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To Lightcoin? why?

i sold my house to buy litecoin at 27

>there are Facebook Apple Googles reading this who bought Charlie Lee's bags for three hundred and eighty dollars per litecoin

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This resembles completly what faggots plebbitors are. Pseudointellectuals that turn everything in the favor of the sub they posting in.


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For a piece of shit coin that was never really developed that served no value or purpose? No thanks. LTC was always a shitcoin and Charles burned a bunch of idiots. Good riddence.

first time I saw this lmao.

Even though my dumb ass did still buy a bag at 48 a couple weeks ago.

I bought at $27, I have no regrets. litecoin historically just follows bitcoin, it's the silver to bitcoin's gold.

Tbh, I like litecoin, but it's tainted by its bagholders.

no need brother I'm on the lite coin train. Lite coin is the only altcoin that matters, it's the coin that's most likely to be used as an actual currency rather than just some numbers that people buy to watch go up and down.

bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin are the only cryptos I'm interested in. I don't watch the alt market like an autist.

I've already seen an increase in litecoin by 20%...no regrets

Litecoin is utter garbage. My guess is that Lee will push ct on this turd (after hiring somehow to copy paste it from blockstream's elements project/Liquid).
I hate that lazy chink, copy pasting bitcoin code and trying to steal its marketshare. Those 20k daily ltc transactions? Those belong to bitcoin. Fuck litecoin.

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Did you sell the top?

t. angry bitcoin maximalist

i got the recent bottom. i missed the first ride, now i will hold until 1k-2k at least.

1K sounds absurb. But if you told me litecoin would reach $300 last year I'd have said the same.
Will hodl my tiny bags with you in mind

It'll unironically flip it.

what's litecoins current price? I refuse to look at CMC or any site because it's emotionally distressing.

>founder shamelessly dumped his project (and dignity of the project) on his supporters for money with no remorse or any emotion (typical chink behavior)
>a literal copypaste coin with literally nothing new to bring to the table
>only IQ 80 boomers buying it
>technically even worse investment than fucking XRP
no, not going to apologize

when he dumped, he warned everyone that he was expecting a multi-year bear market.

Litecoin hate comes mostly from bcashies.

theres alot of bcashies in here