How do we fix education?

How do we fix education?

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An Emphasis on Apprenticeships and career-building
Then tying them to the Alumni for max influence

With ovens

End state and federal funding to schools. Local taxes only.

>inflation adjusted
>oh look goy its the official inflation released by big gov

I got no idea if the system is the same in burgerland or not but in Australia students are required to do maths, english, science and history/humanities all the way until they're 15 years of age which is retarded.

Governments are wasting so much money trying to get these kids across the line in subjects they never give a shit about and won't need later on in life, so streamlining the process and coming up with clear alternate paths to education that isn't academics based (e.g. competency based education suited for trades, tourism, etc) is what I think they should do.

get rid of the department of education, that way the inner city nigtards won't get special treatment for being colored, and then the private sector will actually work to educate based on merit, rather than trying to force a black circle into a white square.

Y'all wouldn't know, you uneducated smelly neckbeard living in their mom's basement disgusting fat autistic retards

well if you want a pliable population hyper-specialization is they way to go. then they won't even know what they don't know!

Neuder all children with failing averages. Bad genetics don't spread. Problem solved. Children and parents will work hard if they want to continue their genetic line.

Discard the meme that differences in results among the races is not the result of institutional racism. Accept the idea that the differences are the result of genetic predisposition and no amount of increase in funding is going to close the gap.

>That should bring spending back down to earth. We're currently throwing money down a black hole trying to get black kids on par with white kids, and no amount of money will ever be able to do that.

where the fuck is all the money even going?
school buildings are shit, class sizes are getting larger so there's less teachers per student, buying some outdated computers from a tech company every few years or getting updated textbooks don't cost very much

>the government fakes the prices that are publicly available to everyone
imagine being THIS dumb

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I'd start by replacing most science classes with philosophy and politics. We generally don't need to know that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, but we need more liberals and leftists that don't call everyone they disagree with "nazis', "bigots" or "racist". If my job requires me knowing science, then I would decide to take courses on science or research the trivia I need to know.

I would also teach mnemonic techniques such as creating memory palaces early on so that children to learn facts such as important dates and events quicker. I believe that repetition is the worst way the learn because it takes a lot more time than mnemonics or imagery.

Less stoopids

I bet you are a basedpilled Jow Forumstard that calls anyone that doesn't hate black people a commie and thinks science is a hoax invented by jews

Not sure about your local schools, but ours have been either updated for increased capacity or closed. The upgrades cost millions of dollars.

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see this is classic dunning kreuger effect at work

a complete know-nothing might possibly believe your straw man unironically, that the government "fakes the prices" (which is pretty retard-tier phrasing btw)

a 105er like yourself would see the obvious hyperbolic nature of such a statement and completely rebuff it with an ad hominem, going on to claim that the complete converse is true, that no price manipulation exists, like you have done

an actual patrician with beyond a rudimentary understanding of economics can explain to you what the CPI is and how it's a weighted basket of goods that's constantly changing, and furthermore there is completely "arbitrary" adjustments to the CPI done such as seasonal adjustments.

so in summation you're a dumb good goy 105er who doesn't understand how things actually work and makes straw mans in order to better lick boots.

sure buddy, all data made by economists and governments that can be independently measured and calculated are fake but the true data are those that you found in that blog on the internets that some ancap tard wrote in his rented van

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straw man after straw man after straw man. you're peak Jow Forums incarnate. 105er for sure.

why don't you genius tell us the true data then that you calculated yourself using the super duper real accurate methods?

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For the US? Stop bringing down standards to make low IQ/minorities appear average.

The amusing part is that tests have been getting easier over the decades so if scoring is pretty much the same that means the education level of your average student has actually decreased.

obviously it won't be happening itt

>Be in high school in 2007
>Standardized test week
>Math: Multiple choice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and you get a calculator.
>Science: Shit like "Does oil and water mix?" and a few math problems only about science. Again, calculator.
>Reading: 2 paragraphs and questions about them. The answers are almost word-for-word, from the text
>White kids don't study and we all pass easily

Are you telling me it got easier since then?

listen retard i'm not the fucking user you replied to, i'm explaining to you on behalf of my economics degree from Chapel Hill that the CPI is not a pure measurement like putting out a thermometer.

if you can't appreciate that, you have no right to comment on any statistical or economic matter you ever encounter and you have found a perfect home here with the rest of these 105ers on Jow Forums, so good job on that.

also this

hey moron, you still haven't proved how the measurements are fake, if you want to claim something is wrong then offer your alternative data

I always laugh at bizlets like you that read the wikipage on something for 5 minutes and now think they are fucking experts lmao

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why the fuck would i spend any more of my precious time than i already have proving to a brainlet what he refuses to even consider.

you replied to me 5 times and you only posted ad hominems and how everyone is dumb and you are the smartest guy and when I asked for proof you say you are too smart for proof?
lmao. Thats literally the saddest larping I've seen in biz lately, and that says much. When you are done searching for "alternative data" links on yahoo answers you can provide it to us too bucko

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i don't allege that there's widespread corruption in the CPI. i do allege that the CPI is a mutable composite economic metric and changes to its composition need to be considered. it's as simple as saying the sky is blue, there's no room for debate, there's no need to 'prove' that the cpi is a composite basket of goods that changes over time becausde the CPI literally is a composite basket of goods that changes over time and is seasonally adjusted. like i said, i'm not the fucking user you originally replied to.

you're a combative, angry little shell of a soul who picks fights on basket weaving forums for 105ers about objective facts instead of just letting a simple, objective point about the CPI being made to you and moving on.

it's like saying the grass is green and the sky is blue, and you say it isn't and to prove it. here's your proof

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>Neuder all children with failing averages

So I guess we're putting you down then, ay? Its funny how the ones who voice for intelligence based eugenics would actually have never been allowed to live if it was enacted.

(((Managerial costs)))

nice goalpost moving. The original argument was that the government intentionally fakes data to trick you not that measurements can vary

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read it again strawman-user, then tell us what your SAT reading score was

Go read the original post that I replied brainlet, a guy implied that the evil guberment puts fake data and then you started larping

Judging from your constant ad hominems on intelligence I am guessing you barely finished high school and feel an inferiority complex against educated people

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i didn't write that post retard. go read MY post which referenced yours. nope. 2330 on the sat and dual degrees in math and econ from a prestigious university.

come on bud stop larping, you are just embarrassing yourself even more now. Just admit you are a brainlet and got called out on being a retard and we forget about it

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not larping bud

>remove niggers, spics and other subhumans from the equation
>observe as averages soar
basically what private schools already do

I believe you bro. u very smart smart

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>tfw my SAT score was only 80th percentile
Not dumb enough and not smart enough ;_;

you have a very extensive collection of those pics. well done

*86th percentile
I got into all the budget institutions butbnone of the big leagues wanted me

don't worry about it user, the real redpill is it doesn't matter that much as long as you have a good degree from a decent university. choice of degree matters. everyone has to wagekek it after school and be just as miserable as everyone else. it probably eased open a door or two here and there in applying to jobs but it definitely hasn't been a ticket to easy street. it's good for a few "oh nice"s when you mentioned where you went to school from normies but that's about it after school.

stop government backed financing of it

fuck I didn't even look at the chart to realize it wasn't about higher education costs, so that's how you fix higher education costs. the picture is just a result of the modern banking and monetary system. that amount of inflation over that time is completely normal. compared to other things I don't think public education has stood out as having more inflation. higher education is where that's more of a problem, its not 170% increase over 36 or 37 years like the chart, it's much worse