Did anyone expect anything else?
Women and cucks are being played like a fiddle with all this feminist globalist bullshit.
Did anyone expect anything else?
Women and cucks are being played like a fiddle with all this feminist globalist bullshit.
Absolutely wrong faggot
Women have effectively ostracized themselves from big boy talks. Great job girls
Holy fuck I love this administration. I was talking to my Dad about this during Thanksgiving. I specifically mentioned Pence's rule regarding dining with women and said that this was a true leader providing an example from the very top for the rest of us to follow.
It's beautiful! Finally men in America have an example we can follow. We know that the very highest office of the land has our back and is setting the standard.
I LOVE it! These are the positive effects that you can never measure or quantify but mean so much.
Or you could just be a manly man that will make them naturally sub to you. Incels have zero real life experience
would sniff and checked.
women are losers
Outside Jow Forums and your moms basement things work differently.
This is very good, because women can't handle being ignored and alone, soon this whole metoo trash will end and women will maybe go back to being women.
Who gives a fuck what some celebrities did or didn't do. As if people with money , power or fame ever DIDN'T fuck anything around them.
Plebs buying this shit is the worst part.
women who put their careers over everything are fucking losers
incels were right all along
Many alphas have already been tainted by this shit, even Chads like pic related are becoming fearful.
Thank you based Mike Pence
Again, women are the only losers here.
Women like being flirted with, they like attention, they like being seen. A woman that is not seen is dead inside.
Men will get to stick dicks in vaginas anyway because once women reach meltdown they will be the ones raping and that won't fly in court even if they try to turn it.
TLDR: You don't change millions of years of evolution with a shitty Hollywood globalist metoo campaign.
Those are some beautiful digits and ass cheeks and comment user. A 360 degree triple win post.
What's the source of this gif? I've seen it around a few times.
Maybe the fiminazi are right. Maybe all heterosexual sex is rape.
This only means that rape is natural. We wouldn't exist without rape. Rape is how things should be.
This is what happens when you water down your terms until they mean nothing. #PRORAPE.
>itt: incels
back to pol. fuck off
If you knew the first thing about having sex with women, you'd know that flirting is welcome harassment and harassment is unwelcome flirting.
I've never had actually sex with a woman but I know most don't enjoy being harassed, no harassment is welcomed
Wall Street is now incels. This is biz related.
ah, to be 20 years old again and to think you're fooling older men with these posts
The only difference between harassment and flirting is the attitude of the woman.
I enjoy gently bullying my girlfriend and I know where to draw the line.
But metoo essentially draws the line at the starting line, so to speak. Have women tried having thicker skin? I can't say I've really experienced an annoyed reaction, but this is mostly because I wait until hair is being played with and eyes batted at me before I make a move. But this isn't a viable tactic for the majority of men, who are much less charming than me. Cut them some slack, bat them off, be an adult.
Let me explain. It's not (experienced as) harassment if it's welcome. That's why he says " flirting is welcome harassment and harassment is unwelcome flirting".
I'm 31 years old. I never flirt, I only observe. I don't need to flirt. I'm 9/10, privileged enough to have women flirt with me. I used to think like you when I was very young because I was naive. I ignored the reality of things when I saw guys running around slapping girls asses seemingly when it was harassment and unwelcome and then hooking up with those same girls or girls that were friends of those girls. Eventually you'll face the truth. You'll understand how narcissistic women are and how it's not so much what is said and done and how it's said and done by men that matters, as it is about who is saying it. If you're a sub-8 male, you play by subhuman male rules. If you're not, your harassment is simply flirting to 95%+ of women.
I wish someone told me that 5 years ago
Beautifully written. Checked and sniffed
Chase a check / never chase a bitch (chase no bitch)
- Future, Mask Off, 2017
>If you're a sub-8 male, you play by subhuman male rules. If you're not
>tfw Nietzsche just a voice for the philosophical underpinning of being a roastie, complete with theory of Chad/ubermentch
If you are fat and ugly it is harassment, if you are good looking / wealthy / with influence it is flirting.
