Serious question. If millennial are not having children and are broke as fuck, who is going to buy all the boomer houses when they retire soon and try and sell them, or they die, and their children inherit them and try and sell them? What is going to happen when you have millions of boomers all trying to sell incredibly overpriced property all at once?
Who Will Buy Boomer Houses?
The government will buy them and give them to spics and niggers.
Millennials who are not lazy worthless neets will buy them.
The price will go down!
they will be converted to section 8 rental housing. boomers will reverse mortgage and keep the title until they die.
Yeah, but 60% of the millennial population in America has less than $1,000 saved and 70% has less than $5,000 saved. Any way you look at it, there is soon very likely to be a massive supply with no demand.
Immigrants and wealthy foreign investors will buy them up
And who are the wealthy foreign investors coming to sell them too? Is it going to be like in China where wealthy realtors build massive malls and housing complexes, just to find no one wants to live in them and have them abandoned? The issue remains the same.
The federal reserve of course
I will be when they start to sell for what they are actually worth (take off about 50%)
My parents bought a house for 35k in the late 90s. Adjusted for inflation that's like 50k but it actually sells for 220k. Prices gonna have to come down far more 50%
Millennials and Zoomers will buy them. Banks will just hand out cheap credit and bigger loans so that they can afford it, then let the market crash to corrective levels.
These are the two most likely scenarios. either the current "we must make everyone equal" insanity continues in which case your neighborhood gets diversified by the federal government, or the current system bankrupts itself and natural pricing mechanisms return. Both are going to suck to live through but at least you get affordable housing and more racially homogeneous neighborhoods out of one of them.
Wills? Aren't they just being passed down to their kids, or do white people really just abandon their kids completely when they turn 18?
Majority of boomers use their house as an ATM. The bank will pay take it over when they die.
The Chinese ofcourse
assuming they don't piss it away with reverse mortgages, it will be handed down to multiple kids who will just sell it so they don't have to deal with it and so they can split the wealth easily
this will occur on a massive scale with early boomers started to retire in the past few years and the next big bump happening in 7 years.
we will start seeing marketing campaigns from existing homeowners experiencing the crash saying things like: "don't sell the family home" and "keep it in the family"
screenshot this
>or do white people really just abandon their kids completely when they turn 18?
My mother is Swedish. My father is German. We live in and around Chicago. My mother inherited a million from my grandmother 25 years ago. Instead of investing it, and living off the yearly interest, she quit working, blew it all, and now is poor as fuck. It took years for my family to build up that wealth and me and my three siblings will see none of it.
My father divorced my mother about 10 years ago and married a fat accountant a couple years later. Six years after they got married, she died from cancer, like a result of being a land whale. He inherited a million dollars from her. Now he is retired early and is now blowing it all on useless crap. He just bought two big TVs, one for him and one for his new girlfriend. This is his fourth massive TV in a house that he lives by himself in.
Meanwhile, my sister lives in abject poverty working various fast food jobs in rural Indiana, my brother is in college, currently at over $100k college debt, and my second sister works as a nanny and sells weed.
Does that answer your question, user?
Many such cases. The future doesn't look good at all.
millennials are pants on head retarded
>wearing pants
people have always been retarded & the future has always been bleak. it's nothing new and nothing to worry about.
my german boomer parents inherited 250k€ from my grandma who always saved her money and never had a vacation, she lived a modest and humble village life.
my parents already pissed away half of it on an expensive car (they already had 2 cars, now they have 3 cars, dont ask me why 2 boomers need 3 cars) and cruises...
boomers were a mistake
i am 25 and I saved up 10k€ so far while going to uni (graduating with a MSc in half a year)
>Yeah, but 60% of the millennial population in America has less than $1,000 saved and 70% has less than $5,000 saved. Any way you look at it, there is soon very likely to be a massive supply with no demand.
