What have you purchased lately with pic related?
What have you purchased lately with pic related?
Paid 1000 xrp for a beautiful girl to make some fetish stuff.
And you?
Don't own any. Just asking out of curiosity. The only way to get Ripple is by buying it, right? Is there a mobile wallet?
You can‘t buy Ripple. But there is a token called XRP that you can buy on most online crypto exchanges.
Thanks. I can't imagine that there are actual Ripple enthusiasts. Everybody who has bought Ripple has done so because of mere speculation, it seems (nothing wrong with that, btw.). I don't think that there is a profile of the typical Ripple buyer.
>using a centralized funding token as money in a world where bitcoin exists and already won
Don't buy this piece of trash centralized banker scam coin.
It's not meant to be used as a currency.
Check toastwallet
With a toast as logo
Youcan try kraken bitstamp binance or others to buy xrp.
>But there is a token called XRP that you can buy on most online crypto exchanges
> muh decentralization
Is called virtual currency by the department of financial services NY and /biztard says its not a currency lmao
Buy muh buttcoins
>buy ripple because some institution and higher authority says its a currency
Buy bitcoin
Because its printing free money
>doesn't realize decentralized fast coins exists
What is DGB and NANO?
So nano is a scam. Proofs.
That’s the entire crypto market, user.