Daily reminder that if you haven't made it yet, it's no one's fault but your own

Daily reminder that if you haven't made it yet, it's no one's fault but your own.

pic very related.

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The truth is, that there is enough money in the world for everyone. If everyone had the drive, motivation and attitude: we all could be millionares.

Ok dad. Thanks for the pep talk

Elon is a nice guy, I can only wish him the best.

...unless you don't come from wealth or are not white or are not an attractive woman

Truth, get to work you fucking dumb cunts,

Elon is my favourite African American

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>tfw 115 IQ and will never be more than just average

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Elon had a dream, purpose, and goals. He was also equipped with gifts and talents to pursue whatever he dreamed. There are alot of people that are not as blessed as Elon.

All autists have the same face figure + gigantus ears. I see it when I look at the mirror. I see it in Baron Trumps face. I see it in all my disabled (clinically) autistic cousins. My family has it, it’s passed genetically. AUTISMINTERNATIONAL

115 IQ is that range where you think you're cleverer than you really are. Its dangerous. Also people in your range tend to be very anti-racist

Anti-racist, why?

Tricked into thinking it signals high intelligence.

And not clever enough to make the necessary connections.

I have an IQ of 75 yet I recently completed a PhD in theoretical physics... IQ doesn't mean much.

yeah it's like that faggot who believes he'll never be wrong because he's being "nice" and "fair".

>theoretical physics
So pretend science then

He's still a beta cuck desu


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about as valuable as a phd in gender studies

75 IQ is downs syndrome

Tbh I don't know what my IQ is, never taken the test, I don't think it would be very high though.

wait, his ex is the fuck toy from WestWorld?

kinda jelly now (not that I think marriage is ever a good idea)

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>wait, his ex is the fuck toy from WestWorld?

one of his ex's, yes

>one incel makes it
>every incel can make it
op is a faggot


Zerosum game

if all are millionares, nobody is.

Sorry kiddo, thats now how world works.

she was also a virgin before they met.

nah. 99% of people gaining massive wealth are creating something of value. now that value is sometimes EXTREMELY low, sometimes extremely high.

well, nobody would be a millionaire then, but we'd live in a world where 90% of the stuff we need is automated already.

And then you realise that the car you see at the end of the video is currently out beyond mars orbit, and bitches don't mean shit to him.

This is what communists actually believe

Quite the opposite.

>Daily reminder that if you haven't made it yet, it's no one's fault but your own.

this is absolutely true. anyone that thinks otherwise is an idiot.

>she was also a virgin before they met.
yeah and i have a 30 inch cock. im a talking horse that shitposts on /biz

did he have hair implants? wtf

Lots of people do it. Doctors are currently booked for months. It's as common as dentistry now.

>Zimbabwean dollar
>Its 100-trillion-dollar note is worth just 40 U.S. cents.

sure buddy.

Quadrillions of dollars in derivative instruments beg to differ

Daily reminder that you dont have a free will and its all about your genetics and parents.

You cant be chad without good face/height/cock, and you cant be a brainchad without high IQ/autism. Simple.

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>bald people cheating natural selection

It's kind of funny that things like full hair or naturally good eyesight or good teeth won't be even a genetic trait soon anymore but rather only be achieved by technology

>he's so retarded he doesn't know he has a theoretical phd in physics.

They mean nig nogs, he is undoubtedly redpilled on the inherent violence of blacks


LCK 10

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eh wouldn't you?

Yea 115 is average bro. U aren't good.

Is there a problem with being anti racist

What connections are those?

how do i git good?

do some quick maths

>Is there a problem with being anti racist

Leave Jow Forums

his fucking dad is a extrawealthy super villian, bullshit its no ones fault my sister got me addicted to pot at 13


wow must be nice to be you. me jelly.

LOL you fucking clown. Take responsibility for you own actions.

Anti racism is based on critical theory/disparate impact theory. Ideological.
It's not about being "anti racist"

Furthermore racism isn't bad, like being assertive isn't bad.
Prejudging based on race isn't inherently a bad thing.

>what are exceptions and outliers

If his success story was ordinary and easily achievable by everyone no one would even speak about Musk. His story is an extreme exception and that is the reason why people are so obsessed about him.
It's extremely unusual for a lonely bullied kid to rise so high in live. It's like if a cripple who got somehow Olympic gold in gymnastics. That's why all the hype.

Not to mention that correlation doesn't equal causation. Musk didn't made it because he was bullied and a loner. You're like one of these retards who just found out that some billionaires didn't go to college and now they think that their own lack of college education makes them more likely to get rich.

What does disparate impact have to do with being anti racist.

Antiracist activists believe it wholesale

>It's like if a cripple who got somehow Olympic gold in gymnastics
another South African white man did that too lmao

That's an extrapolation or association of anti racism with an ancillary issue, what I'm asking you is if their is a problem with anti racism plainly, meaning to be against racism. Not the application of anti racism.

The guy I work for didn't start his business until his mid 30s and now he's a multimillionaire.

Answer is still yes.
Prejudging based on race (Racism) is useful.

It's the implementation that matters

Even if you assume prejudging in race is useful, which I don't see how it could be, and that there is no problem with that view, what stops one from also viewing non prejudgment based on race, choosing a different prejudgment factor, or no prejudgment factor at all, as not a problem.

>which I don't see how it could be
Blacks under earn/under perform compared to whites or asians on average. Blacks have a lower IQ on average.

Discrepancy partly explained with 'racism'. You've now avoided the hoo hah of adjusting SAT scores and leading to some blacks being under prepared for uni in America for example.

>what stops one from also viewing non prejudgment based on race, choosing a different prejudgment factor, or no prejudgment factor at all, as not a problem.
This isn't anti racism, that's just "not racism"

>Even if you assume prejudging in race is useful, which I don't see how it could be
Another quick one.

Black men have higher testosterone on average compared to white men.
Black man sees doctor about his depression, T levels are checked and are average for a "male" (we're all one race bro)
Sent home without treatment, kills himself a month later

Wealth is created, commie. World poverty % is at a ATL while population is at a ATH. That alone disproves zerosum game BS.

>can't even quit pot

lmfao your willpower is absolute trash

>less people live on $1/day now than at any time in history! Yaay, poverty is defeated!

>W-what are you mean by "Purchasing power of USD is at ATL as well" ?!

>QE? What's QE? N-never heard about that! Must some Bolshevik commie shit, doesn't matter. CNN and Jordan Peterson told me that everything is fine with world poverty! It must be a pure cohencidence! S-shut up you commie!

How do people take this shit with them all their lives? I can't remember anything before age 14, its the perfect coping mechanism.

>Is there a problem with being anti racist

good post op. people need to be reminded that its on them to get their shit figured out. not just financially but health-wise too. theres no excuses to be sitting around wishing for shit when you could be working towards it.

writing this while on my bike trainer

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says the guy with shit genes and would already be dead if not for modern medicine.

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It's easy to see that women will find a successful/dominant/leading man attractive and in that case put looks second,
but Elon Musk is proof that men also are easily blinded.
The guy looks shit and has totally ugly features, but due to the general admiration for him, people somehow project that he's good looking too.

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Anyone who was a teen like Elon Musk can make it . That is, a white teenager living during the height of the south african apartheid who casually walked around with emeralds on his pockets and sold them to Tiffany at a loss for "pocket change".

I'm sorry for everyone here who is poor, you will never make it.

you're an idiot facial features don't matter that much in men. He does not have model tier face but saying he has totally ugly features is retarded he has a nice square head and a strong jaw. Musks behavior is generally pretty awkward but he is 6'2 and built like a tank he is definitely far above average.

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he was there it's true