I don't understand this. I have over 100k saved and put 4k in savings every month and I still feel poor as fuck as a millennial
Fucking BOOMERS. Literally exit scammed and dumped their worthless bags on us. Sold us out to the globalist banksters. The greediest, most complacent, gullible, disgusting generation have the audacity to look down on their children who inherited the absolute fuck up of an economy they created. Fuck BOOMERS, Bush's death marks the beginning of the end for the boomers. I will watch you boomer fucks get totally fucked as you die old and worthless.
>mfw a boomer tries to sell his McMansion near me
A rich Silicon Valley Google guy bought my grandparent's old house.
you put away 4k$ every month? how much money do you earn??
a normal income in germany as an engineer out of uni is 50k before taxes and insurance, after that its like 30k
is this why we are called europoors`?
Yeah, they pretty much abandon their kids. My boomer parents abandoned me and my brother, actually kicked us both out when I was 17. And they were trying to charge us rent to live with them. Both of them leeched off their parents for ridiculous amounts of money. My dad inherited the land he lives on. They are divorced and both of them own homes and land and live alone, both have been remarried and divorced again. They don't want anything to do with us and we are decent people. I worked my way out of it and got out of student debt and am living in NYC now trying to save money. My brother is still in poverty in Kentucky and we're pretty distant because of the divorce, they separated us. Boomers are fucking evil
I'm a senior engineer so I make 135k a year and I don't spend money on stupid shit.
Option #1. The market can't correct down to fair value. Everyone forgets the local municipality pensions liabilities and growing debt. Politicians will opt for any insane policy to prop housing prices up. Even if you could afford to own a home when SHTF property taxes will milk every ounce of life from owners. TLDR .gov will buy them for the brown people.
I earned all of this myself through hard work and bootstraps and firm handshakes. Why can't you?
This unironically. We will see that transference of wealth and property go from white boomers to Indian and Chinese investors within the next 10-15 years or so.
Literally why do you still wage? Surely you had to work for a while, not spending money on stupid shit, to get to that level. I'm a low-level engineer, not spending money on stupid shit, and I can't imagine myself reaching 135K salary before I'm ready to retire.
I'll probably just rent my parents $800,000 house out on whichever crypto airbnb gets created
how long will i have to wait for prices to go down? I can leech of my parents for 5 more years tops
even that will only buy a few year or a decade which is long enough, but here in canada, even the rich chinese and persians have dried up. i mean these guys used to buy any shithole for a mill or 2 just for the land & demo, make new home, and sell for 3-4 mill any some other rich persian or chinese would buy it... that shit stopped 2 years ago, and now the normans have finally drop the prices very little here. still a long way to go, but capulation will be interesting, have enough cash on hand, cryptos, silver and whatnot, buying opportunity coming up in a decade
1. Asian Investors
2. REITs who will rent them to rentfags
3. Investors
Can someone explain why foreigners are allowed to own our land? Looks like cuckery to me
>Being this racist
Check your privilege and the current year
to the boomers reading this now chuckling to themselves, sneering at the lazy entitled young people, who believe that your generation is so extraordinarily gifted that they could accumulate more debt than any other in history... what do you think will happen?
do you think you will just retire and the injustice will go away? do you think youre going to have fun for a few years on our tax money and then die peacefully?
no, the debt will be repaid, we will not fund your retirements, we are going to change the law to allow us to kill you off when your health fails. the day of the pillow approaches
>Literally why do you still wage?
Because I want nice things. 500 acres of forest and a comfy house takes money user.
now you know why the Jews want hordes of spics and chinks to flood the country.
We will plow them down for the FEMA camps.
>be me in the process of getting a mortgage
>houses are so overpriced that I need a 60k deposit for a reasonable dwelling
>realise I'll be in the 70% after I've sold my soul to the bank.
