Attached: DtgSoC4XcAIUkqV.jpg (960x540, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet


coinbase listed a scam to dump bags
epic LOL


Will the SEC investigate coin base now

Eventually they’ll pay billions in fines

What does this mean for ETH? Is it also a scam?

Who was even using meth classic in 2018, and how did the shitcoin survive for this long?

It's unironically not even dropping on the news. This abandonware is still worth $5. It just shows you how worthless all this shit is, we are unironically going to 0.

2k USD per one BTC is the bottom. Blockchain is here to stay.


Attached: 1529277854283.png (792x457, 237K)

The desperate faggot that hacked eth most likely.

ETC guaranteed to moon now.

yeah like how is the market not reacting

everytime a fratboy kike comes on Jow Forums to fud whatever the jew is fudding goes up in value.

Thats it im tethering up. This market is going to crash

Pump this so normies believe it and i can get bags of this for 0.99$^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

priced in

thanks, unironically shorted 100k

Joke's on you, classic is not gonna make it.

It's 7 hours old user

still, they lost 1 fifth of the devs basically, it will hurt the coin regardless of who stays and who doesn't

wait until america wakes up, plus btc is dumping anyway, kek

Turns out that's just one of three dev tems. meh

So maybe 20 guys total, just holding their shitcoins for almost three years, hoping to be the last bagholder, and cash out the mega gainz.

What a nice life that must have been.

Attached: eth vitalik shows off his amazing talents.gif (280x280, 2.89M)

>check out their meme reddits.
>shitposts on twitter.
>mfw eth classic literally collapsed because the stubborn shit tier russian devs were crying about githubs and muh integrity, while locking each other out of social media circlejerks.
>mfw they've been collapsing for almost a week, but absolutely no one noticed.
>mfw this post will probably be the only mention of these events outside of someone going to check for themselves.

Attached: bitcoin song of my people.jpg (960x720, 240K)