Advertisement Fraud

You want to make real money? Jow Forums needs to team up with Jow Forums and form a syndicate to join the gold rush that is advertisement fraud.

It's stupidity easy to get away with when planned correctly. Don't you wanna make money? With a little organization and structure we could form the worlds largest fraud syndicate and if we're doing that, might as well get into carding, blackmail, social media image crafting, corporate espionage, national security espionage. You know all the fun stuff.

But I'm just a CS graduate pleb working a soul sucking cubical job who's going to die alone. I can't do all this myself.

Attached: ANA__Ad_Fraud_Will_Cost__7_2_Billion_in_2016__Up_From_2015___Digital_-_AdAge.jpg (1038x495, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

carding online not irl is impossible in 2018

You can still card you just have to root the persons phone which is attached to the card. Phone hacking (iOS and android) is my speciality.

If some of our members were working for telecommunication companies and ISPs then boom. Backdoor their servers and you've got everything.

*blocks your path*

Attached: Basic Attention Token.png (1680x955, 38K)


Go make telegram group for that and share link

>You can still card you just have to root the persons phone which is attached to the card
and thats a big deal as it requires social engineering, you would need a botnet for cellphones where you can read the victims messages

absolutely glowing thread op.

You can do it without social engineering and Carding is one aspect. I was able to root a telecommunications hub with an automatic lock pick, infrared absorbing clothing (motion sensors) and a raspberry pi with a custom kernel.

Admittedly. I haven't done anything with the thousands of IPs I now control, but the point is this stuff isn't that difficult. I could use these IPs for advertisement fraud. These buildings are everywhere still.

Attached: Rooted.png (948x802, 867K)

Instore carding is dead since... 2009? I think there are still ways to do it in turkey and other shitholes, maybe SEA. But EU dumps wont do shit there.

Never did illegal things though but a very interesting topic.

4d chess man

That's nothing, I hubbed a root picker with light absorbent telecommunications.

*tinks glass* Well you know what I think of ads?

Attached: 1515329994712.png (1000x1000, 216K)

Just curious, is it possible to read all tracks from cards that were copied with NFC? Or more like getting cc data from app store cache / whatever.

inb4 brian krebs article



Attached: artworks-000289360259-tx6ng2-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 31K)

I care nawt for games. I just want to form a fraud syndicate and make money.

If you can break the encryption sure... But you will spend hundreds of years just trying to break the encryption. NFC and RFID cloning isn't possible anymore. I tried with my own card. I was able to clone my wireless car key which is a 2017 model car and open my card with a pi but breaking NFC and RFID isn't plausible.

I'm Australian and I'm using a randomly selected IP from my neighbors lol.

I can do the website, I’m god tier with front end.
I will take 15%.

Also, some flicking annon tried to get me into carding. Fuck him.

Attached: D126F6A8-D1EC-4CC4-8AEE-423AA0758B0A.jpg (2624x3936, 2.49M)

how did you get started with hacking? any good resources online?

Make a group and Post Link for Advertisement fraud

preferably phishing/social engineering/etc, since math isn't my strong suit

defcon lectures are pretty good. You can watch them on youtube.

You can get access to read a person's text messages remotely without physically having their phone.

I have work in 45 minutes. We have a no phone policy and all traffic is monitored so can't post for 10 hours :(

Carding by itself... Unless you're actually Russian or something just isn't worth it. Ad fraud baby!

I started by learning to program, then did CS. The in my picture are all very good, you don't really need to learn ruby/rust though. Just TCP/IP, c/c++, assembly and internet protocol stuff.

If you want some straight up "into to hacking" stuff, check out "nullbyte" on youtube. A lot of people don't like him because he's showing how easy it is to use a lot of powerful hacking tools. This is him;

Attached: WIN_20181109_19_07_32_Pro.jpg (1920x1080, 394K)

I never did, but, I was mod on OG hacking forms back in 2007. My responsibility was to keep the scriptkiddyes away from carding, sadly I failed and most of them got arrested. I still know OG hackz0rs I talk with when they get drunk and sucidal.

>I have work in 45 minutes. We have a no phone policy and all traffic is monitored so can't post for 10 hours :(
What the fuck? What dystopian nightmare do you work in?

Govt or sec probably.

tell me how i can do this "ad fraud" faggot

Make a discord group? I'm game.

>I’m game.
If he’s in I’m out. People like him only ruin things.

unzips dick

If you're out im in I want 50%

I see you fucking Jew. Ok, ignore my last message. If that guy’s in I will take 23% instead of 15% and I won’t interact with him.