Even if I make it, I'll always have a cut dick

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Treat it as a strength. You'll never have transcendent sexual experiencess, so channel your energy into something else.

Same. It's not a big deal. Pleasure can be pursued endlessly, it will never be enough, no matter how much of it you have.
It's interesting how little society cares about men for such a thing to be normal.

The first step is admitting you were wronged. That instantly makes you better than all the other crusty dicks who defend what was done to them.

Your foreskin might still be stored somewhere. Find it and get it back.

you know, if you make it, you can invest in stem cell research and eventually they'll be able to make a foreskin graft for you. instead of being a insecure pessimist brainlet you should have educated yourself about potential solutions

My condolences my burger friend.

checked and heed this guy's advice, channel that feeling into hatred as you fight for Israel

I’m glad to be circumcised. Pretty sad that we live in a society of such self absorbed faggots nowadays that boys are taking to the internet to talk about the state of their foreskin. Maybe all these faggots should feel blessed that they live such an easy life that their foreskin or lack thereof is a major issue.

>born in europe
>still cut

why did this happen?

at least your isn't curved as a banana, lmao

unjust ehh muhammad

fucking jew

>I’m glad to be circumcised.

Attached: fuckyeah.jpg (198x215, 19K)

me too
it was done for medical reasons in my case

Check out tlctugger.com
I've been using it for about a year and am very pleased with the progress I've made. Starting to get some descent coverage around the glans now and it feels great.

Don't listen to the jews, you can regrow it back easily. Well not "easily", it might take 1-2 years depending on how hard you try, but you CAN regrow back your foreskin through the process of mitosis and it's FUCKING AMAZING. It took me a little over 2 years but I'm happy as fuck I did it. I'm just some user on Jow Forums(nel) but seriously, there are countless online forums dedicated to growing your foreskin back with before/after photos if you don't believe me. I can't DESCRIBE how much better jerking off is now either. I would post an imgur link to my dick with both it's circumcision scar and foreskin if I wasn't at work shitposting about dicks.
About two weeks after my foreskin was long enough to start covering the head of my dick the keratinized skin started to peel off, like a bad sunburn or a lizard peeling it's skin off. The head became wet/moist, exactly like the inside of my mouth, which was impossible without a foreskin. I started to freak out thinking I had an STD or something (I'm a virgin lol), but after looking it up this was normal. The keratinized desensitized skin peeled off, and what was left was silky smooth pink skin, and it felt AMAZING. I could cum just by tracing my finger lightly around the head it was so much more sensitive. Before I grew my foreskin back the head of my dick was crackly and dry as a bone, but after it peeled off it was 100000X more sensitive. I can't DESCRIBE how much better jerking off is, it's as if I didn't have a dick before. The worst part is that I went this long without knowing, like a colorblind person thinking black and white is OK because they never knew how beautiful colors are. I thought "whatever, jerking off feels fine, I'm ok with being cut". I had no idea what I was missing out on.

If I can convince at least one user out there to regrow their foreskin, I'll be happy knowing I drastically improved an user's life out there, somewhere.

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Imagine unironically being glad that the most sensitive part of your sexual organ was chopped off when you were a baby. Imagine being that brainwashed by society.

this. like I said earlier for anyone looking for devices, tlc are some of the best out there because they are comfy and custom fitted based on your measurements. and as a bonus, when you're not tugging, the outer shell of the tlc can be used as a retainer so that the glans will always be covered with your skin

I didn't even use a device, I used nothing but manual tugging. www.restoringforeskin.org/public/manual-tugging/method-1

that's pretty hard core man, respect. not a lot of guys have the patience to do manual only

The twisted psychology that would lead a man to look at a baby and want to cut part of it's genitals off.... it has to have a large component of hatred for humanity and therefore hatred of self.

In the future you will be able to recreate beautiful enlongsted forskin that hangs below your balls. Invest in forskin technology or stay poor faggot.

the corn flakes guy was a sick son of a bitch

>it has to have a large component of hatred for humanity and therefore hatred of self.
Sounds like basic Judaism to me

why do people still do this just fucking shower every day

Phimosis is a bitch
Twice as bad if ur in the us

everything is twice as bad if you're in the US