If you're into crypto now, you're doing it right!

I know most of you are idiots here but the ones who aren't I'll tell you how early you are into bitcoin and how big is it going to be. This man is the owner of my country, not president, not prime-minister but the unofficial owner and all the government are his puppets. He does all his stuff shadily, once he bought a painting for $92 million anonymously,(at that time it was the most money paid for a painting) that's how he likes anonymity. More in comments.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He is the biggest investor in Bitfury mining group, he created the farm in Georgia, declared that zone tax-free so the country has to pay now for his Bitcoins.

Attached: dzabva.png (1100x581, 1.1M)

>the man who saved bitcoin

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There were rumors spread that he sold his stack at ATH and no more cares about BTC and it was just short investment for him. But then these ATMs appeared in the city. I forgot to mention that he also owns Carrefour franchise in Georgia, and also owns a bank called "Cartu Bank", so guess where the ATMs appeared? in all Carrefour supermarkets, right next to "Cartu Bank" ATMs

Attached: Untitled.png (791x896, 1.38M)

So he buys low, sells high, and bought low again while planting ATM's? The madman

Or he didn't sell at all. But the fact is he is still in the game.

That is an interesting coincidence. Tell me more.

unironically big if true

There are also billboards across the city that Bitfury is creating some new kind of ASIC-s or stuff like that(I'm not much informed in mining) so he's nowhere near to stopping mining. Unfortunately couldn't find photos in google but I've seen the billboards.

We are unironically about to go bull again.

Strap in boys

Idk when but we will for sure go bull and see new ATHs.
Pic related to show what kind of shitloads of money we're talking about. That's him transfering a tree into his yard.

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So how to profit? Everything? Everything good?

>big news from country of mine
>country of mine is very rich, yaas?
>as proof here is picture of tractor pulling tree through dirt

Attached: 369410-borat-1335294568-677-640x480.jpg (640x480, 44K)

i guess we cashing out in Georgia boys

Just invest in crypto and ye, everything's gonna be good.
Firstly, I didn't say that my country is rich.
Secondly, It's not a tractor pulling a tree, it's tree being transported on a ship.
But ye, as I said in 1st post most of you are idiots here so your post wasn't surprising.

Attached: xeee-300x160.png (300x160, 47K)

ok, let me spell it out to you in plain words, since sarcasm seems to be lost on you:
nobody gives a fuck about what some random billionaire in some irrelevant shithole country does.
so a random billionaire transports a fucking tree for like 300.000$, proving that he is a billionaire (everyone believed you before that, because there are thousands of them, its not that uncommon) or something and invests a portion of his portfolio into bitcoin.
how is that relevant *at all* to the future of crypto itself?
he also put up a few ATMs for maybe a few million. whoop-da-fucking-doo.
part of a random whales investment is an extremely mild indicator, if any, and whatever happens in fucking georgia (at first i thought you were talking about the US state, that's how irrelevant your shithole country is) is a page 9 side-note-article at best.

why is the excavator in the middle of the oceans? what kind of fuck tard is this?

If world's one of the most complete investors invest in stuff that you've invested in isn't important to you then ofc it's all gonna sound BS. But for me it's very important and hope-giving. That's how relevant this is to the crypto future, it proves that a smart man invests in stuff being sure that it's not gonna go away any soon. Not gonna respond to mocking my country it only proves how fucking dumb you are, and that's the only thing that's irrelevant here. I'm not here to popularize my country I dont give a shit about that I just said the things how it is.

>it proves that a smart man
he's suddenly a smart investor?
it doesn't exactly take masterful investment strategies to become rich when you are - like YOU YOURSELF said in your first posts - a dictator. in fact dictators are often the richest people in the world, and there is no correlation to intellect, vision, foreseeing the future or knowing a lot about sound investment.
even literally insane people like gaddafi where insanely rich multi-billionaires, and he sure as hell didn't know shit about what kind of investments would be big. if he put billions into something it just meant that he randomly felt doing so, and the same goes for that random billionaire dictator in your posts that i have rightfully never seen or heard from before in my entire life.
so if a random shithole dictator makes his own country pay for his BTC, like you yourself said here that only tells me one thing: fake georgia (the 44 billion $ shithole one, not the actual ~510 billion $ georgia in the USA) is a ridiculous dictatorships where someone can abuse the countries infrastructure for risky investments.

Literally who is this fomo December buyer

He became a "dictator" only in 2012, just because he kind of bribed the people(because he was a billionaire before that and he could afford that) and he's a self-made, so yes he's pretty smart.

That's good for him. He scams your country for free energy/bitcoins but it doesn't mean much for crypto in general

And a "random shithole" is pretty much the best place where you can be when u're a billionaire and be tax-free. So again, yes he is pretty smart.

That's exactly what he does I'm not saying he's a good or kind man, I'm just saying he's smart, and idk about you but it makes me confident to be invested in crypto

t. Incredulous 105er

Guy should have bought chainlink desu

virtually every billionaire lives nearly tax-free.
jeff bezos doesn't pay a lot of taxes, and living in real georgia (USA, 510 billion $ / year) would be below him. if living in real georgia is way below him, imagine how he feels about living in fake georgia (no one even cares where, 44 billion $ / year), where an amazing symbol of wealth to the people is a ugly dead tree being pulled towards lifeless dirt

:D that's what those ugly dead trees look like near summer, but yes I agree trees in winter look ugly, and 100+ year old trees don't grow on concrete I'm sorry so they gotta pull them off from dirt, but again I didn't expect any smarter comment from u. youtube.com/watch?v=BnPUCdzEwJQ

Not really. He literally will make money because he's cheating the system by not paying electricity, no taxes, money laundering, etc.
I have money in crypto but I don't think this particularly makes me any more positive about it

Ignore the trolls thanks

Any billionaires that try to avoid paying taxes should be shot on the spot. Then they will pay taxes and noone will be shot.

If it was his private farm then yes you could think that he is selling all BTC immediately as long as he can and then just in bad times he can close the farm and fuck off, he wouldn't lose anything since he doesnt pay for electricity. But he's invested in Bitfury which makes me think that he knows company over all will be evolving and he's just gonna be with them. Or else why would he give money to them and not just create his very own farm?

this is all very far fetched, has no significance for crypto as a whole and overall did nothing but make us reflect for a moment about what a joke of a country "that other" georgia (1/13th economic power of tiny shit-state george USA) is.

Kek. It doesnt tell anything about crypto’s future. And it can even be interpreted as fucking bearish.

Fuck Georgia. A total kachapuri shithole. And their women are ugly af.

Most of the early btc mining was in Georgia. OP is too fucking retarded to mention that.

Imagine having a country named after an US state. Isnt there some copyright where we can sue them?

based georgian poster.

fellow georgian here. i'll come back after from the us when the time is right.

>cheating the system
he's redistributing wealth from georgian citizens to crypto NEETs, i think it's very progressive actually

and when the time is right?

i thing foreigners named it so cause easier to pronounce. on our native tongue it sounds nothing like this

Arboculturalist here.

>yes, i know.

There is an expression that the greatest wisdom that a man can have, is to plant a tree and know that he will never sit under its shade when it is mature- but other people will.

Landscape designers such as Capability Brown designed and created the English landscape for future generations to enjoy.

This fucking plonker of a man, on the other hand, is absolutely betraying his vulgar trash mentality. It just goes to show that money can buy you anything apart from good taste.

Leave that fucking tree alone and plant your own!

i think op is a homosexual

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Under rated

>Is this the next Berlusconi?
Unironically bullish af

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