Hey Jow Forums, I've been thinking a lot lately about where my wealth will go after I die. My wife and I do not want to have children, as I don't find it suitable for my type of autism and hers. However by the time I am old and shriveling, I will want my wealth to go somewhere useful.
I have decided I will put up advertising for couples who want children but can't procreate themselves. I will provide my seed to the woman (either directly or indirectly, depending on the couple's preference), and as a bonus they will receive a portion or all of my wealth (depending on how many of my children they raise). I think this is the best strategy, rather than donating my wealth to someone who is not my biological offspring. I am an 8/10 and will not have an issue convincing couples, after getting to know them, that it is the right choice.
Any thoughts on this? What are the pitfalls I'm no seeing?
>I am an 8/10 if that's you in the pic I hate to burst your bubble
Leo Butler
pic related is an example couple I would be working with
Isaiah Davis
user. Your post reached out to me and I will share my secret. I am 49 and my wife whom I fucking love more than life itself cant have children. I also would rather have a root canal than adopt a nigger or brain damaged meth head baby so I thought I was out of luck until last year. I bought 4000 ETH at $7 which now is not so impressive but in January I sold 2000 at 1170. I bought a lake house and two new vehicles. I then entered into an agreement with a single mother at my work. She will get pregnant and deliver me a child. I will then give her 75,000 in one lump sum for uncontested custody. I am fucking on cloud nine.
Julian Thompson
What if they abort your unborn child, or treat him/her horribly after receiving your money?
Kevin Turner
Sounds like a sweet deal user. Do you think it's better to seek out single women close to the wall, than couples? Mind sharing how you managed to arrange such a deal with a co-worker?
Angel Turner
A single mother cant raise a children.
Jack Reyes
I will require a DNA test of the child to verify it's mine, and I will monitor their behavior, meeting them for dinner and such. All of this will require an extensive background check on the person/couple as well beforehand. This is a big arrangement and will require big investigation.
Logan Bailey
Go vegan and try to be healthy until Neuralink comes commercially available.
Luke Lopez
>What are the pitfalls I'm no seeing? Who gives a shit you'll be dead
Evan Ward
Are you shooting up heroin or crushed painpills, user? I actually don't wanna have a conversation with you. So if you don't get hooked on some shit boy. If you fear opiod drugs (which you should its the lottery of death) you at least wanna trip out on lsd and shrooms. Not having offspring but still doing all the offspring people things is bullshit. Blow through you wealth. Well why am i even talking to you is beyond me. I need some serious sorting myself.
Jacob Thompson
Generally speaking you are correct, but there are exceptions.
Thomas Watson
>i have autism none wants your autistic semen unless youve got fat stacks of cash, how much we talking here?
Gabriel Wood
it was sense of humor, as far as amounts I won't reveal it but it will be far more than enough to be financially independent
Hudson Hughes
I'm donating all of my money to the second amendment foundation.
Caleb Brown
this is my backup plan, donate everything to a political organization I favor
Nicholas Sanchez
Fuck off OP, I run this scam too. I fake bank statements and give them a copy of my will living them and my offspring my money but I'm broke and just repeat it every year or so.
Joseph Phillips
based and redpilled
Adrian Taylor
we could work together to make it a business
Gavin Wright
The main reason to procreate is to spread your genes, as it is the genes that compete against other genes in the human population. The thing is that any single one of your genes will not be unique to you (unless you have a mutation in a functional gene, which alter to gene product and making your gene unique). To fulfill your biological need to spread your genes, and ensure continued survival of your kind, you could just hand out money to your extended family, or people of your ethnicity, even people in general.. If you do a miniature version of Bill Gates, and save a couple of thousand of people in Kongo or wherever, you would still be aiding in the passing down of most of your genes.
Jordan Nguyen
I get extended family and your ethnic group, but the rest of what you said is just retarded