I just went all in on ETH, how fucked am I

I just went all in on ETH, how fucked am I

Attached: 132.png (680x680, 184K)


hold for 5 years, you will be fine

not very.
eth is a good bet but doesn't mean it won't go lower.

I will probably go 50% ETH and 50% LINK

I genuinely believe BTC could be kill. I remember it getting fucked over by BCC very easily and the transaction fees and processing times are quite high now. I trust that LINK will at least attempt to deliver as the management seem to be playing the long con. But ETH is a good bet because it's not contingent on just one shitcoin, but all of them

Agree with this. Good ole speculation pumps for big coins like ETH are over. Growth on fundamentals is coming, but it will be slow. Much better returns than investing in the stock peak right now though probably.

Hey bros vitalik frequents my local library. S-should I say hi? I'm a girl btw

Link is at a pretty good price right now desu, almost a yearly low

>50% LINK
>buying something where the team owns 75% of the supply

Attached: 1522954375747.jpg (645x968, 47K)

Is that true? Source?

did you do any research before buying?

Attached: 1536344152925.png (734x128, 5K)

No, I buy based on trends. I buy when something is very cheap relative to its overall price, and sell when it is obviously reached the high point

>650 mil / 1 bil = 75%

Truly a brainlet

ok it's 65% don't remember where I got the 75% number from (I think someone found team owned tokens in the circulating supply?)

I could get only 10 eth if i go all in, is it worth it?

You buy the news? user, I...

Ken u not w/ all the shadow people

just sleep on your side (fetal position) or on your belly. i remember reading a study where most cases happen when people sleep on their backs. also buy a sleeping mask. can't fear what you can't see

Eth provides the best returns:risk ratio right now

Any thoughts on the absolute bottom for ETH?

You done did good user.

If BTC drops to the 2-3K range, expect $50-60 ETH.



sleeping on your back is associated with being relaxed. If you're full of worries you sleep on stomach/side.

Considering the state of crypto everyone should be belly down anyway.