Satoshi posted "nour" on a message board last night for the first time in years. If anyone didnt figure out what he meant. He's confirming that btc with lightning network is the real btc. Not faggot ass craig wrights bsv(shitcoin version).
Nour > Light > Lightning Network
Other urls found in this thread:
ok satoshi officially is a corecuck weird, but understandable
at least he'll likely step in if core devs become more deluded
Why would someone post something that's barely cryptic? Any 9yo with google translate figured it out instantly... if that's the right message, why not straight up say LN? I think SN wants to lead people down the wrong path but the real OGs will figure out the truth.
also he believes bitcoin can be both a store of wealth and a currency
also weird, i thought he just realized he didn't calculate this part correctly and accepts bitcoin as a store of wealth rather than a currency
now that szabo is getting more involved craig is definitely gonna be btfo soon tho
Nah, he would just say it. Nothing he ever posted was a retarded riddle.
has he literally ever tweeted on BTC's recent advanements, like segwit, lightning netowrk, forks etc?
Szabo is based and redpilled AF.
>implying satoshi's accounts weren't compromised years ago
Please don't be gullible anons.
it never ceases to amuse me when late adopters like you try to pretend you were even around when satoshi was still developing bitcoin. if you were, you would have a full understanding about his assumptions of where the tech was, and where he envisioned it going, and how closely that correlates to where bitcoin so today, and especially how his feelings for minority forks that had to break his own consensus protection mechanisms in order to survive, like bitcash and its subsequent shitforks
I love Lightning Network but no that's not what he was doing, that account was hacked back in 2013
LN isn't part of btc
The account is hacked faggot coretard. Never forget pic related.
a currency is a store of wealth by most definitions.
replying to OP's post so others can find this comment reply easily. Please see below:
It was not hacked.
the bitcointalk DB was leaked in 2013. Google it, you can find it. You'll see satoshis user, his email at [email protected], and the HASH of his password. He's also the only user who's IP did not get documented in the leak.
Back to the HASH of his password. I can promise you, the password was changed before anyone could decrypt it. I can also almost PROMISE you it was at least a 32 character password containing multiple special letters and numbers. It would take years to crack.
Satoshi has never been hacked. A few trolls posted his hash saying they did, but no one could ever prove anything. His P2P profile is what he used back in 2014 to say he was not Dorian Nakamoto. He remained absent there until now. We have no reason to believe that this is not legitimate.
fuck, wrong pic. Not as cool anymore but here. Snowden is a meme so i apologize for that.
>We have no reason to believe that this is not legitimate.
Yes we do have reason to believe - the message wasn't signed with the genesis block
Authentic and Grass roots
DAE buy link?
DAE Nick szabo?
Based jihan, wtf i love communism now
Debasement is good because it makes me work harder!
Just bought 100k bonds and voluntary super contributions!
When the fuck has he done that? He has never before done that with any of his P2P posts/replies/emails/bitcointalk so why should he now? Like i said, we have no reason to believe that this is not legitimate.
I shouldn't have to explain this shit bruh
It has been a decade, he understands as well as any the risks of forum DB leaks and identity issues and how cryptography is the only way to avoid them, so he knows that if he doesn't sign his messages using the genesis block nobody should believe him
Plus "Nour" doesn't mean shit
Get out of BTC.
I see death in her eyes.
Interesting to see it called fire
Obviously means the phoenix is rising
Something will die and something will be born
I wonder if that will mean fiat will die or will it just be btc
The reason it seems barely cryptic, is because you're not looking hard enough.
That account accepted a many year old friend request from Wagner Tamanah.
Wagner Tamahana's twitter account has an eight character GPG key listed at the end of his twitter bio.
Convert the key from HEX to Decimal
5c0051a9 >=> 1543524777
That's a unix timestamp. What time does it work out to?
Oh it is happening.
Look at the color palette.
Now look at this color palette.
Oh, it is happening.
Why is he speaking sandnigger?
How old is the English Language?
It works out to around the time Satoshi's profile on p2pf came alive again.
