Intellectual Property

Discuss the various ways intellectual property of different forms can be damaging or useful towards the end of consumers having great things and more great things in the future.

I'll take up one subtopic to stimulate debate: Cultural Works.

Franchises. Imagine if it was permissionless to produce and commercialize games, series, movies, etc based on popular franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek, Elder Scrolls, you name it. Maybe after some years or after some total profit or revenue generated, or, royalties having to be paid by commercializers of the intellectual property to the rights holders until the rights got "liberated into public domain by achieving profit treshold for rights holders".

We could have highly popular forks of franchises, essentially. For example, there would likely be at least 3 different popular forks of the Elder Scrolls series that expanded upon the universe in different ways after morrowind, or perhaps even after arena. Instead, it is all held hostage by Bethesda.

Same could go for Star Trek, Lord of The Rings and related works. Whatever.

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>For example, there would likely be at least 3 different popular forks of the Elder Scrolls series

One is enough desu

If you own 10 cars and someone steals 9 of them, that's theft, even if you still have the original car you bought.

Wasn't copyright supposed to be like 20-30 years before it got bastardized?

That gives creators enough time to cash in and the property enough time to settle into social consciousness IMO. A good balance of incentive and ownership.

Is it really necessary to own that many cars?

commie spotted

yeah, copyright has been slippery sloped both in changes to law and through using loopholes like in patenting something that is almost exactly the same but covers the previous patent too before the patent expires. Often used in pharma.

20-30 years is still very long though. Looking at how music and funny video content creation has taken advantage and bloomed due to being able to re-use assets (video and sound) from each other and make new configurations, I think we should think about how much is lost when one party is the gatekeeper to the commercialization and thus to a large extent, creation of content derived from what has already entered popular consciousness.

I believe we have lost so much that could have existed. Imagine what could have been made if unpaid fan-mods and fanfiction weren't the only outlets for creativity applied to expand on a cultural work that already exists. Forks of cultural work would compete for popularity and profit. When a direction for a franchise that has a great demand is left unused, people who think themselves capable of fulfilling that demand could have stepped in and made something.

Intellectual Property is nonsense predicated on violence.
Only private property exists, and you can only keep what you can defend/defend by proxy

quintessentially braindead

the drug whose price was increased by shkreli. if tehre was a more lax copyrigth, oter comapnies could have competed against teh drug and release cheaper versions.

Best art is usually unpopular and not profitable. So get rid of all copyright. It serves no good. The hundreds of millions spend on making a shitty transformers movie could be spend doing millions of other, better things for society.

What if someone snuck into your garage with a 3d printer, scanned your car and printed their own, then left. Is that theft?

it got destroyed in lawsuits by disney and others. now it's like 80 years PLUS the life of the creator. To give it perspective, the sherlock holmes novels, yes the original ones written in the god damn 1800s, have just recently had their copyrights expire.

this. thoughts/ideas are not property. it's why all the great minds die broke, they know this basic fact. but it's also why they get the great ideas

shut your whore mouth, i would love an open source elder scrolls mmo franchise that was made by fans instead of suits

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Sub 90 IQ

If I draw a cartoon mouse it's my job to somehow make money off that and anybody else should be able to draw the stupid fucking mouse. IP is a jewish conspiracy to genocide whites.

>Maybe after some years
You mean, like copyright was originally intended to do? Right now, Superman is going to be copyrighted forever because he makes money.

>what is file/object duplication

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Yep, me too. Hoping that open source Creation engine clone gets finished at some point. Being open source, we can fix it to be much better than Bethesdas crap. Modders are basically just using Skyrim or Fallout as an engine at this point anyway. The base games are just terribly written garbage really. Would like a community driven Dark Souls-clone MMO myself,a skill based system with deep co-op mechanics (like EVE).


good post

Pretty clear that the large IP holding Boomer firms are fucking cancer. We need to just cancel IP law for the next ten years. Then it can be reintroduced in a sane way. Like it only lasts for seven years.

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