Guys please what does it feel like?
Guys please what does it feel like?
That looks uncomfortable
Warm wet oscillating pressure on your dick
if you are cut, nothing.
It's super overrated.
Just buy a pocket pussy, mount it somewhere and fuck that.
It won't ask you to open your wallet.
ew sausage dicks
god i wish i were a cute girl with a nice pussy
Spreading yourself wide open while someone takes a picture? It feels sexy and liberating, until you orgasm and then realise you're on the internet forever, gaping your gut pocket and staring into the camera with dead, dead eyes
its a sex doll you idiot
sex is nothing without the emotional connection and mental stimulation.
Your parents allowed your dick to be mutilated for no reason lmfao
I agree sex is only good because you can see that you are making your partner feel good. The visuals give you a hard on but your partners personality and they looks they give when cuming keep you coming back.
How does it feel prematurely ejaculating and not beibg able to deliver mindshattering orgasms with your dick thrusting alone.
I'm cut. that's how I know. it's aesthetic, but it actually hurts to get fully hard. (grower)
Still not as good as a sopping wet vagina begging to be penetrated.
Femanon here. You're projecting my answer onto OP's original image. Pro tip: I'm not explaining how it feels for the sex doll
Yeah the pain can suck i agree. My dick head has devealoped stretch marks when flacid from how big i get through my life.
Stop ingesting endocrine disruptors. You've become a gay frog.
protip: if you are taking pictures like that you are a sex doll.
tits or gtfo
I've fucked girls for hours and felt sensations you literally are incapable of. Cutfag cope is pathetic and I'd feel sorry for you if you didn't get so defensive. I don't understand why you just won't admit that you were betrayed by the people that were supposed to care for you the most and instead ruined you for life out of their own ignorance. If you all had any sense you'd demand compensation from the doctors that did this to you, but you're so brainwashed that you'll go through life thinking your crusty dead dicks are superior.
And get b& no thanks
Do you have a special manpurse for your Onions?
Sex tourist chiming in here, I have torn through so much jungle gook pussy it would make your head spin. I don't think this is cool, just letting you know I am at 4 digits now.
Once you realize that pussy is just an instinctual drive and a necessity you will be much happier. I realized early sex was always a transaction , if you don't pay with money you pay with your time, which should be money unless you are a total fuckup.
OP don't let any hater ever steer you away from hookers , you are obviously weird and gross or you would have been laid by now. Own your weirdness and twist it into a fetish for these hookers. If you got stinky puts and sweat a lot make those hoes sniff it down and just slide your greasy ass all over them. You really just have to stop caring about pleasing other people and start looking out for yourself for once.
aspiring sex tourist here going to thailand this week
thanks just bought 10k ads
Women on average prefer cut heads to uncut heads. Ive literally heard girls react with "gross foreskin is so dirty cut dicks look clean" when asked. I honestly don't mind about a tiny piece of skin because most of your orgasm is just dopamine being released in the brain. If i was uncut i couldn't say for certain i'd be this good in bed.
hint: same area that is hit by castration is hit by your dick being cut up by jewish moyles
pretty sure giving them an orgasm makes them cumming back. ("you enslave them to your dick, rather than enslaving yourself to pussy" generally seems to be a better mindset to have IMO. to get away from that victim perspective.)
fully enslaved to pussy.
Pattaya only, don't go anywhere else.
Stay off walking street it is all couples and chinese tourists now.
Soi LK metro is your home base get a hotel around there and do not skimp out, girls will move in if you got a nice bed and a hot shower.
Always pull your pussy out of BJ bars or regular bars never out of go go clubs. Go go girls go weeks wihout getting bar fined.
Don't be afraid of branching out from the 18-25 year olds, the older chicks get down in the bedroom and will not stop until your balls are drained.
Take Truvada a full week before you go their and while there do a cycle of azithromycin when you are not drinking (daytime) then you can bareback with zero consequences.
Other than that do not fucking wait, make it a point to grab a girl every night, if you delay you will regret it the whole rest of the year at your shitty wagecuck cubical.
I honestly don't know why you guys get so hung up on the foreskin when all muslim women literally get their entire clitoris removed. Just cut off. Imagine a doctor coming and cutting off your whole dick head. Biologically a clit and a dick head are the same thing.
blacks giving you the old rub and tug.
