Stop browsing Jow Forums

>stop browsing Jow Forums

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only if you'll be my wife

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go to your room, you are grounded

I cant

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If only you knew how bad things are

dump incoming

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its a fucking man baby

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I browse 4channel

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Thanks for these bro

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You're welcome.

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Thank you and good night.

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damn this image dump hit me hard.

college is fucking awful. He thinks being a neet miserable? Try being always under the stress of studying, dealing with roommates, dealing with people in general.
yeah. after just working a WEEK at job and you start to not give a shit what people think.
Also, he envies married people? Seriously? Most marriages end with the wife cheating on their husband. And if it doesnt end that way, the father is a psychologically abusing prick that beats his wife in submission.
It would be like envying people who sky dive. On one end, itd pretty cool to sky dive, on the other, youre constantly under the fear of dying.
is this really that depressing? Every relationship with a woman whose not your wife always ends bad. no matter what anyone says. Who would want memories associated with a girl whose been ployed by several other men after you.
yuru yuri fags are cringe and yuru yuri is like one of the most casual anime ever.
150+ days on MAL means fucking shit. Try have 1 year worth of anime watching down, then well talk
funny how a guy who says he losses all form of socializing, even on the internet, wrote a who paragraph long post.
youre a depressive loser because youre a depressive loser who wont admit browsing Jow Forums is actually 10x funner than doing any norm shit. TONS of celebrities and e celebs browse Jow Forums, but dont bother to trip fag. So, this whole sense of Jow Forums being some garbage dump is bullshit. Is just a place to pass time.
everyone has been complaining about everything has been ironic since day 1.
these people obviously never saw a single comedian before the year 2000. COMEDY HAS ALWAYS HAD SOME SORT OF IRONY IN IT. Dating back to SNL and shit. The truth is that things always have a serious and an ironic audience.
Also its just you being sensitive over a joke.

Fuck you whore. Also fuck you hiroshim00t

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Shit gets real. I feel I'm at the precipice of forever dooming myself to inceldom. I'm trying to veer off by going to university and getting a degree. Beats living at home with a emotionally manipulative mum who wanted me to be a manchild for her own validation. Sometimes you got to cut the cord yourself. Going on Jow Forums is irrelevant to that. You can still browse Jow Forums and be sucessful.

god. if anything, you should be glad less people share your opinion so you can tell yourself youre special
real life can be that way. You just dont bother to create it that way because its honestly boring. i had many oppurtunities where i could have friends who shared all my hobbies and interests, even frriends who were cooler. I gave it all up, because shitposting is more fun, lol.
losers always romanticize the ideas of having goals or hobbies.
its all just doing what you find fun.
there is no undeground man.
you just hate talking to people at certain times. thats it.
>i feel guilty by relaxing, i guess if i write this post ill feel more productive
it is true most people dont deserve confidence.
but i see hot girls with uglies all the time, so who cares.
i dont get whats depressing about this post. Of course people are going to be on an arc one day colonizing Titan and shit.
>person claiming to be invisible has post screencapped
>/co/ fag
also, hes talking about people wasting time, when he wrote all of THAT

Final Verdict
Doomer's Mid-life Crisis Pack / 10

This hits home eerily well, besides the intelligence part. Don't consider myself more intelligent than the typical person ... I think ...

cool story bro

You can like video game and anime and be perfectly fine, what breaks people is loneliness which is common among people who like those two things, but they don't always necessarily go together.

Video games, anime and Jow Forums suffocate your time and attention that would normally gravitate towards social activity. I know that because when I cut off those things, my life starts to improve basically by itself. When those habits return, my life returns to squalor.

The best I've ever been was when I destroyed my computer and smart phone. I had no access to porn or Jow Forums or any sort of media for months and I felt fucking fantastic both mentally and physically. I got a pc again in early 2017 because I had Bitcoin that I was sitting on for years and even though my money's gone up my mental health has deteriorated.

dump guy 'ere, here's a long ass painful read right here. Probably worth it.

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but this is 4channel

I think I am actually going to do this. Thanks user.

I'm not addicted to Jow Forums I'm addicted to stories and Jow Forums just happens to be where the best stories reside

>youtube screenshot
what's her channel?

>tfw at 27-29 stage
scary how accurate it is

You can still browse Jow Forums and be successful though. Just don't be a coward

Listen here pal.
Websites like these are one of the few places, where I can find relatable people on.
What, you think a guy with an IQ of +130 is gonna be able to relate to your everyday Joe who talks about "the game last night"?
Or what about a guy who votes Republican MAGA, but shrivels up like your mother's cunt when you actually start talking in-depth about the world?
"Oh man you're out there." "Ugh please let's just drop this please."
Yeah real life's got the best selection of social interactions.
Can't wait to go out drinking with a guy who opens up about his relationship troubles and then get told by others that I'm being to insensitive or blunt with my advice.

