Kek here, Buy My Book

its called Omega to Alpha. Its a business book about Game Theory and its a book of Game Theory on Business. It can be useful in a myriad amount of ways, and if you are familiar with my PDF's on magic, it will be just as similarly radiant. I will release it as a digital download for $99 within the next upcoming weeks.

Attached: kekinspace.png (304x308, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>buy my book
>$99 !!

HAHAHAHAHA hahahahaha

my knowledge is worth more than that

>t. brainlet that will never make it

tfw 9000 iq


nice just bought it, will be on on the piratebay by tomorrow

how do I short this book

Attached: xs.png (486x515, 20K)

Wait till I finish it. It's going to be an essential reading just like Dale Carnegie's book on influence.

the entire Jow Forums market is my oyster. Dont mind me doing a little marketing for myself.


thanks for the bump

The Anti-Christ is a literal Chuuni. He fits this definition to a key:

>The Anti-Christ
>The --Christ
>The --+
>The ++

its pretty obvious at this point


no one wants your POS book, even if you paid people


>PDF's on magic,

Superstition is a feminine trait.

>talking to God with such insolence


where do you get off being arrogant on an anonymous forum? For all we know this book doesn't exist nor do you expect us to buy it. You're probably larping for attention because you lack meaningful relationships in your real life.

I'm "kek" you are speaking too. I was the catalyst that made crypto moon to 800 billion. I am a motherfucking legend.

>just like Dale Carnegie's book on influence

lame response. I bet your book is just as bland as your persona. Your personality is probably even moreso..

i can make it all about quantitative analytics and bore the shit out of you


Said the lame shill trying to eat at my clout

>I'm "kek" you are speaking too.
Imagine being this cringe.

Imagine being this cringe and bluepilled. you're a scrub

this is pathetic dude, practice larping on a couple other boards first..
What exactly am I shilling?

keep posting, it's excellent cringe fuel

lmao I have all the proof and evidence in the world to provide for you. Like my aformentioned OP pic that was my yeild censored by google, and my green ID for starters. Look closely at the synchronicity of my digits and the meta data of my posting.

RIP crypto.

imagine trying to announce yourself as a legend to fill some weird ego fantasy on an anonymous incel cope hotline

i dont have to announce it. Im just reminding the nufags that are treading on my turf.

you know what, how about you just stop being a fag? Why not just be a funny guy?

Attached: 1542420391605.jpg (911x1024, 102K)

i get more pussy than you. I have physical access to every fembot lurking right now.


Mental illness awareness day on biz?

Smd faggots. I know you are aware of me.

Attached: 1523599397081.jpg (680x645, 330K)

user.. thats not what I meant... instead of trying to be smug all the time why not just make people like you by making them happy

Do you communicate with your friends like this? I hope you didn't send them this link
They'll probably think you're some kind of retard.

they would get the intonated metalanguage

anyways, stop being a fag and smile more, l8r

