>I could have made $165,000 from imaginary internet shitcoins in January
>now the same shitcoins are worth less than $15,000
Fuck off, don't tell me I drink too much.
>I could have made $165,000 from imaginary internet shitcoins in January
>now the same shitcoins are worth less than $15,000
Fuck off, don't tell me I drink too much.
those numbers are almost the same as mine.
Initial: ~$3k
ATH: ~$160k
Now: ~$10k
ath 1.2m
now 11k
wow! sorry for your losses bro. how the fuck did you even manage that?
yes really. and it was quite simple really. greed. i rationalized it. i could either cash out now and give shaniqua half my check or hold onto it and hope for the best. you guys know which i chose. not all bad though i did take out some every month. and I did pay the taxes on it too.
Initial 30k
ATH 402k
Now 27k
Please fucking kill me
This 30k is a lot of money for me and I can’t even get myself to sell and I know this market is about to get flushed the fuck out
Please fucking kill me
All of you can go fuck yourselves, you're all not as smart as you thought, if you have anything left in crypto and are not putting it into LINK right now then you deserve to be a pajeet forever.
initial 74k
ATH 600k
now 12k
You do know that Link is going back below 20c (probably 10c more realistically)...
Holy shit.. What were you hodling user?
total invested ~65k
ATH: 490k
now: dont know dont care, I still have 20 btc tho thankfully.
initial 300
ath 4,000
now 2,000
iinvested in link early and swing traded
99.1 % down? How the fuck is that possible
Initial 1500
Ath 18000
Now 500
Good thing I cashed out.
Bad trades trying to get back his dumbass gains.
Initial: 200k
ATH: 32m
Now: 380k
if the market turns around and i hit ~30m again im fucking done, ill just LARP and shitpost here after that
initial 4,000
ath 800k
now 93k
Dude, that is just levels of greedy I can't even fathom. How much did you pull out? Surely you pulled a few million out right?
>he doesnt know literal pajeets started the chainlink shilling campaign on Jow Forums
Subhuman pajeets made unpaid shills out of the lot of you
I bought into the HODL meme, but atleast i dumped by btc for trashcoins shortly after the ATH to minimalize my losses. I shouldve just cashed out for fiat then. Threw my remaining shitcoins into XMR and XRP a few weeks back. I really do think i can hold and cash completely out at a 100m when the market recovers
but you did cash out at least a million out of the 32 into fiat right? RIGHT!?
No, HODL means HODL. I didn’t cash out a penny
Have you ever considered you might be on the spectrum?
You god damned idiot
n-no because we’re going to recover and within a decade ill be shitposting this from a lambo
you might be bro. but how you had 32 million in crypto and didn't pull out at least 1 of those to cover your initial and then some is honest to god brainlet levels of intelligence. If I was in your shoes I'd already be set for life. You fucked up so badly I can't even imagine how bad your life must be right now.
>had 32m and didnt get a lambo
user you already blew your chance to make. You could already be in lambo land if you werent pants on head retarded.
Most of the top coins from 2013/2014 never experienced comparable moons. Remember shit like Peercoin, Auroracoin?
You're fucking nuts. You have to cash out enough to be a multi-millionaire up 32 mill.
and you dont hold any bitcoin?
hoooolly wooooow
What did you hold to get 32mil? Is that all your holding?
That's why you use a rolling stop loss during bubbles, or keep track of the prices and sell immediately if you see a double top.
Yeah i couldve already got a lambo but i told myself i wouldnt cash out until i could buy said lambo with strictl crypto no fiat. I can forsee this coming to fruiton in time to come. Majority of the world doesnt even have internet let alone computers. Once the 3rd world catches up we’re all set for take off
That was super early though
But what if i coupd cash out and be up 100m?
I held btc until shortly after ath, btc wont be the standard for long. Its only still #1 because you need it to buy other coins.
MGO shit pumped 10x in satoshis why god have you forsaken us
>too retarded to cash out
>still triple your money in a year for a ROI any investor would dream of
oh how fucking sad bro
>Once the 3rd world starts buying into the scam
Son, the 3rd worlders are the ones trying to DO the scamming. I have a landline that gets rung by Poos trying various grifts all the time.
You only adopted the scam, they were born to it, raised by it. They aren't dumping their rupees and yuan into shitcoins.
jokes on you, I cashed out around ~$25k at the peak too.
Initial: 5k
ATH: 60k
Now: 45k
The only question now: how far down do you ride it?
I already cashed out in january and spend the money on paying of mortgage, only have 0.5 btc left, so can't really crash it anymore
>poo is 3rd world
wrong, poos are merely 2nd world
lol u look only for an excuse of miserable life.
u wouldnt make it even if u did actually cash out
>not cashing out when you have so much money your grandgrandgrandchildren wouldn't have to work one day in their life
>being left with a pile of shitcoins at 1% of ATH
I mean XMR and XRP are pretty safu bets desu but dude ...
Look on the bright side, someone could have stole that money from you and binged on tendies.
This way you've not had that theft experience and they haven't had a month of tendieshits.
i literally went down 99.9% this is not a joke
initial: 20k
ATH: ~7.5MM
Now: 550k? Fuck my ass
Cashed out 100k or so too when BTC was at 6k.