Figured out how to get laid

Excuse the phoneposting

I think its important to mention that apart from being incel im the definition of success, graduated from joint best uni in country, very young homeowner due to bitcoin, 1 percenter, prestigious job, did all this with cutting contact with abusive mum at 18. Im 6’4” but apart from this look like shit, definitely below average even after considering height.

I used to believe the memes that it was all about looks, money, status and so on so tried flexxing it. Didn’t work. Tried le nice guy approach before this, didn’t work. Tried putting effort into appearance, didn’t work.

Heres the blackpill, know the pic of pepe in the tuxedo? Become that. just be confident and bee yourself, dont fake anything. Make sure to show confident body language and act as if you know you could fuck everyone in the room.

Recently I started volunteering at a centre for disadvantaged children where a 8/10 was. She had ZERO idea of my money/uni/job, and I was wearing a tesco jacket from when I used to work there.

I talked to her normally like I would a guy, genuinely got to know her. Openly said my opinion even if it was offensive and disagreeed with her. 5 weeks later finally lost it at hers after getting kicked out of morrisons for racing on the mobility scooters. fuck all the incel memes and fuck niggers

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Grats. Now you can proceed to destroy your life by getting women involved in it.

Ip range ban still in effect? Very annoying trying to post and having to cycle through several ips. Albeit I refuse to pay for a Jow Forums pass cause thats what it looks like this ip range ban is for.

Congrats. Ya stopped putting them on a pedestal and ya stopped demonizing them. They’re just people with vaginas who wanna fuck as much as you and are as awkward and insecure as you. Have fun.

Nice blog.

Imagine clicking crosswalks and cars that disappear to slowly like a fucking pleb lmao
You know you're working for Google for free?

>Im 6’4
Could have just ended the post right there lad

I know right why do they take like 10 seconds to disappear. Fuck this shit

yes yes my nigga we all know a girl with who it seems easy. they just fuck you up ten times worse, can't wait for you to come back and cry.
you are here 4eva nigga

Step 1: Be good looking
Step 2: if not good looking, be rich
Step 3: If not rich, be high status
Step 4: if none of the above, buy prostitutes


>Im 6'4"
holy shit

just walk outside you dumb faggot.
girls fuck a fucking ogre face if youre tall

I'll just say this: until you talk to girls, you have NO IDEA how to get laid. it takes a while but once you got it, you got it.

congrats if true! but I assume you just posted this for the last two words of your post

Did you read the post you retards
I know manlets who get laid weekly just because they've realized this

>op somehow finds his soul mate
>1 in a billion
>misinterprets this that he has become a chad overnight
>dumps her to get all that pussy that is coming his way
>never ever has sex again
>dies alone
Tale as old as time. Be sure to post a follow up when what I predict happens.

Sure you do buddy. The fact that you didn't realize being 6'4 gave you an advantage proves you lack self-awareness

manlets are huge try hards who barely make it.

manlets have to fucking ask out 100 girls before getting laid, while a tall guy needs to ask out 10.
why do you think manlets are always the energetic fuckboys? they have to cycle through thousands of girls before one them give them a chance.

i mean jesus christ
the next time you see a short person hit on a girl say something like
>woah little kid, thats not your mommy
>out of the way midget

and they cant say anything back.
stop being a pussy and walk outside

Assuming you are going after white women. White women today just generally suck, dude. Let's just be open and honest here, and throw out the Jow Forums rhetoric. The majority of them have been brainwashed since birth by the msm starting with Disney princess films all the way to Sex and the City. The msm kisses the asses of WHITE women, not women of other colors, be aware of that. If you want to get laid and have fun while doing it, open your horizons to girls of different races. Best advice I have for you. Or fly to Vegas.

>Be me
>Be Indian
>Didnt get laid until 24
>First gf is 35, literally ask her if she wanted to hook up, she said yes
>Wow, this is amazing
>Later find out hookers are legal and that there are some solid 8s and 9s out there
>Start fucking hookers who are younger and tighter and do more for me

such is life.

Let me guess, you're a bitter manlet, aren't you? I can confirm that OP is right. I know plenty of short guys that get laid very easily. It's really all about confidence and treating them like everyone else.

