Be 5'9 jewish manlet

>be 5'9 jewish manlet
>see all the dumb things rich people do with their money
>decide to /makeit/
>get JUSTED on the stock market
>realise you will never become one of the rich people
>look at all the really dumb poor people around you
>decide to tell them a bunch of fairytales about a future where everyone is rich if they kill all the current rich people
>poor people don't know how math works so they agree
>get your revenge by unleashing a century of bloodshed and war

Was he, dare I say it, based and redpilled?

Attached: Karl_Marx.jpg (1280x1500, 980K)

>be 5'9 jewish manlet
You answered your own question

Losers are by definition, not based and redpilled.

Attached: 1537185412106.jpg (767x960, 121K)

I'm a 5'5 Jewish 'manlet' and I made close to a quarter mil. Don't worry goys, you are safe this generation.

Only a quarter mil? Our kids are fucked then

Swing and a miss on the communist manifesto there champ

I supported Trump and BREXIT though, for all the good that did. I know most of you probably aren't going to believe this, but the idea of turning North America and Europe into one big Communist mulatto ghetto doesn't make me happy.

Well, maybe you'll at least take consolation in knowing that, at the very least one person, I don't think all jews are one big hivemind. I don't even see Israeli nationalists as the same group of kike globalists

another stupid greedy kike who tried stealing ideas from Adam "the real Chad" Smith.
kikes only good in lying and stealing.

A disgrace for us the manlets.

they play all sides brainlet
why not, you will all take refuge in greater israel anyway while the rest of the world burns

I doubt this. You are a brainlet for jumping on a bandwagon instead of applying critical thought.

i did, thats how i know israel nationalists and what you call globalists have the same end goal. You just havent studied this enough

Jow Forums threads don't count as research... neither do a few literal who's with blue checkmarks on twitter. Can you prove to me, with even a shred of evidence, that the Israeli government has anything to do with the globalists destroying Europe? Actually, Europeans are doing a good job of that themselves. They don't need any help destroying themselves.

>killed at least half a billion people

Kek nice try, Hitler can't even compete with /ourguy/ Marx

Of course he can’t, that’s why based Stalin killed him

>>get JUSTED on the stock market

sauce on this? not that I don't believe it happened, I just want to read more about it.

Marx was an illuminati sent by the multimillenarian Sanhedrin to bring chaos upon the gentiles.

I would like to know this as well.

>he doesn't want the whole world to be a mulatto communist state

I know, the neurotic kind of anti-Semitism where all Jews are a collective hivemind is fairly rare outside of the internet.

I am really not crazy about Israel. It's a beautiful country, but I wouldn't want to live there, and I don't feel any kind of a political or emotional connection to it. My connection is to people, not land. You can find land all over this planet. I think Israel was a better choice for Jews after the war than Madagascar or some remote shitty cold place in Russia, but... there has got to be a better way. Palestinians need to stop sacrificing their own people like pawns against Israel for PR purposes, and Israel needs to stop killing them.

its true