>be man
>hire woman
>arrested and fired for sexual harassment
>don't hire women
>fired for discrimination
Women ruin everything
Other urls found in this thread:
it's easy, just don't harras them for fuck sake
>don't harass women
>bitch hates you for you getting a promotion she wanted, being engaged or simply because she doesn't like you
>lose your job, get arrested and divorced simply because everyone believes women #MeToo #BelieveHer
us is weird lately its fascist and marxist at the same time
lol you sound like an absolute incel, stay mad faggot
Get out roastie nobody is gonna hire you just because of your vagina
women hate it when you are hot and don't flirt with them
Riiiiiight. Because we dont have enough lawsuit hunters in the workforce. I worked with this chick who would always wear tight pants and really revealing cleavage to work. Funny enough she had a higher number of insurance sales than the more reserved girls and the guys. She would also wear shirts that pretty much guaranteed her tits would fall out is she sneezed whenever she interviewed for promotions within the company. It was known that she had filed for sexual harassment at her last workplace, so they always included more than one person in the room where she interviewed, I wonder why.
Its hilarious that women are literally victimizing themselves out of positions of power and any relevant spot in the work place.
>it's easy, just don't harras them for fuck sake
it's continuous revolution. The list of what is harassing and the consequences will forever grow. Also it's used to kafkatrap low status males.
men and women shouldn't work together
+ sexual harassment (real or false accusations, guy might not even realize he's doing it)
+ men need low temperature, women think it's too cold
+ sexual tension reduces efficiency
+ less bonding with same-sex colleagues (can't be open/be yourself)
You'll change your tune when you get accused I'll promise you that now.
This is actually bullish for western civilization. The natural order is being restored. Women don't belong in full time work.
t. womyn
You kikes deserve the ovens, but a bullet will have to do.
women cant do anything with their own agency. they even fucked up motherhood after the feminist revolution and now there are millions of degenerate single mothers raising endless generations of societal dropkicks and recidivists. except for some rare outliers there is nothing in the workplace a women can do that a man cant do equally or better with exception of being eye candy or a whore. consideeing they can cost you 9-12 months of productivity at any time and potentially ruin your business with frivolous harrasment claims why would you ever bother.
Im married with two kids. i love my wife but besides sucking my dick and breast feeding ik amazed how useless she is and shes by far the most capable women ive been with to date
>just don't harras them for fuck sake
See, there's the problem. Women keep moving the goalposts on what constitutes harassment. They have muddled it so bad at this point it's essentially 'acknowledging my existence while unattractive or i'm not in the mood at the moment'. They've also been pushing for an evil twisting of the rape definition such that, if drunk man has drunk-consensual sex with drunk woman, she can't consent under the influence but he can willfully rape under the influence, even if they're both equally inebriated. That's really fucking scary. Even if woman's accusation has no merit whatsoever, the man is still open to be fired from his job (and not rehired if exonerated) and his social reputation destroyed, meanwhile she faces no consequences for pushing the false claim.
i'll be waiting
Also, as a programmer, I had always problems with the majority female colleagues, since they were either completely incompetent and only hired for being a woman or they would not follow stuff like naming conventions "just because" and lacked creativity, meaning they could not solve a problem if there was no solution online. I met very few who where totally alright and a joy to work with.
Way more Marxist here in NY. I have to be very careful about talking about my views. Ironically all this shit is was pushed me to the far right. I was fairly liberal until the left made it so obvious that they hate me.
>meanwhile she faces no consequences for pushing the false claim.
blatantly incorrect plenty of women in recent news have been arrested and prosecuted and gotten several years in jail for false accusations.
of course, it still doesnt even begin to atone for ruining some guys life
We literally have 1 woman where I work, she is always fuckin demanding & bitching. If you give it back to her she cries b/c 'it was personal'. She tries to pit ppl against one another... lucky she is downstairs alone...Its as if she still thinks she is some 20 something, but she is a mother. the worst is when ppl defender her purely b/c she is a woman...i.e not equal, above everyone else
>plenty of women
Cunt detected, what plenty is like 5 now?