I get laid just from having facial aesthetics. I have no personality whatsoever. I am mildly in shape, so my low bf% makes my facial features more prominent

I manage to get laid/women checking me out. In the age of Instagram, women just want a guy who they can show off on their instas. This is the blackpill. Just lose BF% so your face looks more masculine

>>Based and vaginapilled
In nature female mammals smell the ansiety and fear

>tower over other men
>"just be confident"
Ya, easy for you to say.

>know the pic of pepe in the tuxedo? Become that. just be confident and bee yourself, dont fake anything

You're spot on, but I think a lot of 4channers might misinterpret this. It's important to BE CONFIDENT, but there's a HUGE difference between being confident and FAKING confidence.

If you're fake confident, you're a Brad, and alphas and women will sniff that out faster than you can hold a conversation. I wouldn't consider myself an Alpha, but if I'm ever chatting with a group of guys, I can easily spot the guys who are naturally confident and the guys who are faking confidence. Always get an unnatural, uneasy feeling from those Brads that are faking their confidence.

Attached: cringepepe.jpg (250x174, 5K)

can someone pls post the Pepe in the tuxedo, somehow didn't save it

Does having no social media make you an auto discard?

>Figured out how to get laid
>Recently I started volunteering at a centre for disadvantaged children where a 8/10 was.
Bottom line: disadvantaged children are sluts.

I'm 5'10" and not very good looking you fag. When I wasn't depressed and proud about myself and my accomplishments, I had girls pursue me and not the other way around. A good friend of mine is quite a bit shorter but is very good with girls. He's not a try hard or whatever. He's just confident and treats them like a normal person.

No, but asking that question means you could possibly be autistic enough to be an auto-discard.

No but people get extremely suspicious. In my case they thought I had multiple gfs/was cheating or some shit. If your Chad its not ganna stop you from getting laid however.


I'm 5'8, balding, ugly ass shit and had to work retail since 16 to support my retarded coal burning family.

Ya, "just be confident bro looks are a meme".

the only reason why short people get laid is because theres no tall people around to put you in the trash can where you belong

you are only capable of fucking leftoevers

be myself? I see

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so the only thing I need to do is visualize myself as the Pepe in the tuxedo and the universe will give me pussy?
>sounds easy, gonna try

>basing your entire self worth on having 5% longer bones than someone

Fucking /thread

wait till you catch her sucking Tyrone's cock. you're not the only one she's easy for.

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Yeah, let's instead pay 4channel's hiroshigook for destroying this website.

5% is a significant number
niggers lips are only 5% bigger and they look hideous!

So what? First of all, you supporting yourself and your family is something to be proud of. If you'd like to have some more things to be proud of, then try some new hobby that not everyone does or try to build something nice. I'm sure there is something you could do.
I have a baby face, yet I can come across more manly than many other guys. It's not all about looks (they certainly help though, no point in denying that).
I'd be surprised if my friend is even 5'8". He has an acne ridden face. He's fairly fit, but not in the gym kinda way. Really nothing out of the ordinary.


get a load of this delusional baby face faggot

yet niggers get laid and youre an incel


>he thinks all those blacked images arnt payed by the jews

ROFL, nice post lad

Who is it?

I'm 5'8" and I get laid. C'mon man you're on easy mode. If I can do it so can you.

Thanks OP
unironically based and redpilled
i needed this

Of course preferences matter to a degree, you can't have anyone you like. But this dude is like 5'7 and fat you retard. I'm 5'9 and don't have any problems myself either. Stop hating yourself maybe?

>No but people get extremely suspicious. In my case they thought I had multiple gfs/was cheating or some shit.

wow not bad. if i would do this people would think im autistic.

This, a lot of incels here think women are idiots, but also don't seem to realise that idiots are highly impressionable, that's what being an idiot is. I evaluate people's looks and attractiveness based on lots of factors, I always zero in on a mans jawline and hairline, I look for lots of qualities etc.

But women make decisions impulsively and often on the dumbest pretenses. This is the sex that collectively spends thousands and thousands of dollars on shiny rocks that aren't even rare.

So the irony is women are so shallow and dumb that you can trick them into thinking you're an 8 when you're actually a 6.

> talk guy only needs to ask 10

Imagine being this fukin retarded and who cares if it takes you more tries anyways I get rejected like it's the fucking NBA draft

T. 6'3

Who told you it was “just a meme”? The tux makes all the difference.

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