Existence was thrust up me and I'm dealing with it the best I can.
I want to have a clean conscience and that doesn't allow me to be fake friends with disingenuous IRL normies. Folks who don't care enough about me, to give my thoughts the time of day.
Most of the honest, relatable people I meet in real life are fucking drunks or depressed people, nice people.
Unfortunately, I can't get myself too wrapped up with people like that. I need to look out for number one, me.

So, therefore I think having a page like Jow Forums as a sort of remote additional surrogate buddy, that you can be honest with, is great.

Look at that lady in the picture. I couldn't be friends with her. I'd want to talk to her about the implications of make up and society's obsession with clear skin and youth.
She'd immediately, classify me as a negative force in her life. "I'm dealing with depression."
I'd either have to shut up or end the relationship. And as I've said before I don't want to be disingenuous in relationships I consider close.
If I lie to my friends, I lie to myself and that's gateway to existential hell, my friend.

Jow Forums grants me access to talk to more relatable people, than IRL.
I got IRL friends but it's nice to have this place as well, because sometimes you need breaks from people.

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willpower and time is a limited resource

It's miss Peterson

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lol the fantasy here is that one or two poor decisions leads someone to this hell

the big redpill is that your circumstances largely overshadow your free will (or the illusion that you have one) and that someone can end up in a really shitty situation without doing anything wrong and there's no reason at all why it happens or anything you can do to prevent it

if you want to feel like a big loser and cry and pout about how you have failed at life because you don't have a driver's license at 28 or something, be my guest, but consider the fact that all of this appealed to you for a reason, because you were predisposed to it. there are probably a million people who have visited a site like Jow Forums once and never came back, I remember friends in school like that and they've had a pretty diverse set of fates

you've never gone too far where you can't come home again, there's no sin god can't forgive

looks like a tranny

The image of Jordan Peters got imprinted into your mind that when you see a face resembling him, you start associate the person with that face with Jordan Peterson.

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hallmark card sentimentality for feminized men

it really is all about that work-life balance. goddamn i just need $200k and i'm done. 12 more years to go at this rate.

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another shitty post with the pepe plush viral image

I can’t. I just can’t....

Help me

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Willpower is not a limited resource

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Experience of every single person, academic papers and literature proves you otherwise. Post proof.
the fact that you never got to the limit of your willpower doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Don't let others set limits for you and don't make excuses. There is nothing you could show me that would convince me that mental willpower has a limit

Truth bomb right here. If you can limit you total screen time to under 1 hour a day you life will start improving rapidly. My best days are when I don't stay up watching anime the night before and don't waste time during the day on Jow Forums. I already quit video games entirely 4 years ago, and have since gone from living with my parents to owning two duplex apartment buildings.

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Look at this storm of inadequate normies being used as cautionary tales against the rejection of normie society. Who in the fuck wouldn't see that this is of zero consequence to people who are genuinely superior to normies and have no desire for their acceptance or inclusion or any fucking thing other than for them to get the fuck out of the way or do what they are told when it's necessary.

I can’t I’m really addicted, like seriously I swear I can’t stop

Bingo. Think about being just some shop assistant in a Trojan merchant market before the sack of Troy. In a few years you're going to be butchered, your wife raped and enslaved, your kid thrown off the wall, and there's fuck all you can do about it and it's not anything to do with your willpower or self control or any bullshit like that. As a matter of fact the closest thing you could do to stopping it is to stop thinking like ignorant cattle and consider the broader context of your existence and move out of the position you're in as a tiny insignificant cog in a machine so much larger that you you don't even fucking understand what it does or how it operates.
Grasp that and your fucking impulse control is largely beside the point. Manipulate the fabric of reality at this level effectively and you will have orders of magnitude more control or fulfillment than any of the normalfags trying to overcome their fucking sex addiction, comfort eating, impulse control, neurotic idiocy.

What if you did a 7 day fast at the same time? Hardcore mode.

Im sick of all these depressing and self loathing posts. Life is suffering, the question is, are you going to he a weak little bitch or fuking own your suffering and ask for more. The more you bear, the more powerful you will become. It applies to anything, and when you think you're about to break, its fucking nonsense, all in you're head. Humans can withstand insurmountable suffering. So fuking man up, it pisses me off when i read this shit because i know THATS ME, but its not.. why? Because i dont give a fuck, and id rather DIE than not trying to build myself up to be the most powerful person i can be for myself. Im not gonna die, im gonna fucking make it, and id rather be DEAD than not stop trying.

