Keeping track of spendings

Hi Jow Forums finally got a job and been planning to note down my spendings and seperate them, I was wondering what would be the best way to do this?

Excel or mobile phone apps (if so which one).

I've not used spreadsheets in a while so would probably need to find a template or something.

Also how does Jow Forums manage and keep track of purchases and spending?

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ive never understood how people enjoy eating kitkats like this

pic literally triggered me.

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It's to trigger your autism

o, kek

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>mfw replies are unrelated to my post :/

help me pls

Because sometimes it feels good to eat like an animal.

>mfw op's pic related is unrelated to his post
sorry user we're all autists and only respond to visual images

>He eats foodstuffs only in the producer sanctioned way, regardless of his own preference

I have had to make budgets twice for mortgages
I just made them in word, fractured down annual or quarter bills to monthly

Car = x money
Car insurance = x money
Dental = x money
Phone = x money
Internet = x money

And so on and so forth, adding the numbers and tadaa that was my monthly average expenses. eezybreezy

Do it on paper. Don't focus on bullshit.
>muh CORRECT technology to account for kitkat purchases

yeah but sometimes the fangs get stuck in the ridges am i the only one who experiences this ?

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What is it that you want us to tell you?

He's asking a typical pajeet question, where he assumes that you'll do everything for him

Okay let start then:

>Im poor and need to write down my spendings.
Get a better job.

>Im poor and need to write down my spendings because i want to make it.
Now we are talking. The thing about saving money is what do you want to do with the money? If its just for shits and giggles then you are wasting time. You should always focus on something because that helps you achieve the goal of saving. Doing this just for ze lols is just plain stupid. Now that being said.

Take out your bank account spendings. Income and expenses. I see you dont know Excel. Then you are retarded sorry and i aint going to help a monkey. So now in the excel you just go line by line and write in the back of it (Do i need it?). If its something that you need a'la food, rent, water what ever, you type YES. If its something you dont need = candy, tickets to some useless bullshit bcs gf wanted, buying useless shirts that you are never going to wear, buying an expensive hobby car etc. After you have your YES and NOs you write the NOs down and you DONT SPEND?

I cant, sometimes i feel like this board is full of monkeys. What the actual fuck srsly.

mint is pretty easy if you don't mind giving Intuit your banking logins.

other ways are to put everything on a no fee credit card and copy the statement into excel every month.

Or keep all reciepts and track it more frequently.

Excel, you don't need a template you should be keeping your spreadsheet as simple as possible being as you're just starting out.

I recommend figuring it out with percentages, 10% savings, 40% food, shit like that. Then do the math to convert to dollars.

I collected receipts and typed them into a spreadsheet at home, it worked for me.
expensive items were separate, cheap were bundled into categories.

I'm asking for what would be more recommended and fruitful. I've already stated I'm considering to do so but I'm asking what anons have done and how it's worked for them.


Ohh fair, thanks I'll keep note of that.

kill yourself nigger
Thanks, I'll definitely do both of these. I do tend to keep my reciepts, annoying thing is finding where to store them.

Will make a spreadsheet rn

It’s ansolutey based. Try it.

you are a wise man. first time i understood what focus on the right thing means. thanks nigga

this , its like using a knife and fork to eat pizza

>He eats pizza with his shit stained hands like a pleb

Try GNU cash software

>He doesn't wash his hands before he eats

I'm using "Easy Home Finance" on android, ez. I can monitor spendings, as long as I report them.

>He loves the the taste of bodily fluids and skin in his food