3 weeks left in 2018 and they waited till now to say they wont deliver after having 6 months.
Omisefags on suicide watch
3 weeks left in 2018 and they waited till now to say they wont deliver after having 6 months.
Omisefags on suicide watch
Other urls found in this thread:
Omisego fags are like closeted lesbians
They think they enjoy being fucked in the ass their whole life
but in actuality, they should invest in LINK
Lol classic. OMG will survive though this is typical behavior in the crypto sphere.
Remember when everyone wanted roadmaps, lol
ffs. i just wanna see link either fucking moon or die so people stop trying to sell everyone their bags.
Yep they are Omisegoing away with all your money! Poor beta cucks who invested in scam icos.
Check out FLO/BTC. Trade it up.
The way it works right now - if you own stock "A", the stock sits in your brokerage account.
Now if another person wants to short stock "A" your brokerage will lend the stock to them at 5-8% a year in interest payments.
Your brokerage makes 5-8% per year by lending out YOUR stock. You do not receive any money for this.
Tzero has implemented something called DLR on the FLO blockchain.
What these DLR do is allow YOU to control who you lend your stock to and at what rate. OR you can give permission to a brokerage to allow them to lend it out to others while splitting the profits.
This is HUGE. For the first time ever, stock owners will actually be able to earn 5-8% passive income by lending out their stock to shortsellers. This is disrupting billions of dollars in profit that banks and brokerages make every year.
All of this is on the FLO blockchain!
Patrick Byrne (CEO of Overstock/Tzero) has said that pension funds are lining up to sign up for FLO DLR usage.
A quick google search shows that pension funds worldwide have over $40trillion usd. What better way to get passive and risk free profit than to lend out your stocks. These DLR on FLO blockchain are a perfect way for pension funds to increase their returns.
Patrick stated that the funds are in the process of being onboarded and will be finalized and ready to go by March of 2019.
FLO is valued at under $3million marketcap.
This thing will soar like EMERALD COBRA beyond $100million possibly reaching near $500 million.
You are absolutely delusional if you ignore the advices you just read.
This is actually a great time to get a small stack. I don't mean right this second guys relax
Im down 95% holy fuck jesus christ
It was typical during the bubble. Now the bubble has popped and worthless projects get punished for not delivering (as they should). OmiseGOOKED was extremely overvalued based on what they have achieved so far.
> b-b-but we are committing to gitbub
Why would they release anything in this market you fucking sped, their waiting for things to cool down. If you don't you think we will see an alt news rally again then you are delusional.
Hope you are right, fucker !
Or else !
If a project halts production and sits on it's ass because the market is bad then you shouldn't have money in it at all.
Even though I want to kms for losing >200k€ on this coin, a low price is unironically good for OMG. If it stays at this price for a longer period they will burn more tokens during the PoA phase.
Fuck I wish I had fiat to buy more
Omg such wowzers
Its called margin lending and you can do it anywhere.
>low price
it's still too high
they should give up this charade and exit scam already. we know they're not capable of making prasma work.
>they should give up this charade and exit scam already. we know they're not capable of making prasma work.
desu it's shameful that they still have timelines when they don't even have an hypothesis about how they could make it work well enough for their use case.
Omisego was bullshit from the beginning.
Am screenshotting for future threads
Seriously omisego is a malinvestment. Imagine what could have been achieved if that money had gone to developing something actually useful for the Ethereum ecosystem. It’s a gook dead end exactly like litecoin. So far the evidence seems to show, these books are an abject failiure at pushing adoption in their home nations. The only coins that are going to be worth anything are those which are successful at negotiating at a higher level with industry and government, Ethereum seems to be the leader in that aspect. Even bitmain has to claim to be doing AI alongside manufacturing Asics in order to not get shutdown by the Chinese government.
currency agnostic, tiny fee, permissonless network being worked on by the smartest people in crypto.
buy now (or soon, we're gonna go flat for a while, if not a bit more down) or miss the next eth type moon.