Buy bitcoin you stupid fucking faggots, or be annihilated unless you own real estate...

buy bitcoin you stupid fucking faggots, or be annihilated unless you own real estate. Literally everything except real estate with no mortgages or liens will be wiped out in a new financial crash that will make all others seem like the slightest of dips.

Here in America we have a black and mexican problem. I'm not going to refer to them as "niggers" and "spics" because that type of hateful rhetoric is for overly sensitive low IQ whites.

Blacks are unfit for western society. They are not autonomous beings, and their tribal nature is deeply rooted in their DNA. Blacks need "elders" to lead them, whether patriarchal or matriarchal. They cannot adapt to living independent lives and running their families in modern society, which is why you see a staggering 78% of black children being raised WITHOUT fathers. Insanity.

Mexicans, while better than blacks in terms of fitting into western society, are in a way worse because they're unable to elevate themselves to doing anything other than mowing laws or laying brick, but reproduce non-stop. It's not uncommon for a Mexican couple to have 6-9 kids. Those kids begin reproducing at 15-16 years old and within 50 years two illegal mexicans have spawned over 50 mexicans in America. Whites will maybe produce 10 in the same period, if that.

You are a poor white person who has been fucked over by a system run by socialist jews who hate you and the history of our people. The biggest jew-trick is yet to come, which is destroying the American financial system fully and completely, and ushering in a "red dawn" in the only free country in the world. IF America falls, the world will be truly consumed by the communist jews, who will use blacks and mexicans as batons to beat whites with.

Don't fall for their tricks. Don't work a corporate job. Learn trades, buy bitcoin, buy real estate, and don't fall for jewish deceit.

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Your ancestors stopped living in tribes only because Romans decided it was (barely) worth it to conquer them so they wouldnt keep exploding into italy autisticly.
Franks in 500 a.d thought aquaducts were built by giants lol.
Only thing that saved you was stealing math and philosophy from Muslims.
Read a book user, we're on top because of a series of accidents and dumb luck.

Unless you are italian in which case be proud, manlet.

>whites are on top through dumb luck
>negroid-italian hybrids are the master race
>greeks didn't invent math, muslims did
>muh giant aquaducks


I bought bitcoin yes but I'm done giving a fuck about the end of the white race. White people have the least to lose from such a scenario.


I came here for a nigger pill and you drop this normie piece of shit? Took that fucking cunt 7 minutes to say that USD is backed by oil which is why saudi is our largest ally?


I have real estate in my portfolio already but I’m not adding more until after the crash.

> Real estate protects from the communist threat.

It doesn't. You get the lowest trash as housemates and lose all extra assets. Can't hide it up your bum and take it with you to another country either.

Gold teeth are a wiser investment.

if people own real estate then they won't become communists.

belief in communism is being channeled through the youth because they have incredible amounts of debt, own no assets, and know nothing.

Source on the brap?

Have you ever heard of this thing called reverse image search? Holy fuck what a tard.

0 results nigga

Much as i enjoy the cut and thrust of vigorous debate- this post is totally bullshit. You are historically illiterate, and are pulling factoids out your arse.

Kylie rose

Can we stop these gay moral threads k thanks

>I'm not going to refer to them as "niggers" and "spics" because that type of hateful rhetoric is for overly sensitive low IQ whites.

>2 paragraphs shit talking and blaming da joooooos

Cucked and bluepilled

kali roses

tldr fuck bitcoin.
I'm all in ETH, BitcoinSV, and Monero.

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>bitcoin sv

never gonna make it


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my sides