Honestly you don't deserve to make it. You can't separate the meaningful signals from the noise...

Honestly you don't deserve to make it. You can't separate the meaningful signals from the noise. You probably fell for the omisegoy meme since you're a biztard. If you're on the dumber end of the spectrum you maybe even unironically believed in VEN too.

That is all.

Attached: 6575685.jpg (1080x1125, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what coin are you taking about faggot? if it’s not bitcoin then spill the beans

Down 40% - just lol go invest in olive oil and avoid this shitcoin

you've seen it before on this board if you're a regular and you ignored it. seeing "400 billionaires" now, you're interested.

this is a venting thread about the average biztard. I'm not going to say what it is.

Inb4 chink coin

I'm sure its a shitcoin.


Literally kys op

Attached: IMG_20181202_133235.jpg (720x930, 167K)

this post is just me with another IP 4D samefagging in order to shill a coin

Attached: 1543561769215.png (750x1334, 1.47M)


buy 0xbtc sir

I am reading sheikh.
I am reading Dubai.
I am buying another 100k JNT.

don't. you're too stupid to buy the right project at the extreme general crypto bottom we're seeing with legit coins and absolute dogshit on 95%+ off sale anyway.
pic you (me) posted is figuratively literally (for emphasis) you (me)
tfw there exists individuals who unironically believe an erc20 tokens whose only value proposition is "the distribution mechanism is that you waste some energy and then over time people have to waste more energy to get the same as before. it's not for game theoretic security or anything its just literally proof of waste" will be used for anything.

jnt is erc20 token, retard

idk what the value proposition of jnt is, nor do I care about jnt, nor do I see how it being an erc20 token is relevant to my criticism of 0xBTC, which was not about it being an erc20 token in itself. whatever position you think you're arguing against was never presented by anyone in this thread

k, sure

you know what happens to people who never doubt themselves op? they fail.
you reek of failure big time

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idk why you're antiprojecting your insecurities onto me and trying to battle them in some weirdass meta way by insulting me, but if that's your choice of cope, be my guest

be your own guest, bitch.

well I fucking am because I'm constantly over at my house, turd muncher

You are a faggot OP.
I belive you hold Chainlink

I do, but it's irrelevant to anything posted in this thread, including pics

I bet you dont even know what Vechain does, you just FUD it. Brainlet like the majority of Chainlink holders.