I almost made it to buy this
My dreamhouse, what's yours?
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You must like being cold in the winter.
that isn't a real house you idiot
This is like super endgame though, my "dream" house right now is something cheaper that needs a little bit of work done to it but has room to grow. Id like something like pic related as a cabin with the option of moving into to it if I want
Something with a mezzanine I guess
>i ran out of ideas so here's a wall full of windows
Architects are fucking stupid
what a shit house OP
It makes sense if this is what you're seeing out those windows. You're fucking stupid if you have a nice cabin on a lake and you don't have a whole wall of windows.
good ones tend to work on big projects and not small houses
Looks like something that was designed in Terraria.
That picture is taken from outside, and you don't need more than a few windows at close to floor level if you're gonna look outside. The point of a house is to be inside, not simulate the outside experience and lose a fuckton of heat through windows that you'll never think about. lmao.
You obviously haven't woken up early to watch the sunrise over the lake while you sit in your warm living room with a cup of coffee. Or your pleasantly cool living room if its in the summer. Floor to ceiling windows literally make a cabin from meh to breath taking with one wall.
They also have windows now with U values of like 0.15, which is about 2/3 as energy efficient as an insulated wall, maybe a little bit more. Definitely not as efficient as if you were to living in an insulated prison cell, but you totally lose that "wow" factor you get every single time you wake up by opting to have a lakefront wall. If you live in an overcrowded urban shithole then floor to ceiling windows aren't necessary, but it 100% is along a body of water.
why no terrace though
Check out what I can get here in the midwest for what will only be 339 stinky linkies.
Because it's the aesthetic I'd want, but not the exact home. I would like to hire the architect though.
something like this with my neighbors being quiet, gun wielding, salt of the earth type.
Houses like this look nice but would be a maintenence nightmare
I'm already home, frens.
fucking comfy
A lot of neoclassical architecture in the USA was built with imported marble from Europe.
Postmodern architecuter (when done right aka done by and for the wealthy) focuses on combining locally sourced materials with imported materials to minimize cost and environmental impact to create structures that have very low heating and cooling loads.
I just love clean lines
>its better cause its old hahahah
how often are buildings abandoned these days though, they get knocked down before they turn into "toxic eyesores"
Imagine living in skyrim.
something like pic related
>all this modernist shit itt
Kys, you fucking philistines. Belle Epoque Art Nouveau or bust.
Place looks perfect to spy on the whole town or let the whole town spy on you. Would get way to paranoid living there.
Neat exterior, needlesly cramped, inefficient interior. No thanks
So basically Bojack's pad?
I'm going to hire an architect to build me new ones of course. If I make it I will try to trigger an Art Nouveau revival across Europe.
looks kinda worn down
>unironically building a new version of an archaic architectural style
do you ride a penny farthington to work too npc? lmao this is your brain on Jow Forums
Im already frugal by nature and once Ive made it I plan on continuing to live very spartan. Insert generic picket fence suburb house picture.
They are about 120 years old, what do you expect?
>archaic architectural style
This is your brain on progressivism. Technically art nouveau and deco are modernist and about as old as stuff like bauhaus or the international style. End your life.
It's Australia you fucking dickhead
Is that really the frugal option?
There are some low energy houses that can drastically reduce costs.You can even build them relatively cheap but it won't be generic at all.
Penny farthingtons are that old too. So ride your penny farthington to work tomorrow you larping sissy lmao. I hate you dust kissing right wing incels
Cant find meaning anything that hasnt acquired a thick enough layer of dust and you only have these ideas about art because a message board told you it was the right way to feel. Kill yourself NPC
In terms of architecture 100 years are nothing, considering that people STILL use neo classic architecture. You think that everything new is good and that everything old is bad. You are the reason our culture is decaying in an endless mealiness see of consumerist hedonistic culture. Your time will end soon, you fucking modernist progressive philistine.
>They are about 120 years old, what do you expect?
Maybe a fresh coat of paint
Found you
Old = good
Yeah, maybe this will be more suitable for your tastes.
>Old = good
No necessarily, but certainly in terms of general aesthetics, which went to shit some time between 1920 and 1940. And I own zero Vinyl Records, streaming all of my music from youtube.
God, I wish I could beat you do death. You have no idea how much your attitude embodies everything I detest. Look at this comfy street. Bug NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's old, better tear it all down and replace it with some commie blocks. Fuck you!
Worship of the past is for tour guides, not heroes. You and people like you will never be anything more than epigone's. Your outlook on art is antithetical to the nature of man. You are a dust kissing NPC. These ideas you have on art is an expression of your need to assimilate. You think its a genuine expression of your desire. But you just happen to share the exact same opinion as your ideological partners. You are a non play character, a subhuman. You spend your strength partly in the process of assimilation, partly in defending yourself, and partly in responding to stimuli. A profound enfeeblement of spontaneity:
I hate your guts and i hope you kill yourself
You know nothing, you leftist degenerate. People like you will never understand what it is like to be human.
