LARP here

Getz yur ducks in a row it's happening soon maybe tonite swinglinkers will be bTFO. I was at the meeting yesterday in NY.

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Is it really going to happen now?

thank you pirate jesus

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Why are you messing with my feelings like this.... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Fuck off, the other larpers said it will take still some time. Just wait till Q1.

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"decentralize oracle network

Jesus H Christ, get your shit together...

Pic related will be the state of swingliners tomorrow. I WILL NOT visit or send flowers

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I'm a LARP maybe tonite but maybe I'm a month or two. Just make sure get yur dUCks in a row. My my brothers son lives on the same block of someone who has a cousin on the chainlink team and he was relayed info that it will be happening sometime in the next 112 days

I have a strong feeling that guy was pepeballer

We're gonna rock down to Linkie avenue

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And what magical info might this be?

Lol, thx for confirming that you're a larper.

Hey bro.... just get your ducks in a row.

Stay focused and get yur duhcks in a rown

I confirmed it in the OP you illiterate nigger Jew

Get your ducks in a row

My ducks are on the pond

Get durrrr ducks in a roes

get your ducks up my ass

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Checked, your ass is packed with web feet.

>phase 1 collect underwear
>phase 2 ???
>phase 3 profit

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Get your ducks in a row