>3 minutes to make
>30 g protein
>first meal of the day, 13:00
How can Jow Forums even compete?
>3 minutes to make
>30 g protein
>first meal of the day, 13:00
How can Jow Forums even compete?
congrats on this, seriously
What's it like having no taste?
13:00 is a bit too early to wake up
also boiled eggs are much easier to make
go ask them you fat cunt
Funny as fuck to me that so many people cross post on Jow Forums and Jow Forums while both boards continue to become worse than they've ever been.
I woke up at 7:50
The turkey is cajun spiced boars head
Total cost: less than 1 dollar
I wuz mocking
Damn that looks so good right now.
Both Jow Forums and Jow Forums have the potential to have positive impact on people's lives, which is a good use of Jow Forums. The problem is when /tv/ Jow Forums Jow Forums and the rest of these pathetic wretched subhuman boards find out about the dominant duo, they flood them with their horrid posts.
i can try to improve myself and hate jewish world domination, what's wrong with that?
>protein powder
>4oz of water
24 grams of protein, 10 seconds to make, 5 seconds to drink.
Jow Forums Jow Forums Jow Forums maximalist here
>real food
>not real food
Cool gmo gains bro
This isnt for cosmetic purposes you insecure weirdo
whats the recipe on the turkey?
>Both Jow Forums and Jow Forums have the potential to have positive impact on people's lives
All of the people who have gotten any value out of either board have already seen how overrun they have become with vermin and moved on. All that's left is pathetic trash that want to succeed but can't get over their overwhelming sense of worthlessness and end up bringing the boards down with their self loathing and jealousy.
That's a mighty fine looking breakfast.
> 0 minutes to make
> unlimited nutrients
No clue i bought from deli, but its typical cajun spices, lil cayenne, cracked pep, kosh salt, lil cumin, garlic powder
Over easy is the patrician choice
Do yourself a favor and buy raw boneless thighs/breasts. Its 1/4th to 1/5th the price
No starches to schloop the yolk with but i always order over ez when i go out
Would be better if you made it from home made turkey breasts, but still decent.
>3 minutes
Fucking how? I'm failing my diet every single morning because it takes me 30 minutes to prepare and eat breakfast.
>throw sausage in the pan
>takes about 7 minutes to cook 4 links
>while that's happening I crack 4 eggs, whisk, add salt and pepper
>additionally grate some cheddar cheese
>when the sausage is done I move it to a plate, then start the eggs
>eggs take 2-3 minutes to cook before I can add cheese
>cheese takes 2 minutes to melt and the eggs to finish cooking
>transfer everything to plate
>add hot sauce
>10-15 minutes to eat
I do everything on medium heat, should I just maximum flame? If I can get cook time down I could force myself to eat faster.
Jow Forumsbiz/a/ master race reporting
Too much work but i agree
Prep your shit the night before, eggs shudnt take long at all, get the pan really hot, then draw the heat back to low low mid temp
2nd Turkey
You shudnt be eating before 12:00 anyways
How much do you weight rn and how much weight are you trying to lose
I don't see how I could prep it the night before. I could crack and whisk the eggs, I guess, but that's not going to speed up the sausage cooking, or the egg cooking. Or are you saying cook the night before and microwave in the morning? Nah that sounds gross.
I used to eat breakfast burritos which were very fast but there's way too many carbs in them for me now.
Fuck yeah /a/. /a/biz/ anime is the best. Kakegurui, Kaiji, Spice & Wolf, all great. Oh and C if you want something with a dash of conspiracy/pol/ flavor.
shit food brah. go vegan already
hurrrr muh plant proteins
You can't make good lifts eating nothing but carbs, dude. You need animal proteins and fats.
Cook the proteins night b4, then cook eggs in morn, once eggs are near done throw in the proteins that you had warming to room temp
This, enjoy consuming growth hormones and estrogen the birds are force fed ti grow fatter.
>processed meat
>real food
I agree
Do you own LINK niqqa?
unironically based
user, I too used to think roasting a turkey was hard work. I then learned about spatchcocking a turkey, best fucking way to cook it quickly. It retains a lot of juice and turns out delicious. Meat for ages.
>pic related
Why not just castrate yourself? Same results.
zero minutes to pour a nice tall cup of skim milk with 30 grams of protein and without the full daily value load of cholesterol you just plated there
Well done user, you win, for the record, they were cage free brown eggs, cant speak for the boars head
>Wake up
>Eat some corn flakes with milk for breakfast
>Eat a banana an hour later
>Eat some roasted/boiled meat for lunch
>Eat some whole wheat bread with eggs and mustard for dinner
>Peanuts for snacking
>Multivitamin pills to not develop deficiencies
>Jow Forums
you're never going to actually make it
Jow Forums Jow Forums /ck/ truth triad reporting in
I always assume the ones bring up testosterone are the ones lacking, faygos
>Full of lactic acid
>Full of sugars
>Sugars which increase cholesterol
>He fell for the cholesterol in eggs/meat meme or is a dairy industry shill
No user! Don't consume that nutritious breakfast! Have these shitty milk and milk byproducts instead!!
You could just drink water and save money.
>He fell for the whole egg is nutritious meme
An egg white contains over half of the protein and none of the cholesterol
This. /Biz and /fit are for men still trying to make it.
/Pol and the rest are for coping angry spergs who have given up.
He fell for the cholesterol is bad for you meme
Just do it with the meat or heavy veggies
Look into turkey brine
So I just did my routine and timed it:
Sausage took 10 minutes to cook
Eggs took about 5 minutes to cook
Eating took about 10 minutes
Total time start to finish was 25 minutes.
Obviously the sausage is what's holding me back here, but I really like having the raw sausage links and cooking them. I could get some cheap pre-cooked links and just microwave them and then cook the eggs in butter rather than sausage grease, but I don't know how healthy that is and while I still enjoy the taste of microwaved sausage fresh cooked is superior.
I guess I could stop bitching and just wake up 10 minutes earlier but I feel like I can get more efficient with this.
>no veggies
>no carbs
enjoy your heart attack carnivorefag
>Both Jow Forums and Jow Forums have the potential to have positive impact on people's lives
Fit is arguably the best board. Biz, in contrast, is one of the worst places on the internet. I'm not exaggerating. It's hard to think of anywhere on the clearnet that is directly responsible for more human misery. At least 80% of threads make the world a worse place. Theg shill the tops, they fud the dumps, they push obvious scams and hatred. At least pol is mostly mental damage to already damaged individuals, biz has legitimately ruined lives. A few made obscene amounts of money, but not thanks to biz. Most got justed and left in shame, or more pathetically hung around being slowly ground into pink mush trying desperately to find the last few greater fools.
>biz has legitimately ruined lives
No denying in that, yes.
Unnecessary. Meat/fish/eggs/offal is all one needs.
Jow Forums Jow Forums /diy/ is the patrician choice
>no RDI vitamin A, K1, K2, folate, fiber, etc
enjoy your nutrient deficiencies nutritionlet
>not pre cooking a dozen yams, a few pounds of chicken legs and ground beef and making gruel out of it
>What is fish derived vitamin A, k1?
>What is vitamin k2/fate in egg yolks?
>What is soft easy to pass stools due to proper consumption of healthy fats?
(you): Hurry durrr I'm sooo smartz
enjoy the microplastic buildup in your body
Jow Forums is one of the best places on this site. cant stand you dumb libshit nigger lovers
have fun with heart disease retards
Jow Forums Jow Forums reporting in