And I can sum up your sex life in one word:
im going to pattaya already so i guess i mad the right choice where get pills
Fuck off muslim roastie.
From a doctor for Truvada, it's pricey but worth it, just be honest and tell them why you are taking it they will write you the scrip.
Anti-Biotics you can get there from pharmacies, remember people are poor as fuck there relatively so if anyone tells you no 500-1000 baht solves any problem including buying anti-biotics.
I'm cut and still pre cum. I don't know what people mean when they say they don't feel anything, I feel everything.
ctrl + f “salty milk and coins”
ctrl + f “bags of sand”
Was dissapoint
Yeah none of that is true
I've found some BJ bars
I think I'll be ahappy camper
>my mom doesn't believed in mutilating her kids dick
>Older brother makes it out fine
>I'm good till 2 years old
>I get an infection
>Instead of antibiotics Dr. Goldstein insists he chop the tip of my dick off
>My mom belives it's the only option and forces me
> Still remember being held down by literally 5 nurses whule I screamed and struggled trying to get away
I was so close to getting away the fucking Jews got to my mom and mutilitated me bros. ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR
I will be removing my ads from effective immediately
Don't get me wrong, sex still feels great and i can cum no problem i just notice i have alot more control over my orgasm vs alot of other men.
If having foreskin really made sex that much better i'd imagine fucking a woman hard would be a real issue as you'd have to slow down every few thrusts. I sometimes have to slow down when I lose focus and enjoy the sex too much.
Jerking off with lotion > emotionless sex
Only feels good if you love the person. It's the love part that makes it great.
This fucking cope
1. Who cares what women think
2. The girls you are asking are American and also brainwashed. Any girl in Europe will think you are a muslim or jew if you have a mutilated dick
Feels good man.
>Take Truvada a full week before you go their and while there do a cycle of azithromycin when you are not drinking (daytime) then you can bareback with zero consequences
This is the stupidest shit I have ever heard. Not only do you need to take truvada a lot longer than 1 week, you should not take azithromycin for no reason. Why do you think these super antibiotic resistant stds are getting more common. You will also fuck up your liver if drinking while taking those meds, and pattaya whores have every single std including herpes so you will catch nasty shit anyway. Do not bareback and do not listen to this idiot
even emotionless sex is infinitely better than fapping. you are a virgin
>Muh I read WebMD all day and am a wanna be doctor on the internet.
Anti-biotic resitences is a heard thing , if everyone is doing it super bugs form. For a personal resistance to form you need to use a lot and usually intravenously, not take three low power antibiotics on a once a year vacation.
For truvada you might want to read up , especially on post needle prick in hospitals. It really is the current for aids that we are not giving people.
Dude is gonna bareback hookers in Thailand I garunfuckingtee it , I am doing my part to help him, you are just gonna preach the same shit you learn from the filtered bullshit that applies to society as a whole, not as it applies to some dude that is gonna fly to Thailand and go on a sex safari for 2 weeks straight.
Unironically stop budding into shit you have never experienced in a world you will never live in. Keep watching Netflix and going to Applebee's.
yeah but then you have to be around a woman.
How do you feel being a rapist who supports the trafficking and suffering of human beings
You are a fucking retard, I have barebacked hookers in BKK and used Truvada + other meds for both PreP and PEP for several months and I know a lot more about it than you
I had to stop taking it because my liver tests got really fucked up. At the same tine I also realized it is disgusting to do what I did, and that 5 minutes of fun is not worth risking lifetime of suffering.
But you continue doing what you do, stupid mutt
Bullshit. You still feel and your dick gets really sensitive when wet by pussy juice its prob just you user and your psychological issues
You have never been outside of your bubble. These girls are mostly single moms from the countryside that actively seek short term high paying employment that can support their entire family for years to come.
They also fucking love white dudes, not even remotely a faking it thing. They want a white baby with blue eyes more than anything .
Your stereotype of human trafficking has been a massive propaganda campaign citing the worst examples in the biggest shitholes in the world.
If at anytime during my travels I encountered an operation that did not encourage absolute freedom in these women's lives I would report them to federal authorities of that country.
