You're going to be a cashier someday!
You got a smile on your face!
You love this place!
Moving those boxes all over the place, singing,
You're going to be a cashier someday!
my literal hell
This isn't funny. You wouldn't be laughing if you were in their position. Have some sympathy asshole
tears for wagie
my fucking god
What's funny is you lot insult these people for doing their job but if you didn't know, there are millions upon billions of people who would kill to be in their position. dancing at walmart is not that bad and most people across africa asia and south america would do anything to have a job as easy and high paying as that. think about perspective next time asshole
cope harder. this is unnecessarily dehumanizing no matter who you are
someone needs to edit in the guitar solo
I'm fucking dead inside
But us wagies can still live pretty comfortably knowing that at least we have a job
Being /biz and collecting government money that you can invest in fake money is honestly just sad, squandering your potential
Less than 1% of you will make it while more like 70% of wagecucks will make it
Teens don’t understand the concept of paying dues to succeed in the long run
I always get nostalgic for jibjab around this time of year. Their yearly recaps songs were kino.
>You're going to be a cashier someday!
>we are walmart
So do they equity incentives? That's actually pretty good for most grunt worker fucks.
How did it get this bad
Go to bed early tonight wagie
Ponzi dollars and poor education
And (((chosen people)))
These threads are getting to me
Yep, it's getting pretty bad. It seems crypto is our only hope now...
Most people would think that nothing is wrong with this if we think in the most abstract way, stripped of particular details on how this might manifest itself concretely in the real world. These people are paid a wage in exchange for their labor which would include dancing and singing if these requirements were made clear to the worker. I have to ask though why am I the one who's bringing up this rebuttal when I vehemently disagree with it?
>>cope harder. this is unnecessarily dehumanizing no matter who you are
Let's spin this another way, because there's always someone somewhere who'll put this first-world problem in a positive light. Unfortunately that person isn't here so I'll have to play his part.
>Stop being an entitled millennial
>They have a very good attitude towards work and a good work ethic
>Society would be a lot better if people worked as hard as them instead of expecting gibmedats
why can't people just go to work and do their job. why does team-building and other shit like this have to be a part of it?
To break their slaves spirits.
Has labour been THIS dehumanizing in the past 200 years?
Or is this revenge of the Kikes who own 90% of wealth against the Goyim?
I don't even think they made child labourers dance for money during the worst abuses of the industrial revolution..
>why does team-building and other shit like this have to be a part of it?
Don't you think this works well though for the employer who wants to know who to keep and who to fire? How can the employer be gauge their employees' resolve and commitment towards fulfilling the employer's demands and much more? (Giving it 110% as they say,) It's crude and hardly quantifiable but hearing praise and doing activities sends signals to the employer two possible things:
1. This person likes his/her job, loves this work environment, loves you as the employer, and will promise to care for and work hard for these things that he or she loves. Strangely reminiscent of certain dictatorships where citizens engage in excessive adulation of their leader during these large pep rally events that's meant to shore up public support and approval of that leader.
2. This person who may or may not like his job, won't leave for whatever reason and is very obedient. You can push these people very far and make them dance and sing, just to see if they snap or if they bear it.
Americans need to go on strike like Chads did in the ol' times
>Go on strike
>Get shot
Need to be in a union to strike
>Americans need to go on strike like Chads did in the ol' times
The old times strikes gave way to the first red scare which many and probably most Americans today would probably side with the government and businesses.
starting a new job tomorrow at an average to OK tier place. small-ish company thats on the up according to the guy who interviewed me. i was desperate enough for a job after being unemployed for like 4-5 months that i applied to walmart and they just called me back about a week ago after i had already agreed to the job im starting.
thank god i didnt have to work at shart in the mart. once those checks start rolling in i can finally buy more crypto
>like the chads did
You mean like the Ludlow massacre when strikers were gunned down for daring to slow down rockefellers income stream?
Africa Asia and South America are irrelevant and none of the people living there matter in any capacity though so it’s kind of different
never heard of this and have been learning a lot about the rockefeller family. interesting story, looks fucked up. going to read more about this.
thank god david rockefeller died this year, fuck that entire family tree i hope they're rotting in hell. (his grand daughter is pretty hot though cant lie.)
There's a huge list of people getting killed in strikes
You'd be better of engaging in politics then be, with no irony involved, a wageslave.
deep down you know the (((answer)))
better be dead than singing the walmart song and dancing for shlomo to humiliate you
The world is not ready for unrepentant NEET acceptance.
you either need to be born rich or make it when youre a teenager to go traveling and partying all the time.
most Jow Forums NEETs are poor, most of them dont even have hobbies, far less those that take them outside into the world with friends. it is superior to wagie dancing obviously, so if its your only alternative then by all means boast about it but you dont need to go far to find the real story, theres dozens of r9k tier threads even on this board full of NEETs living just as pathetic lives as the wallmart scabs, both are on the verge of crumbling mentally.
You just become stuck. I worked at a fast food place for 8 years because I just felt like it was the only thing I could do in life. I went to college, but failed and dropped out. So I just worked at that place for years. A lot of my coworkers were in the same boat as me. But they had a family to take care of so they couldn't really leave.
someone post the video of the Microsoft Store employees dancing at Microsoft's pathetic attempt to make a video go "viral"
Jesus christ... i'd rather be a wandering street bum then to subject myself to such lunacy.
Not anymore. The mainstream "Left" are well known as the pro-corporate parties, interested only in making sure indentured servants can do any weird shit with their genitals they like, while actively importing people to create a permanent slave class (yay, favelas for all! Marx would love it!). The Right have increasingly realised that they got played & the "free enterprise" they believe in is a fairy tail spun by a bunch of centralised, authoritarian types.
So it's anyone's guess how it's going to play out. Unions composed of proud boys & an-caps? Strike breakers of pink haired femnazis & commissar Jamal? Politics is all fucking weird right now. Honestly, if some of you /leftypol/ shills would try shutting the fuck up for 5 minutes an alliance of convenience to take down the corporates and their npc flunkies could probably be doable. We can murder each other over which form of classless, stateless society (Nationalist and Ancap City states or Anarcho-syndicalist/Communist co-op City states aren't mutually exclusive) is implemented later down the line.