how do scripts propagate through the lightning network?
Cooper Allen
They don't. You build on SV.
Julian Smith
What about sv? Its the next eth?
Ryan Moore
>use a screwdriver instead of a hammer for this nail
Brody Long
correct, but the screwdriver is made of gold, and to use the hammer you can only use it while underwater in a sewer in Haiti
Kevin Wood
Yes. And look at Simplicity by Blockstream. Too lazy to search for the paper, but they have it on github now. Will take a few years to be ready for Bitcoin, though. And yeah, turing completeness and "World computer" are memes.
Anthony Wright
>comparing a virtual machine to a script
Grayson Kelly
its obvious you fags have never written a smart contract in your life. probably not even programmers. kys
John Jenkins
>It's not Turing complete, but that is good because it means you can't lose money to bugs >the car doesn't have a steering wheel and only goes perfectly forward and backward, but that is good because it means you can't hit a tree
Evan Carter
>t. ideas guy who fell for the SJW world computer meme
Levi Morgan
>bitcoin is not Turing complete It is. Satoshi explains it in this paper
Let me guess, your shitcoin with 3k daily transactions is the real bitcoin.
Eli Allen
can you build DAI on bitcoin? no? thats what i thought. you realise you dont have to use the turing completeness the evm offers if you feel its insecure right?
stupid maximilist.
Levi Cruz
bitcoin is described in the satoshi white paper. That white paper does not describe btc, it describe bsv
Daniel Thompson
Except bsv doesn't have op-codes, Satoshi removed them himself and Bitcoin has been dead since then.