Who comfy hodling REQ?
150k here
Who comfy hodling REQ?
150k here
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Get rekt fgt
Your 150k req token money has already been spent on food in a fancy Singaporean mozzarella restaurant
Why would you be comfy? People are gonna dump their bags when it hits 0,1 and forget this coin for good
This along with Substratum, Vechain and DragonChain are the best projects in crypto
We are gonna be rich
You guys should be buying at these prices
I have 10k and will be buying more once Bitcoin drops below 3200.
I’ll bepicking up some Icon, Iota, BSV, and Mobius as well.
See you guys on Mars
Bought a 10K suicide insurance bag at 08cents thinking i got a good deal. Fuck this french scamcoin
>Substratum, Vechain and DragonChain
Scammers buffet right there
Tfw your suicide insurance turns out to be a life insurance instead
If I was to sell all of my REQ right now I'd come away with about $13. I own a small amount but I'm still pissed that I bought it. Without question the worst coin I've held.
REQ will pass ath again at some point in the next 2 years
25k REQ. completely wrote them off. Riding all the way to ZERO which is all the way down another 2 cents. Wish I would have put that money into literally anything else. Piece of shitcoin
50k here and it’s all what i have.
If req fails i kill myself.
Your attitude stinks. You and the rest of fudders itt deserve to be poor. Why don't you just sell whatever you have just now?
30k Req here
We are not gonna make it fren
See you in lamboland
I have 500k. This is one of the best long term holds out there. This coin will be easily worth a few dollars
don't feed the data trolls peeps
req will be the best investment of my entire life
Look, I'm sorry man, but can you please just accept you bought something worthless? Look at their github commits, it's fucking over. cryptomiso.com
why that's a 1000 bucks
Diversify you fucking retard
They have a private one you brainlet
REQ is just a team of lazy french
What an amazing assortment of useless shitcoins. Instead of going to broke in one collapse bleed to zero quicker as these piles of shit fail! This is a plebbit tier assortment of garbage. You must go back.
Meth user?
Bought 50k at ico. Converted them into 54k linkies at one point.
>buy REQ in early November 2017 for about U$0.06 - 0.08
>December 2017 it hits U$1
>Sell 75% of my stack
never looking back bros... don't even give a shit about the price anymore
Got mah 760k buy order set on Binance.
Anyone holding 100k is going to make it! When V2, rebrand, projects using REQ go mainnet and partnerships are revealed this is going so fucking parabolic.
There are unironically only 4 other projects worth a shit and that's ZRX, MKR/DAI, LINK and ofcourse ETH, possibly BAT too - that looks promising. Everything else is a shitcoin and will be made redundant by 2020.
Just change it to LINK. Much more comfy
Jesus Christ user, WTF.
Please don't ever participate in the REQ threads ever again.
>didnt sell at the top
hey bud
how's your $1000 investment doing when it could have been $150,000?
i'll buy lottery tickets when the time is right
thanks for the reminder
Don't say nobody warned you, Bitcoin is stabilizing and this will give alts room to flourish. This is a platform specifically rnade for payment based dApps. No crypto
That means you can have MULTIPLE businesses using the REQ platform to build a ''pay with request" button. for example. They'll be completing with each other
Company A might focus fiat development, company B might focus on real estate, They'll ALL be using the platform and ALL transactions done through THEIR
businesses will make YOUR tokens more valuable. Retards don't understand this, when you invest in a stock, you are investing in one SINGULAR business to do
well. When you buy REQ tokens. whether a business succeeds OR fails. the total supply of REQ tokens SHRINKS, and there is an automated process to BUY more
tokens, meaning demand for your token goes up as supply goes down,
God traditional investors are so, so fucking dumb. It's comical how fucking dumb they are that they're not getting in on this literal money printer. Instead opting for
safe 1 percent returns. Lmfao. The gnashing of teeth of people that study investments for hours and hours that will get ROIcucked by me as I sit in a chair with my
hand on my dick. Feels so fucking amazing.
A small, fixed percentage of every transaction that goes through on the REQ based COAX, the REQ based PayPal, the REQ based auditing service. the REQ based ecommerce store. will be used to buy REQ tokens at market rate and then literally delete them from existence. The volume is going to be out of this world. The supply of REQ tokens will dry up faster than you can blink, nobody will be selling these for years to the humans that are demanding them because they're such good investments. People will be paying hundreds of dollars for just one of my hundreds of thousands of tokens.
God it's going to feel fucking amazing, like the first time you had sex with your crush under the stars.
Yeah waiting it to bounce a bit then cash out because it was a shit move on my part.
Pump it
I'm eREQt now
25k here
one i'll have 50k oh yeah
same. i'm hoping to get close to 100k just by daytrading.
Delusional, you're comfy with your 90% BTC losses? This is why you can't have nice things you brainlet.
Nice, still making anons poor. Biz are total cunts, absolutely worse then /b/
we already made it fren
Will I make it with 70k REQ?