Wow you are that much of a pathetic animal that can’t control yourself? Also how is the santa claus religion coming along? KEK thanks for the brapper tho
Wow, so many woke mature posts in one thread.
Good thing i started this.
Exactly. When women want attention from you it's a highway to pussy town. When they don't want attention from you it's a highway to HR /Principle's office / jail
#metoo is nothing but another segregation tool by the elites that was gobbled up by the plebs and feminists and the cucks.
The most mindbogling thing about today's western society is that anything that goes on the news, radio , talk show etc is instantly seen as the new norm by 95% of people who are dumb fuck NPCs. The rest 5% just keep quite or complain about it.
No one in the office beside some retarded women and the cucks actually enjoyed all these new bullshit rules where even looking at a woman is basically rape.
I am old enough to not be affected or care, women where i live now don't know how to be feminine or flirt anyway so fuck em.
You young fucks are getting your world destroyed and instead of doing something about it you sit on facebook , instagram and netflix all day.
Pathetic fucking generation and i am not even THAT old.
Good luck with your 20s. The most beautiful period of your life is going to be SHIT thanks to MSM and globalists and your lack of a spine.
Can't even chat up women without going to prison? 19 fucking 84 hello.
T. Cuck
Or maybe don‘t be a sperg and wear a bodycam 24/7
based and sniffpilled
>don‘t be a sperg
>wear a bodycam 24/7
>nah bitch check this footage first
>walk out a free man
Congrats America on reinventing a wheel.
I'm from 99% White country, but when I was studying in the West I kept to this rule and it was only way to stay sane in this decadent society.
Never dining with another woman alone.
Never dine with a minority at all.
Never talk to nigger/mud in the street.
Avoid wymyn in workplace as well.
There is no way how you can benefit from interacting with the above
Women will only ask you to do their shit or try to dump responsibility on you.
Nogs and poos will try to rob you or scam you.
When you BTFO them you are either racist or a bigot.
It's wasting time that could be spend on important things in your life.
she will just change her story to something that you can't disprove, there are no consequences to them lying so they can keep making it up until something sticks.
No they can‘t
>her first story doesn‘t work with the footage
>she can‘t easily change story anymore without looking like a retard
>case dropped
>mfw there are anons in this thread who go to work in their wagecages, wear company blinders, don't go outside without their fuill suite of personalized cameras and recording equipment, and have never touched another human being.
tfw I can still interact with women without any concerns because I'm not a rapist or incel weirdo
>wanting to get entangled into social shit
your loss
You are just not important enough to fuck your shit up.
Some of us have money and power tho and we need to do our best to prevent any attacks on that.
women will start calling random men rapists soon, never go outside or you will be next
holy fuck that get
quad doubles and a braphog
christmas came early
yup, based post and based digits
This is obvious, the only benefit of women over men is nutting in them, if they become a liability to be around you drop them without losing much since there's so much porn and shit online
Jail for creepshotting.
What you don't seem to understand is that making excuses puts you on the losing end of the argument. That just adds fuel to the fire.
Women despise losers more than anything else in the world.
But you are someone who makes excuses about how he isn't such a bad guy, which in female eyes makes you deeply suspicious.
All excuse making, all apologies, even all explanations: these are incompatible with manhood.
Ultimately, you need to find a way to escape your low position in the hierarchy, but for the time being, stop acting like a slave. You need to not care, and not care even down to your very bones. Certain life experiences help, but obviously I can't compress them into a post on Jow Forums. "Finding yourself" in the most immoral, nasty, un-hippyish way possible may be the only solution.
You are a degenerate and deserve to be exploited for playing it fast and loose.
i hate how the internet has turned into a place for online gurus to attract the most gullible people online. Half the faggots in this thread only know about theory and dont do anything to change their own lives.
All i wanna do is talk about crypto not stupid fucking whore problems. I dont fucking care if some slut gets excluded. Stop making these stupid fucking threads
Who gives a fuck what you think. kys
You should read my book on guruing. It'll change your life.
I cannot describe in words how hilarious your post is. You're on a board dedicated to pyramids and scams.
I wish crypto was as beautiful as your digits today.
