Is 50k enogh to make it?

Attached: 347235.png (200x200, 10K)

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Isn't Christoph Derose going to have an interview with the dev of that thing?



Ravencoin has a fundamental flaw in that the asset ownership it denotes is unenforcable. Ownership of physical goods will for a long time rely on centralized, trusted authorities, not code. That is to say, entities in possession of weapons. Unless you could create a police force and enforcement agencies governed by smart contracts and oracles which wont happen for a long time. What happens if the asset is stolen? Who really owns it then? Will thieves respect the code in Ravencoin?

What happens if someone steals your computer with your bitcoin wallet with all your trustless decentralized currency? Answer: you turn to trusted, centralized authorities to intervene.

Not to say that i dont think youll make money on RVN. Speculative hype without much use value drove bitcoin to 20k and probably will drive it higher again. Just know when to sell.

Thank you, someone with common sense. Tokenized assets on something like Raven is a stupid idea.

Imagine if you put your ownership of your real estate of your blockchain and someone steals your keys. They now apparently own your house. dumb asf.

But also who would respect that house ownership? If that happened and the thief laid claim to your home, the goverenment is just gonna give you a weird look. Its funny on an almost literal level: a thief might have your rvn key determining the ownership of your home symbolically but you have the "real" keys to the house. Nothing has changed. But also the other way around, what if people put faith in the tokenized ownership of your home and someone steals your physical house keys? Who really owns the house and is entitled to trade it.

For RVN to work were talking about the total replacement of government by a system of smart contracts/oracles that would allow physical enforcement agencies to be paid to enforce RVN tokenized assets.


Chris DeRose a high school dropout that can use big words.

>Issued Assets
>Using Liquid’s Issued Asset technology you can quickly tokenize traditional currencies, real world assets and other cryptocurrencies, and transact them securely with other members of the network.

that is a stupid argument and can be applied to practically everything on blockchains
plenty of other great use cases that aren't big things like your house

Uh not really brainlet. Other blockchain projects largely deal with immaterial goods which is why they work in theory. Think currency, digital services, varying forms of computation. The currency aspect is fine because it doesnt need to be material--- people just have to agree on its value. But the rest--- particularly smart contracts--- require reckoning with materiality and physical events to be meaningful. Which is also why decentralized oracle projects are so important--- because they link real world, material events to blockchain code that is otherwise just an immaterial abstraction.

But ownership is only as meaningful as the extent to which it can be physically enforced. Otherwise shit can just be stolen and there will be no consequences. The only reason people have faith in assets traded on, say, the stock market is because their ownership is recognized and physically enforced by the government. Ravencoin has no enforcement.

Do you understand or should i chew your food for you a little more?

nothing worse than smug faggots like you, use cases don't have to physical items. It can be anything, an idea or an activity, whatever the asset owner wants it to be. It doesn't even have to even be tied to anything of wealth value.

nobody is going to use this gay shit for anything, you imbecile


Attached: 1525874237236.png (213x237, 7K)

why didnt u sell this garbage when it was 900 sat?

hmm...lets check out this website



>owning an idea
>owning an activity

Damn dude, you should just stop while youre behind. blockchain is only useful because it uses computer code to create trustless digital goods (computation, digital services, digital stores of value). Ethereum is honestly all thats needed for that level of functionality. Anything not governed by the code of the blockchain is outside the trustless, computer code-governed system of blockchain. "Owning an idea" and "owning an activity" (ie patent, copyright) is another thing that ultimately must be physically enforced or there is nothing stopping them being violated. Any ownership has to be physically enforced. Again, if you want even your computer with your digital wallet to be actually safe, you better have guns, a private security force, or trust in the police to enforce your ownership of it.

Need any more chewing?

>using same argument again
>It doesn't even have to even be tied to anything of wealth value.
>ownership and/or management
i'm tried of your stupid smart person larp and i cba to type out something similar so

>"wealth value"
>trying to spoonfeed babby by putting argument into simpler words

Nice argument. Still doesnt prove your point

this guy is right.... lets say Jim tokenizes his house on raven. John buys 10% of Peters house and keeps the tokens in his raven wallet. Laura finds out Johns private key and steals/transfers the tokens from john's wallet to her wallet. There is nothing John can do to prove the tokens belong to him. So, yeah raven is fundamentally flawed

Oh shit...... even worse......... what if Peter sells his fucking house to Bob. Anyone who bought tokens of the house are fucked

Yeah im referring more to the second scenario. Especially as it concerns theft, destruction, and ultimately insurance. Ownership is and must be recognized by the government to be enforced really. Or at least recognized by a centralized entity answerable to the law, like insurance companies. At least at things stand at the moment. Govts are probably not going to recognize the ravencoin determination of ownership precisely because its not chartered, monitored, regulated, etc by them.

even better..... Peter didnt have a house to begin with lol... everyone bought tokens of a house that doesnt exist

Yeah who is even verifying that these assets exist?

Better yet, who can stop another asset token blockchain from tokenizing a item already tokenized by raven, and a whole other group of people claim ownership of the item? You could tokenize an asset endlessly on different blockchains and make bank

2118 AD: Ravencoin commissions an asset registry, appraisal service, police force, etc to enforce ownership and claims to tokenized assets. These agencies are guided and paid by smart contracts and oracles tied into the ravencoin blockchain. A group of people buy RVN tokens denoting ownership of a work of futuristic shitty contemporary art. Rival asset tokenization blockchain project creates duplicate tokenization of that same work of art, commisions same enforcement agencies governed/paid by smart contracts tied into their own blockchain. Total war ensues between blockchain organizations that ultimately become their own de facto nations

Lol, rival blockchain-states disputing ownership of one physical asset like fucking Kashmir

Satan called it.

Yeah and it's going to be a coin named after a TV show
Kys nigger

lol wut?