I have fucked hookers on every continent and have never run into this. Also you will likely always be like this, that is the real tragedy. You will never step out of your comfort zone and fully submerse yourself in another culture and a different way of doing things. When we were more primal we did not fuck the same women for 40 years after a complex ritual involving doing work for other people and trading that for things and food to impress and nest some bitchy spoiled overprivelaged girl raised in the princess complex that is our current Western society.
Everything is not just a Disney movie user.
>I have barebacked hookers in BKK and used Truvada + other meds for both PreP and PEP for several months and I know a lot more about it than you
Sure you have , don't worry the internet believes your fantasy you just concocted to support your internet pharmacutical research fetish.
>These girls are mostly single moms from the countryside that actively seek short term high paying employment that can support their entire family for years to come.
But it's still sad that is their only option pretty much.
>They also fucking love white dudes, not even remotely a faking it thing
Not really, if they do then only the good looking, young and rich ones.
>Sure you have , don't worry the internet believes your fantasy you just concocted to support your internet pharmacutical research fetish.
I have lived in BKK, not a fantasy
Tell me something only someone that has lived there would know.
The mods do less now than when we were on Jow Forums
>Being good looking there involves having round eyes white skin and not being a complete tub of lard
>Age difference is not the taboo it is in Western society
>Being rich there requires you make more than $10 an hour back home.
So yeah user, if you can't tick those boxes I guess you need to start working on yourself .
Men on average prefer women who have had their vagina sown shut from birth.
Female to male transmission of HIV is almost impossible. Anybody who gets hiv in Thailand is doing gay shit.
Prep and truvada are for fags. There are old farts there who have been barebacking hookers for 20 years and they don't care since they also know it's a fat disease that you catch from getting dick in the ass.
>school uniforms and class attendance is mandatory in most universities
>best places to live if you want cheap apartments would be from on nut and further out or somewhere close to huai khwang
>Best massage places are found close to phrom phong, soi 11/13, the soi next to cowboy, and huai khwang
I don't honestly know what would be something only someone who lived there would know
don't talk to stupid fucks you might catch the shit that made them like a dense faggot they are
what a fucking legend. PUA here. the problem with your adventures is that Thai women look like fucking apes. the worst looking asian women in the world alongside the Philippines Thailand worth visiting for beaches and spiritual shrines? or is everyone there to fuck?
best women are east europe like Ukraine and Russian (moscow) not fucking jungle asians
Its about 1/3rd the rate of hiv transmission to women.
>PUA here
Uh not sure about pattaya but in bkk the competition is more than that. I was 20 and ripped so no problem but some of the out of shape older faggots got rejected several times
Not true, you do not know what you are talking about. European/us and thailand hiv are different types, with different odds for transmission
I would have accepted something like:
Most people don't buy whole containers of soap. It comes in rip and use once tiny plastic pouches sold in 3 or 6 packs. This includes everything from laundry detergent to shampoo.
All you have cited is location and school information.
I used tiny pouches from a vending machine, that was outside the laundry room that was filled with washing machines and dryers. It would cost around 40b to use the washer, and 10b/10minutes of drying
so who else here is straight but thinks vag looks gross? the woman looks great to me but that thing in between her legs looks fucking disgusting
what a comatose bitchy fag you are in such a denial LMAO, what got up in your ass today?
Kiev was kind of a bust for me. I got laid but the encounters were always rushed and seemed practiced. Shit was counted out in 30 minute blocks.
Never done Russia did not know there was a scene there. Is it all just under the table shit or is there a hidden large scale community of shit concentrated somehwhere?
Unironically me. I LOVE the way pussy looks from the back when their legs are pressed together, but when their legs are open and I see the inside I think it's gross. 100% straight btw.
I heard that hookers and gold diggers blend in with the crowd pretty well but they will fuck any white guy or guy they perceive to have money. Girls you meet will comonly ask for the equivalent of $10 usd just caually and they get away with it with zero suspicion because white guys don't realize that $10 is alot of money in thailand
salty coins and spoiled milk
no idea. i never used a prostitute in my life....but i know you are black-pilled. you ALWAYS pay for sex in a way or the other. I hope you are able to fuck for at least 1 hour straight like i do. 5 minute sex is worthless ...even 20 minute sex sessions are worthless in my eyes
i am in a long term relationship now coz i got tired of chasing women