club at most.

School clubs are pretty much the same as the party scene, except no alcohol.
it fucking sucks

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aww does the truth hurt you?

sorry, not every guy on the planet lives the top 10% guys easy life.
that, or youre a roastie

Holy christ, mega boomer detected. Keep telling yourself that to cope with the fact that getting laid in college has never been easier.

Whoa you have profound inaccuracies in that view. You are asssuming a lot of things as truth when in fact you can’t prove that anybody feels any of those things. Anyone that has a regular. & healthy (as defined by being in a monogamous relationship in this context) sexual life doesn’t have as much reason to be bashing the opposite gender based on sexuality. You didn’t provide any evidence that this is in any way materially harmful to individuals, in fact, the literature suggests that monogamous relationships are beneficial to human growth and development as well as for society.

I do absolutely agree with you that this a great place to get an unvarnished view of a certain segment of primarily young males views on sexual culture and sex in general.

These shiksas would make wonderful mothers

not worth the time OP. most of these roasties will be useless after 3 years. it's a fucking cesspool of dumb cunts who think their pussy is worth anything.

>aww does the truth hurt you?

You're clearly mentally ill and vaguely threatening to shoot up your school.

go ahead. all you fucking non virgin faggots
describe how anything i say here is wrong.

and no, im not gonna shoot up my school. you normies get so offended for people calling you out on your shit, and then act like everyone is the next elliot rodgers

How about talking to people at college?
The fucking worst. if youre a white guy, if you have to talk like this just to make friends
and im not trying to impersonate blacks. thats seriously how white guys talk all the time at college. They talk like theyre imitating their favorite rap song. If you dont talk like this, theyre going to think your weird. Because, god forbid, someone doesnt talk like theyre from the ghetto!

Or how about the asians? Yeah, why not make asian friends
Asian guys are notoriously racist. They come to america, yet.... they mostly speak chinese. their english SUUUUCKS. I wonder if I spoke chinese i would have an easier time getting into their friend groups.
Either way, they do not want to interact or be around white people at all. The asians stick to themselves, have their own parties, and pretend like no other race is there. WHY THE FUCK DO THEY COME TO AMERICA THEN??

Indian guys are the same

Black guys? They are a mix between the asians and white guys.

Female friends.
this is when you see how awful creatures women are. NO, i did not hit on a single one of these females.
When you make a female friend, usually its like this. You hang out with her, and her friends, for one time. And they make it seem like youre fun to be around, and that you might actually be friends all year. Like, youll be studying for an exam for quiz or something with you female friends, and spend all this time together.

And then after that first meeting, they ghost you. Never respond to a single text again. Even though all you did was just hang out with them to study, and they made it seem like you were going to be friends, youre not.
You might think this is weird, but im just telling you like it is.

Females love ghosting guys. They love getting hopes up all the time.

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this guy is more right than he is wrong... with an added dose of pessimism i think and i think a lot of people have this type of experience in college

Its alot worse when all youve (((watched))) in your life growing up and hearing is how amazing college is and how much sex you should get in those 4 years, so you go in expecting that youll pay all this money but youll be glad you did

Anyway OP

Anyone telling you they had sex at college is a fucking chad with god-tier genetics or they got lucky.

College is fucking awful. I can go on and on how fucking much of a cesspool and failure of humanity college life is.
If you had the oppurtunity to avoid college, do it.

Heres what i rec instead of going to college
1. photoshop all your tinder images to look like a chad
2. bang a bunch of roastie sluts on tinder
and there.
you already did everyting anyone in college hopes to achieve socializing.

fuck college.
im tempted to start calling random girls on the street whores. They'd probably like that, since all college women are human garbage dumps.

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