It use to be the global rule for all christian men. But the whole free sex culture got rid of it. I'm glad its coming back now and men are cautious of women and maintain a respectable reputation again.
yes. crypto scams not slut problems. The fact that people on this board has ides like this in their heads should tell everyone all they need to know
It’s too late for this to be successful long-term. There are literally laws on the books that make it illegal for Wall St. or any employers to exclude women and minorities. If any man in a position of power admitted to refusing to hire women or invite them to business lunches and social events, he would be prosecuted just as strongly as he would for MeTop bullshit,
those laws merely state that you need a certain number of women and minorities in your business to reflect the population. now that anyone can declare themselves any gender they want, what's to stop businesses from labeling their male employees as women? For that matter, does the government test for minority status? Could I have my white employees list themselves as minorities if I gave them a little under the table cash?
Why admit shit?
No one can prosecute you for picking your own friends, and if business gets discussed, that's going to be hard to prosecute as well.
They don't have to say explicitly that they don't hire women, just act upon it.
This one is on to something
Alpha men don't care about any of this harrassing/#metoo shit. They fuck women like before
Everyone who thinks differently is an incel
Yes, I am a highly educated male engineer.
I will identify as a woman for a cash bonus. Anyone who questions this is a transphobic bigot who needs to stop misgendering me and deadnaming me.
in b4
>b-but you haven't taken any hormones, had an operation or changed your birth certificate
The status of my transition is none of your business, bigot. I identify as a woman so that's what I put on the company paperwork.
good point.
there's an old vid of Trump saying owners of native american casinos should be tested to prove that they are native am. the cucks who he was arguing against balked at that and called him racist. flash forward to today, what's to stop some white person from claiming part % minority. look up emelia clark for example, the game of thrones cunt. she says her grand mother was indian. and yet she looks 100% white bong. my point is that if you've got the balls you can use the left's talking points against them. i'm going to apply to sillycon valley firms under the guise of being a tranny. who knows, i might end up enjoying the feel of panties on my dick.
Don't forget to identify as a protected minority as well. Can't forget to throw it out there that while identifying as a woman you also are attracted to women.
You're now the perfect minority. Anyone questioning it is a bigot.
>I'm from 99% White country
There is not one on Earth, not since 2015 ended.
This is already the case in education, any kind of psychiatric care. Don't be alone with women. Always have people around. Have doors open, windows clear.
Since a false charge does about half the damage of a true one, it is simply prudence. If I had a business I'd never ever ever hire a woman.
>If I had a business I'd never ever ever hire a woman
Then unless you live in a third world country you're literally throwing away free muh diversity money fucking brianlet
so the future is niggers?
I want off this ride
nice reading comprehension fucking retarded faggot
Based pence, slayer of thots and #metoo'ers. I only wish to have that much swag when I get old.
There's no money in muh diversity. This has finally been realized by generic small business owners, and they simply don't hire shit tier or risky people right now.
>T. butthurt roastie
Everybody that doesn't worship women is an incel REEEEEEEEEEEEE ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS!!!
Until she wants money, or her friends start calling her a slut behind her back, or the chad leaves her and she becomes psychotic, etc... Never, ever trust an unpredictable creature like the roastie
>t. never worked with women in a corporate environment
They are petty, wicked creatures that would not think twice to stab you in the back to get ahead and know they could ruin your life if they just made one false claim.
They probably treat you like their homosexual friend. You are just not alpha enough for them to register your testosterone, must be all the estrogen in your blood that allows you to blend in.
I worked in an all girls school as a 22 year old man, you best fucking believe my door was always open and all the male staff members acted in the same way.
There is this 1984ish veil over everything where every action needs to be viewed from a third person. It's not just "how does the person opposite me view it", every intarction can has a jury too.
Shit sucks, but let's be honest, this affects like
There's gotta be some based Eastern European countries who only have gypsies as minorities.
>all girls school as a 22 year old man
that must be hell
im not friends with ANY of the women i work with. i dont make small talk with them i just keep everything 100% professional. if i dont have a business reason to talk to them, then i simply dont. i dont even look at them when i dont have to. the majority of men i work with are the same way. all it takes is for some dumb woman u work with to even think youre attracted to her and your job is over. fuck these god damned bitches but not literally.