Tits or get the fuck out
Most obvious strwaman I have seen in ages
well yeah, liberals have been catering to rurals since the 90's, now that actual leftists are coming to push the party away from the center, that's naturally gonna happen. but the vast majority of people are going to be going into the Democratic party, not leaving it if they continue populist leftism
why are you surprised she got more sales
>It was known that she had filed for sexual harassment at her last workplace
Why the fuck would you hire her? Is your boss into Findom?
They have more influence than you're giving them credit for:
Imagine a white man said these things about any other race? It would be a witchhunt and they would be immediately fired.
What about the Sentinelese lashing out at any foreign contact? I agree that we should leave them the fuck alone, but it's apparently racist for any Western country to limit immigration. Wanting to preserve local culture and ethnicity is now apparently far right, so I guess that makes me an extremist.
Even my liberal mom is disgusted with these sick fucks, but they have infiltrated our local government including the city agency she works at. She only feels comfortable confiding this in me after a few drinks at the pub. It's not going to end well if we continue to let this epidemic spread.
I fail to see what any of that has to do with anything. Just seems like enragement material. And we already take in a pretty historically low number of refugees today, especially considering there's a refugee crisis going on.
also as i've already stated, liberals are going to split and either go Republican or move left ideologically, because that is where the Democratic party is going - to match the rest of the western world
I got fired from my federal contractor position because of this. Shared an office with roastie and would just read my novel on the downtime
Wait so if I had a company and I hired only energetic, daring, young men (much like myself), the government would penalize me for that?! That is bollocks.
I don't want to just limit refugee quotas. I want extreme restrictions on immigration to keep this country majority white, and I want government incentives for millenials to settle down and raise children. It's not going to happen though, we are already fucked. Only thing to do now is settle down out in suburbs.
What did your boss say? I find it hard to believe you got fired for keeping to yourself.
question is, why does this cunt get hired?
I would NEVER hire a woman if she was not dressed professional.
When you're 10/10 and don't flirt back with the thot they get bitter. As fuck.
Wish I was still there shit was comfy.
> ik amazed how useless she is and shes by far the most capable women ive been with to date
based and redpilled. always impressed by husbands who dont put their wives on a pedestal.
>because that is where the Democratic party is going - to match the rest of the western world
this is what ameritards believe
top kek
im not a 10/10 but i've noticed this. ive received plenty of dirty looks from girls who i would avoid eye contact with or not flirt back with. thots hate it when the top 20% of men ignore them. it literally goes against their biologic wiring
When you got fired what was the reason given?
you don't fit into the team orientated environment
ha, I don't understand societies hate towards introverts.
I have no fucking idea. There was a rumour going around that the branch manager and assistant manager railed her ass in a threesome. She could literally get away with murder and no one would bat an eye. It was fucking nuts. She ended up leaving of her own accord though, since she found a place where degenerates would give her even more leverage to do whatever the fuck she wanted. I have no idea why she keeps getting hired.
No, he was just a retard who was checked out and wanted to promote to regional manager.
>Get out roastie nobody is gonna hire you just because of your vagina
but they keep doing it though
I dont have any but she was a solid 8/10 blonde. She was really good at flirting but it was all fake to get her way. I always called her on her shit.
I feel like I'm especially in danger of becoming a target of these vile woman. If they had to chose a guy for their wrong accusations then it would be a scrawny guy with visibly low self esteem. He wouldn't have the confidence to defend himself and everyone would just say, "Oh yeah, I always knew this quiet guy was a creep."
I don't understand? Just say your wife would not be OK with it, you need to pick up the kids, or some other bullshit excuse.
Women accuse men of rape because they don't want the reputation of a slut. A rape victim cannot be a slut, right? :3
Women have actively been moving the lines what constitute harassment.