Fuck off nigger

>t. a bunch of idiots who all thought they'd do nothing, have andriana lima as their waifu and where disappointed when it didn't happen

it's actually pretty easy to have companionship in life, fix your standards

ima 32 year old loser with a girlfreind and family that loves him, why? because im not piece of shit to them and try to help and spend as much time with them as they need..

Just be nice and not repulsive and you really dont need moneys, family is everything..

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damn fucking right

This one got me in the feels

Wait what? This is my default mode of being all my life and im 23.
Im cutting my dopamine sources fap/porn/videogames/social media, but there's so little improvement, it is hardly bearable to not just sink back in.
I just want an akward gf, normie family, and to finish my exams so i can work.

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In anything, it is a mistake to think one can perform an action or behave in a certain way once and no more. (The mistake of those who say: “Let us slave away and save every penny till we are thirty, then we will enjoy ourselves.” At thirty they will have a bent for avarice and hard work, and will never enjoy themselves any more... .) What one does, one will do again, indeed has probably already done in the distant past. The agonizing thing in life is that it is our own decisions that throw us into this rut, under the wheels that crush us. (The truth is that, even before making those decisions, we were going in that direction.) A decision, an action, are infallible omens of what we shall do another time, not for any vague, mystic, astrological reason but because they result from an automatic reaction that will repeat itself.

It's as limited as you let it be.

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Some of these can be eye-opening for people who've fried their brains and hearts out, but it's still self-loathing bullshit

This is pretty hyperbolic, you can find a gf regardless of how weird or old you are, all it takes is effort and energy which what a lot of people here lack. It's all a numbers game.

>The mind is a snow-covered hill and thoughts are rides in a sled. When you are young, the snow is fresh, the path is new and the experience exhilarating. But as we age, grooves get worn in the snow, and eventually we can't ride down the hill without slipping into one of those ruts, following the same thoughts and the same actions that we have countless times before. No matter which direction we steer our sled, we are trapped by these predetermined courses, doomed to dream the same dream every day, only to hike back to the top of the hill every night, hoping we will find a new path to rekindle the awe and bewilderment of childhood, but we never do. Now we don't even bother steering the sled, we just let it meander, hands off the reigns and eyes half open, listlessly wandering through the rest of our lives in a blunted haze, riding but not driving, not alive, just living. Each day gets shorter, each month, each year, and eventually, like a wolf too far separated from the pack, resign any last remnants of hope, make a bed of the cold, and freeze.

This whole thread reads like Jow Forums is taking a massive, self-loathing shit. wtf is wrong with you people? Have some standards, get outside, and fucking do something worthwhile. Don't give a shit about what anyone thinks and just do it.

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gibs cummies

But I own 100k chainlink tokens? If I sell I’m not aloud to post anymore?

pretty much ! I noticed that at my lowest periods in life I would spend so much on /b/ and I don't even know why.

>People who are genuinely superior to normies

I'm willing to bet the small amount of money I have that you aren't. You're most likely not the best in the world at anything so you don't get to make claims that you're superior. Wait until things go pear shaped and someone you see as a total loser is the only one there for you, willing to drag you out of your pit of despair simply because they believe it's the right thing to do.

Having an interest in subjects considered more intellectual than others doesn't make you 'better' than other people.
It's easy to never test yourself against others and assume you must be great. It's humbling when you really try and master something and you realise there are 10 year olds you could learn from. I had this attitude once too; always the thinker, never the doer. Until I actually put myself out there, learned skills and got smacked down by beginners. Having the attitude that you're intrinsically better than others is the surest way to stagnate and perhaps even regress, period. The sooner your ego gets checked, the better

The fact that he wrote this proves it didn't work. You know it's true.

There is no easy way out, and paradoxically, once you realize that, it does become easier.

It's all like a sinners paradox.

not everyone is a worthless assburger amerimutt, faggot

She won't be watching "over" him if yaknowwhatI'msayin, hahaa honk honk honk

These kinds of threads are the reason you're still here. It's the dopamine rush you get. The feels you get. But eventually you get desensitized, then you're too late.

kys anyone who thinks that is seriously retarded

>an hour a day
some... people are here for 8+ hours a day, in between vidya and reading, that is

I wish
16 hours+ per day of biz if I don't put effort to do something constructive.