Unless you've been cross dressing for two years while seeing a psychologist it doesn't work like that.
This is how I know you’re an intellectual cuck and possibly a Jow Forums user. That’s not relevant to the thread, but then again neither is globalism, so.
Bigot. Stop misgendering me. Only reason I haven't started crossdressing yet is because of bigoted attitudes like yours.
Nah the opposite. Unironically girls were all nice as fuck, no behaviour problems and generally chilled out atmosphere, clever too.
I wasn't a giga chad to have problems of them coming onto me but wasn't a creep or seen as a weirdo to have them completelt ignore me. Moved on now but it was pretty nice time.
I do bump into the odd girl in the night clubs and bars, but i tend to 360 outta there. THAT is some shit i am pretty wary of, especially if some of my mates are with me to ruin my night lol
Look at this fucking post where this normal ass dude is just like “idk I don’t have any problems with this bros” and a bunch of incels rabidly attack him for not hating women.
The state of it. Some of you cunts are as bad as feminazis. Unless you can just work side by side with women and not give a shit about them one way or the other without getting embroiled in gender politics or something sexual or feminism, you are beta af. Women don’t even even bring this up in real workplaces, and, if they do, you should be able to handle it like a man and lead the way. Shit is pathetic.
Many dumb as fuck post itt. While I think the Pence stance is great, and recognize the importance of lookism in relationships, putting your fucking hand on a random girl's ass to "flirt" is zeta tier low class. You are a true degenerate if you do and encourage that. If a gay dude did that to you, you'd knok is head off, implying you don't suffer from hypogonadism.
WOW. No one could have guessed this would happen. What a shock that men are doing this. Never thought giving women the power to destroy careers just by allegations can has this effect.
Hello Roastie
>putting your fucking hand on a random girl's ass to "flirt" is zeta tier low class
advice like this served for decades created the incels of today., while women crave being chocked.
>he thinks that evolutionary mechanism's can be used with on/off button
they r cunts and they always gonna be, its a constant battle of the hell and the heaven. one cant live without another (till the artificial wombs are finally delivered at least)
u r right in matter of just dealing with them but u forget u cant stop staring on AAA+ racks or ass and they can't stop invading ur ego and manipulate u. this is how they roll.
so u assume just because u think u could just put this bullshit aside and do ur thing means they will do the same. this feminazi-me2 is for them like bitcoin reaching 20k for the very first time was for most of the NEET's here. just because one guy shouting SELL was right doesnt mean everyone will litsen to him. They are rage. rage against men, because for the very first time in history the surrounding environment is safe enough so they dont need our protection. they can act on their own. we let them. we created the monster. houses are built, if u need new one u just import few Pakistani workers to do the job, roads are paved, application are written, u can carry visa card, withdrawal the money any place any time. if u need money u just catch a guy or show ur tits in the internet. u can easily get the Harvard education just role-play lesbian, disabled, single and unemployed divorced, bitten mom of 5 kids. Just pick one. they still dont know how much it will cost them, they dont understand that just because we give them 50% of the board sits doesnt mean they will turn into alpha males who created our world. they underestimate cost of doing things (psychoactive substance abuse, porn abuse, depression, neurosis, psychotic diseases, financial collapse, being homeless and the worst of all of them: suicides. all those things are in 80-90% connected to mens). they think they can cheat nature, do careers, do passions, do family, do everything. its impossible and sooner or later they catch it but it will be to late. we wont need them anymore.
of course normal dudes don't need to worry.
It's the rich, powerful business chads and famous dudes like in that have to worry because women hit on them 24/7 and often use their vagina to advance their careers.
They also have to look out for the salty #metoo crazy cunt that they pnd hunting for vengeance.
women can be manipulative (and so can men) and it's obviously easier to distance yourself from all women to avoid any future problems.
>humanity dies after one generation because nobody reproduced
At least no rostie was raped
yes u deal with them and co-operat with them but draw the line distinctly enough or u r going to get rekt
Sniffed and checked