Not a drill...And not fake

Attached: 20181203_225913.jpg (1015x591, 227K)

mfw I have 28,000 QNT :)
mfw I fucked up and could have 40,000 >:'(

You fucking goon. It's in fedbizops. My company is responding to the same call. Any US company can.

Vechain 2.0

p.s. anyone who doesn't think this will be a top-25 coin (meaning 20x current price) one day simply does not understand how crypto works. QNT has everything that matters:

> serious manipulation
> extremely positive sentiment
> figurehead and "leader"
> ambitious and connected team

You can shove "muh tokenomics", literally doesn't matter. QNT is a worthless ERC20 token like all the rest, only the factors I mentioned above actually matter.

The token is more essential than most chains. The large companies onboarding gilbert understands they have to be holding qnt taking them out of supply. The larger the flow they use the more they must hold. Its like masternodes on steroids.

nonsense, tokenomics are garbage for this like everything else. Luckily, that doesn't mater and QNT is still going to hit $100.

fuck off...manipulation.

weak FUD...nice cope. I bet you sold and now are nervously trying to get back into the market without paying more hahah.

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Security tokens, basically being able to get real world equity in assets, are the future of crypto

99% of the stuff today is gone in 3 years

when are they going on a big exchange? fucking liars lol HOTBIT LOOOOOOOOOOL

hotbit added cause they are wash trading scumbags, nothing to do with Quant. CMC were asked multiple times to remove the listing but they wont???

This. This company is a scam. They are tying 2 completely separate entities together.

1. On fedbizops, there's an RFI by DARPA, DHS, and one for the DoJ. Currently the DARPA and DHS are open for submissions. There's at least 4 other VC and tech companies who operate in the US who have submitted for the DHS, since it pays. DARPA doesn't. Any company can submit. No one "called" QNT

2. The DHS contract requires that the project basically be agnostic, not to rely on a single blockchain. QNT is a shit token that can't even meet this requirement.

3. This is a thinly veiled attempt to PnD by and you clowns post a stupid screen grab and conflate two separate things to attempt to legitimize a shitcoin.

>Company CEO is the founder of the ISO for Blockchain
>Company is a scam....

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-03 at 23.37.42.png (244x178, 92K)

Maymays pictures and green text.

Very compelling. Go back to r*ddit

US Government:
>We want you to shut your shitcoin down IMMEDIATELY

Mr Gilbert:
>Ok, sir.


T. Government drone

Nice cope.

Attached: 20181203_225945.jpg (810x721, 236K)

go get scammed bitchboy.

Literally the most connected project in this shithole. You faggots don't know how big AUCloud is and what this means

Its will dwarf the top UK bank that has been confirmed. Gilbert said bigger than lloyds...only ones bigger are Barclays and HSBC.

Btw EOY the will announce a consortium, thats why they haven't announced their bank client yet.

what's a Consortium?

Like EEA or GLBC

This, QNT has nothing but muh meme "potential partnerships", which are probably just them shilling to whatever instution they could find for an hour so that their CEO can post it to their telegram as a partnership.

oh god your cope is making me fomo, stop please.