They also overblown things like giving orders, work place punishments, and more into sexual or racial issues.
You can't blame men, especially those in managerial or executive positions, of being wary of being near female peers.
A pat on the shoulder can turn into a full blown sexual harassment scandal. Dismissing a female worker who thinks she has the right to no show for a week because of "cramps" can turn into a scathing "women's rights" law suit despite rules being in place for shit like that.
We live in a world where the most benign act can be misconstrued and manipulated into ruining not just the man's life, but lives of family, friends, even a company''s other employees.
Truth bombs.
Nazis are socialist scum. Freedom is the shit!
>qt asks me if I'm going to the work party on Thursday
Ezpz I know what I want out of life
This. A woman that wants to be flirted with but isn't flirted with takes it as a form of hostility.
She deserves your attention, user. Why are you being so rude as to not throw your career away on her milquetoast, needy ass?
It's harassment
>high social station
It's flirting
Fuck off fucking cunt
I had lunch with two girls from work recently because they wanted to talk to me about stuff that's going on with some of the other female coworkers and the petty shit women say and do to each other is unbelievable. None of the male coworkers from my past jobs would ever act like that. Women always start trouble. Always. Especially if they're around other women. They're a nightmare to work with.
>america is 56% white
>uk takes in 300k a year
>europe is getting b l a c k e d
i too love drinking semen mixed with s o y
>And we already take in a pretty historically low number of refugees today
Are you fucking insane? I doubt there is any example in history of a country changing its demographics so quickly.
Both the US and Canada have gone from 90% white to 50% white in a matter of decades.
You can be damn sure that if things keep going like this, you will be down to 10% white in a couple more.
Every woman I meet literally begs me to rape her. What its like not being a Chad you absolute faggots?
Jezzz u still dreaming about yo mama son? Disgusting
Women are social cancer.
>work as a teacher
>hot lower grade teacher checks me out
>eye fucks me every day for 3 months
>feel like a chad but have a gf
>get bored and start to check her out
>she notices
>next week ignores me
It’s not like I wanted to date her but I eventually gave in and looked her way at her ass. She liked it but now acts like I’m the needy inappropriate dude. Bitch takes advantage of my chad instincts and plays victim. Always bitches being this cruel.
Imagine being this deluded
White people are already like 15% of the world's population. Nobody ever talks about this either, just "let me into your country for gibs, white boi"
>toxic masculinity
>"can i come work with you in your investment brokerage?"
>fails miserably
>"toxic masculinity caused this"
>"the culture prevented me from excelling"
the truth is that these are just a handful of dikes talking out of their cunts, but they are empowered by their cheerleaders on twatter. So really the issue is two faced virtue signaling bitches that refuse to denounce this shit.
Is this thread an incel convention or what? There only two options available? Really? You fucking animals.
Sadly the options get reduced all the time thanks to mass media pushing for unreasonable expectations, like men have to be macho but also sensible and other contradicting shit the media pushes
do women like sex or not its so confusing like honestly wtf is the deal like is there anywhere on earth where people just have sex and smile and eat good food they make and party like why is shit so hard
>every day for 3 months
> feel like a chad
3 MONTHS. it took you 3 MONTHS to look at her ass. you are a fucking omega basement neet
What chad instincts? It took you 3 months to look at a girls ass because you have a GF? You're a cuck.
no one gives a shit about roasties, left to ourselves men can handle them just fine. it is the jewish lawyers and their empowerment under ZOG who have created an impossible situation
I still can't figure out how we won in Independence Day 2 with a woman as president.
Because it's Jewish propaganda you retard
Let's make one thing clear: you're either a nonwhite and/or baiting, or you're the biggest cuck on the face of the planet. Birthrates in the West are declining, and the powers that be want to compensate for this by allowing in third worlders who shit out babies like rabbits. White populations are going down across the globe and we are being replaced. This is happening, it is not a far-right conspiracy theory.