According to wiki, started in 550
How old is sandnigger?
this is the shit I haven't figured out yet.. who is this dude, why did satoshi friend him, whats with that unix epoch date.. wtf is going on
And where did Hal Finney die?
Phoenix, Arizona.
>implying Satoshi's email wasn't hacked
That wasn't clear.
Hebrew is 3000 years old apparently
Arabic about half that. ... from what I could find.
No fuckin way
So wanna share some of that oldfag wisdom with us?
Holy fuck- I just realized
I just realized he's going to pump BSV to complete with BTC. fuckkk
Honestly , fiat dying would be...
I mean it is needed.. but the world...
so many people would lose their minds.
I think the crypto space can take the heat of shit dying left and right
but the rest of the world idk.
I would like to see fiat die and us to go gold/silver (coins) with bitcoin too, but overnight? Idk. Maybe over a few years.
dont ask me how i know this but phoenix arizona is on a 33 degree latitude line. Also he was born in Coalinga California. CC = 33 in Pythagorean numerology
Checked, both, fuck.
Wow this shit just keeps going deeper.
Based, redphilled, and confirmed.
also, cheked.
Yeah pretty hard to see how the collapse of fiat febt doesnt lead to ww3.
The pain it causes is the fault of those that started the money printing not those who destroy the debasement.
In any case its not possible to kick the can down the road forever, even if we wanted to
>Coalinga California
well after seeing all the pains people are going through to keep the masses from being disturbed i dont think they will just pull the plug ... it will be steady as she goes I think with a big top down push to get people out of the old system
When the U.S. dollar collapses, what would cause WW3? They would be in shambles and unable to pay for their massive military. The U.S. dollar will then be replaced by something else. However, all fiat currencies are tied to the dollar, meaning that all other countries would feel this very bad. No wonder Russia and China are already devaluing the dollar and buying gold in order to provide a safety net for when this happens.
The preppers idea of collapse doesnt happen, you get martial law then military victory or defeat. Look at weimar republic. The usd will loose 80% of its value against gold as it did in the 70s and 00s. Foreign countries will dump the usd as a reserve and therell be a fight over who re establishes the petro dollar/yuan. Or individuals across all nations will adopt bitcoin and subvert the communist nation state
The email address associated with that account (once belonging to Satoshi) was confirmed hacked or expired (and re-registered) you fucking faggot. Meaning recovering the login to that forum account as easy as resetting the password and waiting for the recovery email.
Nour also a huge stretch on meaning anything to do with lighting network
Fuck off
the fuck
wtf is going on
bsv equilibrium with btc?! im not buying that shitcoin
>i don't know enough about what i'm investing in to recognise the real bitcoin at 100 bucks again.
Gotta suck
>especially how his feelings for minority forks that had to break his own consensus protection mechanisms in order to survive
What were his feelings toward them? That Bitcoin had to suffer through the innumerable shitty hardforks to prove that it couldn't just be cloned and slapped with a new brand logo?
Fucking check'd what the fuck
>It has been a decade
>The absolute state of Jow Forums
He still has never signed with the genesis block, no one has. You literally can't fucking access the genesis block. No one can. That's why it's the genesis block.
This board used to be a really good place, and even i got here late. I thought only the OG's came here but no one here knows anything pre-late 2017 anymore.
My bad, i meant my last reply for
So what's the relevance of 33??
someone hacked satoshi's account. brilliant really, as people worship him
this picture is going to be remembered for MONTHS for misleading people into shifting away from BTC
>He still has never signed with the genesis block, no one has. You literally can't fucking access the genesis block. No one can. That's why it's the genesis block.
are u dum?
nu-hebrew is barely as old as English
hebrew-hebrew is a dead language
More like pondering the stupidity of the thing she heard, only to it becoming overwhelming.
This means literally nothing in Hebrew, there's no such word, and every vowel makes a big difference.
nour means light in Arabic
Satoshi being a corecuck? Can you imagine?
>the fire rises
>Satoshi posted "nour" on a message board last night for the first time in years.
Imagine being this much mentally handicapped retard believing it was Satoshi knowing that his emails got hacked years ago.