I'm trying to get into trading (specifally crypto but that might be a bad idea) but I don't know where to learn all the things I need to understand to be successful. I using trading212 but I feel like I might have been memed
Can someone point me in the right direction to learn everything I need to know, and maybe a few tips for starting out.
Check out Anton Kreil...his stuff i online Seriously excellent
Aiden Robinson
The only way to make it is to first lose 95% of your stack in 6 months.
Brandon Brooks
The only way to learn is by doing.
Josiah Williams
Personally, I did it in one month.. But it's the right of passage OP. You must do it.
Hunter Morales
Thanks, I'm watching his successful beginner video now This is exactly what I want to avoid because I KNOW if I don't take every step carefully my money will do down the drain
Austin Bennett
Then you should also know that your money is likely to go down the drain even if you take every step carefully. But when you do it that way, you'll probably take it a lot harder and make more mistakes trying to fix it.
Adam Gonzalez
So you're saying I should accept that even if I'm careful I will still lose money?
Ok then, but how do you guys make money then? Surely it's more than luck.
Brandon Cruz
Crypto is fucking cancer to trade. Trade literally anything else if you're serious. I know you won't listen and will waste time and money getting overload'd on bitmex
Aaron Ward
Who said we made money here?
Hunter Cooper
Risk to reward user, thats everything. Eaven if you lose 80% of your trades but your target is way further from your entrance than your stoploss (given it's calcuoated on good TA and not wishfull thinking) you will be doing ok...i get stopped out on most of my trades but over time my acc is going steadily up...
>wants to make money >but he's unwilling to take any risks
Are you a female by chance OP? Fuck you, grow some balls idiot
Kevin Flores
I have such little knowledge of this field that I'll listen to whatever you say. What do you suggest I invest in? Yeah I got the feeling that might be the case Lots of small loses and a few big gains, is that how it works for you? Thanks I'm not a chick, I would just prefer to minimise the risk by actually having some idea of what I'm doing. There's no way to entirely avoid risk doing this kinda thing.
Isaac Smith
bruh...you can read as many books as you want/watch all the fuckin videos about trading and you still could be the shittiest trader on earth. just learn by doing. you'll quickly find out that getting a handle on your emotions is a huge factor
Kevin Johnson
Ok, I'll open up a practice account on trading212 and just go for it. I think that way I can get experience without losing all my cash and going suicide tier.
Benjamin Harris
perfect, just look up stuff/keep learning as you go. once you switch to real muniez, you'll see how bullshit demo trading is. remember, cut your losses short!!!!!!
Ian Scott
Thanks amigo, you really helped me out, I'll think of you when I'm taking sips on my yatch.