This whole process stinks. Add to this the bullshit arrangement fees and numerous extra services you have to pay for to appease daddy bank. Its designed to syphon capital from the small guy.
the chinese
Unfunded pension liabilities are why Bitcoin will unironically hit $1MM
Do all internet funny money havers unironically believe they're going to be trillionaires? Crypto more faith based than religion.
Based pillowanon
Do they own a house? Why would you squander that much money?
Capitalism is a dying economic system (evidenced by the lack of wealth and home ownership among younger generations). Housing will soon be distributed by the government.
Hi boomer.
the germans i know are pretty smart with money. Maybe they got some seriously diverse brain damage after all
I grew up broke. Parents both drug addicts. My father was in an accident and had multiple strokes as a side affect, he has told me as penance for all those fucked up years he's giving me the lions share of his settlement. It will be maybe $50,000. I want to invest all of this as I'm currently doing fine. However can I use investments as collateral for buying a house? If so how does that work?
>have rich boomer parents
>need money for a new house
>take 0 interest loan from parents
you faggot americans better not crash the world economy again with your jew banks and mortgage nigger schemes
Me. I have $50k ready to go for my 20% down.
Bush was 94 bro
He was from the Greatest Gen, as is Carter
All from Bill Clinton -> Trump = Boomer Presidents
i like your second sister
The house is collateral for buying a house. You could sell the investments to make your down payment but that's about it. You're probably better off buying vacant land and putting a prefab house on it.
I am 35 and bought my house 10 years ago for $190k at 3.6% with 0% down while receiving $8,000 for a first-time home buyer credit. I literally got paid to buy a house. Its market value is now around $350,000 outside of Portland. there are a lot of buyers most of them coming up from California where they sold the equivalent size house for double or triple. They are more or less out competing anyone local with their equity from commiefornia
Literally chinks.
Millennial whites are not having children and buying houses because they are broke as fuck.
Millennial chinks are generationally rich as fuck and have no problem carting their families with them all over the world.
You think 5erenwont be anyone to buy those houses? There will be, they just won’t be white. It will take one middle class Chinese person moving to a former boomer sub development to fill every house on the street, in a matter of twelve months.
Whitey spent so much time stepping on everyone’s neck including whitey that now whitey is as oppressed as the niggers. But in China there are no niggers, only Chinese, so chinks stepped on chinks necks to get rich, and the result is that every poor person in China is a chink and every rich person in China is a chink. In western countries, every rich person is a white, but all the other whites have been equal to niggers. That’s part of the reason why whites have evaporating influence and privilege while chinks are exponentially gaining privilage and influence.
If you don’t believe me, take a look at what has been happinging in the cities closest to China. Sydney Australia has ATMs in which the default language is Mandarin and you need to switch them to English to use them. Auckland New Zealand has entire streets of million dollar homes in formerly white neighbourhoods which are uninhabited because they are owned by chink family trusts who live in China and buy them for twice market value to chuck their competitors but who won’t lease them out in order to protect their investment, while the rate of homeless whites who can’t afford houses skyrockets.
The time of whites running western civilisation is over. The west belongs to China now, you just doesn’t realise it yet. The people swooping in to take the houses and business off boomers won’t be niggers, or poor tranny whites, it will be sandniggers and chinks using their family’s generation resource and banking wealth
Why? Bankrupt municipal and state pension funds will not drive up the price of Bitcoin that is retarded.
You mean 60% of millennials are smart enough to not use savings accounts.
damn thats sad bro, sending thoughts and prayers
inshallah brother
serious answer: investors. cities are becoming privatized and the prices that we're seeing, though they are high, are still cheap enough to be profitable for investors.
what we're going to see in the next 50 years is that middle class cities become privatized (example: ladera ranch in california. since the land is owned by the ladera ranch corporation, you can't buy a house if you're a sex offender for example. families love this). the lower class will be in big shitty multi family properties owned by investors. the rich areas will continue to be like they are now: big lots owned by the wealthy.
land ownership will concentrate in a smaller and smaller group, just like all the other good assets.