Importing cheap labor and babies is the only way to keep the economy growing. Look at Japan.
No, it's not the only way. Promoting and incentivizing raising young families would do just fine. Unfortunately Japan is already fucked beyond help. They aren't having sex, are overworked and have to care for an increasingly aging population. It is not too late for us yet but it will be soon.
There's this young hairstylist with big boobs and wears skimpy tight clothes. When I go to get a trim I'll ask for the stylist that's next to her.
That won't help if the woman just wants to do rent-seeking (i.e. take your money with fraudulent accusations). That is why just avoiding them isn't enough, you must have witnesses who can say you dindu nuffin.
Just say that you're gay and slutshame the bitch
You get your hair cut by women? Are you gay or just too scared to go to a men's barbershop?
Based Japs. I fully support them just as I support Hungary and the Sentinelese. Even Malcolm X was based.
Because I rather have a females thigh brush along my arms when they trim from the side on purpose? Rather than a guys balls lol.
If you're that horny that you'd rather pay for inferior service then you need to jack off my guy
Women are very easily brainwashed when they are young. That is because their husband is supposed to brainwash them, not the jues. But, in our society, the bad guys get to them first and turn them against us. The poor things can't help themselves, they are created by nature to be brainwashable. They make excellent fanatics, because that is what their brain is good for.
>being this desperate for physical contact with women
Not going to make it.
It happened to me. I'm by no means a 10/10 but I'm above average, women act like complete bitches once they realize I'm not into them. I love how women are allowed to act like spoiled children in society. In fact, society ENCOURAGES women to act like children.
Men who follow women help women ruin everything.
I want to move to Japan so fucking badly. Let me out of this feminist dystopian nightmare known as the U.S.
because they are by nature
They literally orgasm harder based on how rich you are.
>tfw you see yourself getting more redpilled by the day
The Japanese are getting buggered by Cultural Marxists as we speak, they're promoting race mixing with niggers just like in the U.S. and more over they're opening up their borders to foreigners such as mudslimes, and all the riffraff of Europe. Your chink cartoons are unironically becoming an endangered genre with the lack of draftsmen and the rape that is going to be ensued by the invaders. Support your waifu by learning fundamental drawing with Loomis and keep the dream alive.
Good. Access to men is not a human right. They need our consent and are sperging over not getting it.
Only a matter of time now before you uncover the real truth behind the Holohoax, mein neger.
I don't understand this obsession with skin color other than based on primitive visual associations to a local tribe.
I've met plenty of non-white people that were very useful to society and also many white people that were trash. Statistics don't mean that you are allowed to discriminate people that don't deserve it. Why would a perfectly useful to society black man have to pay for the crimes of people that share nothing with him other than skin color? Why would a white person escape the consequences of their uselessness just based on their skin color?
In sum, why are you looking at skin color at all to choose who to discriminate against and who to accept in a society? If you choose the best and most useful from a society, you'll be much better off than if you choose all the white people.
Note that I'm not saying you should accept people from other races just because of their race either. All I am saying is look at the individual person, don't look at the imaginary collective that you created based on an arbitrary visual feature.
Studies from Harvard and U of Copenhagen have determined that diversity is terrible for a society. It brings no benefits, only downsides.
Acting like this is all about “skin colour” is the same as acting as if anti-war activism is all about people having a problem with loud noises.
Kill yourself
Diversity of what? That's my question. Diversity of skin color?
You're trying to contradict an argument I never made. I never advocated for a diverse society because diversity is good. I couldn't care less about diversity or non-diversity and I do not believe a diverse society is better than a non-diverse one by default. A diverse society could still be comprised of parasites of all kind. I believe the issue is individuals that are not useful to society.
I would prefer everyone to be focused on eliminating the problem of "useless people" or "harmful people" as a group and not the problem of "black people" or "brown people" or "yellow people" because those are arbitrary associations with no base in reality.