It just keeps going lower
Lol, it's not like you were told it was a pnd everytime it was shilled here
*** It's not like you weren't told (with heavy emphasis on sarcasm)
The fucking leader is literally dumping 100s of thousands on your dumb asses and you have no fucking clue. Dumb motherfuckers. I swear to god
Biz says scam....That means its good right?
Check back when this is back at 5k sats again, shouldnt take long. So easily manipulated
People wanting the next monero are buying this. Retarded. Its like buying a $50 Amazon tablet and hoping you wake up to a $3000 macbook.
it was 50k marketcap a few weeks ago.. got up to 1.5mil through manipulation.. main dev heavily premined it.. of cource he is dumping his fucking tokens on you autistic morons
i was THE FIRST to shill XNV on biz
and i'm telling you rn that it's unsafe to buy it rn
>i was THE FIRST to shill XNV on biz
Nigger. I remember telling people about it in March. Stfu. It was a good buy then. Anyone paying over 200 sats for this is gonna get fucked hard
Why wouldn't it go lower?
Nerva will be over 5000 again soon.
There's one dude on here yelling about a scam. It's not. There is a robust discord, active and open development, and a ton has happened in the last month or two. It's sunny skies for nerva.
I'd suggest you all check it out a bit deeper. Start with getnerva.org
They have literally done nothing of consequence in almost a year. Besides get raped by a few people who saw an opportunity. The dev has no experience in crypto/fintech/encryption. He’s a hard worker, but his work is clearly childish at best.
did someone even buy this 20$ volume scam?
The coin isn't even 1 year old.
Educate yourself before you shitpost.
All i hear in this thread is th whining of some idiots who bought at ATH.
I bought at 200 sats and sold at 3000.
Guess what i am doing at the moment now that it is at around 1000 sats.
Wtf is this and why do I keep seeing it
Is this biz fud or genuine fud for a shitcoin
retarded dev
no pool - takes weeks to find a block
no purpose to this shitcoin
no justification for price to be more than 1 sat
I did. I see the potential.
Nerva tries to be as decentralized as possible by making it hard for pools and GPUs.
So far, no public pool is available.
Decentralized as possible
Angrywasp has half of the circulating supply
Ummm ok
Good luck mining this without a 32 core threadripper lol.
imagine being too autistic to differenciate organic and inorganic shilling.
Dude trust me
No, why should?
If you're not carrying a small bag of Nerva then why are you even on Jow Forums? This is a high-risk high-reward product with a solid community.
With like 5 people that hold 75% of the circulating supply. Are you retarded or something son?
Kek, enjoy being poor. This project reminds me eth and chainlink when they started getting shilled on Jow Forums
One group says that the dev already dumped his heavy premine (actually 1%).
The other ones claim that a few people hold an insane amount. One look at the trading history and you know thats not true.
Typical biz
Are you that fucking retarded? No one is talking about the premine. We are talking about the mining that happened when there was like 5 people mining this with the insanely high emissions at the beginning of this coin’s life. God you people are so fucking short sighted and stupid as fuck!
So you are whining becausd you did not take the risk like others did when they mined an ( at this time) worthless coin?
You are pathetic!
This coin might hey quite popular at one point. I do worry about the early miners though.
No, I’m telling ppl it’s a scam based on the info I’ve received and by the way the dev of the coin conducts himself on various different discords and such.
Post it if you have some.
Otherwise you are a bad Larp.
Talking about manipulating Nerva prices. 1 dev people. 1 fucking dev
This. If you really want to help people, post the fucking proof. Why the fuck should anyone just take your worthless words at face value?
Ok, that could be taken out of context you moron. "I'll take one comment that could be talking out of literally any project and post it as proof". We need a string of text with context.
In this post angrywasp was talking about Skyhub.
Try again.
Jesus christ dude. CONTEXT. These DMC fud tactics might work on pol, but not here. Try again, if you provide a string of text that undoubtedly incriminated the dev of manipulation and exit scamming, I'll eat my dick.
Screenshot attached proves you wrong.
This proves that you have either no sense of humour or you jsut want to fud the project since all this screenshots aren't form the Nerva discord but from a fun trading channel.
holy fuck you're a turd. Is this what you like to do on your free time? Misquote developers on Jow Forums when it's so easy to prove you wrong like just did? KYS
One fudder making a ton of boring noise.
Anyone that looks at the Nerva Discord channel can easily see the active community development happening.
I've been buying and holding and will continue to do so
Nerva is one of the most genuine and promising projects that I've seen in quite some time.
where are you now? i know you still lurk here you patetic faggot
and lastly nerva to day.. never change biz.. never change..