Red pill me on BTSV

Why does it need to exist? what is the ultimate goal? shill me the ideology

Attached: csw.jpg (400x400, 20K)

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i can blackpill you

It's a pnd scheme, nothing more. He talks technical gibberish and 80 IQ anons fall for it.

csw sold his soul to canadian ultraboomer bankers and now has to perform for them like a trained monkey to shill their centralized version of bitcoin that would need datacenters to run nodes in the next few years and therefore is no different than paypal

This is honestly all you really need to know:


Seen it.

Why would he do that if he potential devalues his vast holdings of BTC

Main question:

What is craigs main argument for hating BTC? Why is he insistent on making a new fork? obviously there is some fundamental reason behind it. Ie BTC is destined to fail in his eyes or become something it wasn't supposed to

it needs to exist because the network behind BTC is only "Bitcoin" by name. BTC is being turned into something similar to Ripple

IS this the legit reason?


in 2030 there will be no miners supporting the network no matter the price. bigger blocks, more inceptive to mine.

Also, his main plan its to create a finalcial system, btc cant do this if there is no instant transactions.

The argument for BTC is that the TX fees will take care of it.
By that point, BTC will be worth a lot more, TX fees increase. Block reward will be 1.5 BTC even by then till 2100+

Mining will always find equilibrium with price

yea bro. Core cucks are bringing in 3rd party solutions and making their own blockchain fucking useless. The BTC team is literally limiting the potential future of blockchain

To be the only coin left.

If you don’t like it...stiff

It doesn't
I doesn't have one.

Main argument being that huge blocks will get too expensive to run, and only rich fuckers with huge data centers will be able to mine.

compared to now where theoretically anyone can. not much consolidation of power

>muh decentralized raspi nodes secures the network
Bitcoin was always meant for datacenters, read what Satoshi wrote.
BTC crowd is literally shouting shit like "fuck the white paper".

Attached: ykfmwvieg7o11.png (1251x692, 878K)

fugg, based and stiffpilled

Attached: 616565415766514756542165461475654416654321.png (221x217, 66K)

someone tell me what hard frozen means and how is this possible??
I think that If a bunch of miners stop mining at one time I would think that the difficulty would just drop and make mining on that chain more profitable.


It means the hash rate drops so dramatically that the only miners left will take months to years to mine the next blocks, where the difficulty will adjust to make it easier in parity with the current hash rate.

X-M-R - but people here to dumb to understand the system behind :(