What is the worthiest of all tax deductible charities?

What is the worthiest of all tax deductible charities?

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Even among animal interest groups that's one of the worst.

Answer me Jow Forums

Anti-Defamation League

Any charities that are both specific and have a small area (local) are the best. Otherwise, your money will be wasted on niggers in Africa


I don't have any exceptional love to the people closer to me. What kind of charity though?

This. And VDare. The only reason I use LTC.



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delet this

Anything dealing with childrens' hospitals.

You heard the man, OP. Planned Parenthood it is.

Are you implying pp isn't a good org? Cause it definitely is

Reminder that SENS has made near 0 progress is curing aging.
Reminder that curing aging is more difficult than curing cancer

It almost definitely isn't

Then why bother making this thread? Go donate to Planned Parenthood, and get those niggers off the street before they're even there.

We actually understand more about the process of cancer growth than we do about the causes of aging

>inb4 muh senolytics
>inb4 muh telomeres

I asked for the worthiest, not everything worthy
>we don't know the reasons
>inb4 the reasons
Also lack of knowledge =! Complexity
Cancer has literally millions of times more funding, of course it is better understood

None. Charities are master scammers

>killing niggers
>not the worthiest cause of all

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>the future might be worth living in


>Are you implying pp isn't a good org? Cause it definitely is

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Toilets for Pajeet

I generally don't judge by race, but indians disgust me and I'm glad they're swimming in their own shit

I doubt too many people on here itemize (therefore they can't deduct charitable contributions), since tax reform increased the standard deduction significantly. Anyway, St. Jude is undoubtedly the best charity on Earth.

>find decent charity
>nearly half the budget goes towards advertisement
every time

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This post is dumb as fuck, srs
Have you even looked at what they did in 2017, let alone this year ?

OP, I just got a new nonprofit. Donate to me, i donate to you.

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anyone who unironically believes in cryonics needs to look more deeply into it. complete scam. they use fancy language to obscure the fact that they basically sawing your head off and putting it in coolant in a refrigerator.

Depends. Is the Ku Klux Klan a charity?

t. NiggerFag

Local animal shelters

Project Prevention

bothers me that a suitable IRL photo couldn't be found for the last frame

Look into GiveWell

I would go for Against Malaria Foundation

>hating niggers so much that even your favorite animal is white

Unironically the EFF


Built and ran by the best

Understanding how something works doesn't necessarily mean they're close to finding solutions. The latest cancer drugs don't work on the vast majority of patients and sometimes these drugs accelerate cancer. They're just shooting shit in the dark.


>Planned Parenthood to clean up our streets