Best font for a resume?

Best font for a resume?

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comic sans

Why does she have two butts?

yes, comic sans. End of discussion, please.
>working in HR

subhuman. have a real woman

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Roboto. Unironically. It's cliche as fuck, but HR and boomers think it's techy modern. Creativity is shunned. If you care about font families, I know you are creative, but the HR thots won't pick up on interesting font pairings

I use Books Antiqua.

Braaaps New Roman
Wing Dingleberries
Brapping Gothchick


I use Times or Futara depending on how old I think the HR person is.

isn't comic sans a little childish and unprofessional?

runes and swastikas


use the girl as your cover

Thoughts on Calibri?

>2018 white woman
Yea I’ll pass I don’t want any rape charges


open sans obvs

Unironically Times New Roman or Helvetica

If you're applying for a legal position, Times New Roman or Calibri seem like the only options.

Ariel unless you are a faggot. I would value a times new Roman resume but I wouldn’t recommend people sent it to others

Fuck my nigga showed me his resume on the weekend and it was this kind of shit, I as like are you serious with this shit? He said the same thing to me. He is 42, tech industry, and flat out just taking advantage of boomers who don’t know shit, basically his reasoning. It works because he recently interviewed 9 times in one week, and has a comfy designing job now.

first of all it's arial. second, arial's a joke, as is helvetica. for a resume, roboto's superior in every way

I once turned in a report in bloody font. I got an F.


anything other than Arial is brainlet tier

Yep, Calibri is the best choice if you apply for a brain and soulless office job.

>not wanting a chick with 2 butts
Never gonna make it

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office cucks btfo

Hes right Wingdings is #1