Regardless of whether you like him or not, Trump will probably win in 2020. How are you investing to make money off of his win?
Trump 2020
orange man bad
fuck off kike
no chance he's going to win. the democrats will come out in full force against him. they're not going to fuck around like they did with hillary.
Leftypol needs to leave already
the stock market already bounced back, they have no arguments
kys cuck
Create a cringy viral video with an anti-Trump tagline, and put it on a t-shirt.
they would have to find someone with a personality like Trump's since that's the standard Trump has set. there's no one on the left with as much swag to win against Trump in a battle of wits. all liberals are humorless s o y pussies. it's a mathematical impossibility.
Marijuanna stocks are in a bubble right now, they're gonna crash unless dems win 2020 and legalize it. If republicans win 2020 then there's no way they last til 2024
sell hats
can you run for president behind bars?
Get it on Redbubble and print millions. You're welcome.
just bet on him. you watch everyone write Trump off again, he might even be the underdog in the betting markets. they'll spend the campaign reeeeing about inconsequential shit and then all of a sudden he's beaten them again (aka it'll be a repeat of bush's second campaign).
also good
Drumpf is number 1 in all the betting sites rn
the democrats have absolutely no chance with white voters but this doesn't matter because of demographics. they just need someone that niggers and spics will turn out for and it's in the bag
>there's no one with as much swag to win against Trump
you sure about that you little bitch?
the most profitable way would probably be betting on bovada
whites are still the majority, especially for the people old enough to vote or old enough to care about voting.
anyone that would bring out the nigger/spic vote would also bring out the rural white vote in retaliation.
Im hoarding guns and ammo for when gun grabbin’ liberal New York values Don steals my 2nd amendnent freedoms
Genuinely fear for the day when he eventually passes away. Who else would be able to stand against all odds and fight the degeneracy? It's already bad enough even when he's the president, if he lost in 2016 the world will be a lot more fucked up today.
>they're not going to fuck around like they did with hillary.
fuck around? are you for real? they outspent Trump 3 to 1 and threw everything and the kitchen sink at him in 2016.
what kind of brainwashed bootlicking faggot thinks this way about the guy from The Apprentice?
Reagan played a cowboy in cheap western movies.
Your point being?
>fight the degeneracy
he fucks whores raw
my point is playing a cheesy character on screen is not an argument
Yeah it is, you're literally being brainwashed into thinking a pathological liar who fucks whores behind his wife's back and plays a character on Television is the your only hope.
Look buddy, if you were talking about the economy or jobs I’d be inclined to believe that Trump did something to improve it. However, you can’t honestly tell me that Trump did anything at all to combat “degeneracy”. If anything he made it worse by giving all the degenerates a devil to rally and band against. Trump has done nothing and the most he’ll ever do is lip service to the christians then continue turning his back on the degenerate shit that senators and representatives do
I'm not the user who said that. But regardless, most guys sleep around, especially those in power. Just look at how many chicks Slick Willy boned as governor and then president.
I'm saying they're going to choose a good candidate. Hillary was not a good candidate. The democratic primaries had two choices, hillary or bernie. Next time there will be a lot more candidates. 8 years of Obama made the dems complacent, and that's why they thought they could sneak in Hillary (who is a horrible politician and generally just a weird human being). They're not going to make that mistake again.
>I'm saying they're going to choose a good candidate.
Name names
Who doesn't?
I agree. Whether Trump wins or loses will depend on who they nominate, and also the state of the economy.
>I'm saying they're going to choose a good candidate
Are they? How do you know that? How do you know that out of the 20+ candidates that will throw their hat in the race, they'll choose the right one this time?
Also, I know the field. Not one of them has the "it factor" like Trump does. The it factor always wins. Obama had it. Bush and his adorable stupor had it. Clinton and his southern charm had it. George HW didn't have it, but leeched off Reagan's it factor (and ran against a non- it factor opponent) and was only able to get one term for it.
what? Canadian stocks will go beyond legalization in the US
Dr Dre
>Also, I know the field. Not one of them has the "it factor" like Trump does. The it factor always wins. Obama had it. Bush and his adorable stupor had it. Clinton and his southern charm had it. George HW didn't have it, but leeched off Reagan's it factor (and ran against a non- it factor opponent) and was only able to get one term for it.
Exactly. I've always referred to this as charisma. The charismatic candidate always wins.
Romney was a very charismatic guy, but he lacked it. Even McCain had charisma in his own way -- still lacked it.
I am not memeing Dr Dre will be dem candidate 2020
You better believe I'm voting for my homeboy trump
Short murica lol.
lets check the odds for 2020 election
>implying america's next president won't be a hawaiian woman
>biggest aid package to Israel
>ban on bumpstocks
>no wall
>low iq inbreds posing their jobs
Yeah he isn’t winning
no one is gonna vote for that mutt
fuck off, bump stocks are the most retarded thing ever. investing in a real full auto is far better.
Lmao pig skins actually believe they will win 2020
You realize Hillary is running again?
spoiler: shes not
I'm rich so he will probably cut my taxes more, I don't have to do anything, daddy will take care of everything
She is, not saying she will get the nomination but there is already a superpac raising money.
>they're not going to fuck around like they did with hillary
they WEREN'T fucking around when they were running Hillary lmfao
Back to your containment board, trumptards.
invest a fuckton in S&P 500 and 3-4 strong tech stocks after the market crashes next year and plan on retiring by 2030
Unironically my plan, but the market isn't crashing next year. 2020 at earliest
Short ge & gm
back to incel
Invest in BTC. The only way to hedge your bets. Not like it matters anyway......anyone who wins in 2020 is going to have a terrible economic collapse to deal with. The American economy cant stand another 8 years without imploding..doesnt matter whos president now or later.
How about a guy who hangs out with criminals all the time and has no respect for rule of law?
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