Also why would I prefer old architecture in order to assimilate into a culture filled with cretins like you who despise everything old because their brains have been poisoned with the progress meme? It makes no sense. If anything being a reactionary makes me an outsider and I am fine with that. I will never conform to the like of you. Go choke on your own vomit.
>hes a proud reactionary
There is nothing wrong with being a reactionary in a world gone mad.
That's a comfy ass looking street. Jews hate this.
ill buy a place similar to this. the courtyard is what i enjoy the most. i wouldn't mind if it were a modern design.
There's an easy explanation why "old" is liked - it's more complex. Modern buildings are simple in outer design and simple is not stimulating for the brain. Nobody finds stonehenge better than a castle despite being much older. It's not about age therefore.
It's Quebec. Unique for being the only part of the new world that could be mistaken for europe. Frogs have good taste. That being said, I don't blame the jews for this. Nazi architecture in the 1930s was just as bad.
Thank you. I'm too angry to make this point proper, but I 100% agree with you. It's not about age, it's about aesthetics. I don't care if a building was put up yesterday or 1000 years ago as long as it looks good.
No one said it had to be pink paint, you melodramatic fruit
found the manlet
Strange. I have a pic of the same house from a different angle. Must be popular.
If you're rich you can make it real.
Disgusting pleb faggot.
How much/what state OP? Really nice taste.
>what are these type of houses called? are there any like this in the uk?
You must like being cold in the nuclear winter
Art Nouveau is beautiful, reminds me of the elves from LotR.
>let's throw away all craftsmanship and artful complexities for a soulless, simple, industrial design of basic geometric shapes simply, well, just because (I'd say efficient but there are plenty of inefficient examples of post-modern buildings).
>You spend your strength partly in the process of assimilation, partly in defending yourself, and partly in responding to stimuli. A profound enfeeblement of spontaneity:
You're a lot closer to the same shit that you hate than you realize.
Don't bother. Your opponent is a huge brainlet who probably lives in a cardboard box.
>new age yuppie apartment
>expects neighbours to be rednecks instead of new age yuppies
Some small house in the middle of nowhere to have no people and low taxes. The only thing that stops me is that such places either don't have internet or have shit internet.
Fake and gay. You people make everything look the same because you hate skill and creativity. It reminds you that people aren't equal, that you have no skill or creativity yourselves. You hate authenticity because you have nothing authentic yourself. Everything you say and do is based on envy of those that are better than you.
imagine being a petit borgeoise projecting this much literally why bullshit onto someone as a supposed explanation for why they don't think "all new architecture is bad xd" in an attempt to feel aristocratic.
imagine being this pathetic.
>reviving dead aesthetics
>creating new aesthetics
>not skill
kys Jow Forumstard
I want a comfy apartment in a high-rise building. I've never lived in an apartment before, but I don't really need the space of a house and I like the idea of living high up in the sky.
it just looks better unlike the two postops in that pic
>creating new aesthetics
None of the new buildings in this thread are even slightly interesting. They are monuments to the death of craftsmanship, authenticity and art. You are pathetic slaves to the weakest parts of your souls, communist soldiers of Satan.
At what point did I praise any of the buildings in this thread kid?
Pic related its you btw, larper
Lol imagine how much of a larper you would have to be to buy a house that disgusting
Then where is this new aesthetic that you mentioned that's supposedly carrying the torch of human creativity forward?
The ideologies of the 20th century should all be scrapped and ignored. Everything anyone in the 20th century and beginning of the 21st said was deluded nonsense. To create again you have to build on what we have which means completely ignoring the most idiotic period in history or falling into the same idiotic traps. Stop being an idiot.
You're right we gotta bring it back to the right generation, when men were classy and we all lived in gothic cathedrals made of stone and wifes were enforced by the church
Lets do it brother, the future is ours, to move backwards into....
We have to move forward which means abandoning delusions of efficient global utopias. Enforce tariffs that force people to innovate using local materials, ingenuity and craftsmanship instead of global supply lines and established delusions. Stone is a great material and the church is the only thing that holds societies together.
>southern california or australia
>those steel structural members holding up the deck won't last longer than PT wood fyi, and they will be something to look at as they rust and drip rust all ofer the ground and house. architects don't give a fuck how the structure looks after 3-5 years. also your heating & cooling bills will be substantial in that glass box
because it's the stahl house from the case study program, it's an icon of modern architecture
I like the inter war design as well but not to live in
yeah I would love the house but not above LA fuck that place
I want Franklins House from GTAV. will never be a reality...
This. The 20th century is nothing but trash.
People who complain about mc masions are just salty millennials who will never be able to afford a home. Prove me wrong.
Hey, that's around my corner.
Practically made it.
Well this topic was enjoyable. We wouldn't be the internet if this thread about personal tastes didn't devolve to shitflinging on each other's preferences.