I hate programming but it's the only job left on the planet

I hate programming but it's the only job left on the planet

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same but can leverage it to make business then opt-out

30 year old boomer here. Can I just say I'm so fucking jealous of codefags. It was an obviously great career to pursue in hindsight, but that's life.

you can still make design. User interface is very appreciated because codefags have no style and no life. In fact, all codefags I know are ugly and degenerated from the constant screen staring, sleepless nights and brain overusage. It makes your brain a salad and you are unable to really live. Btw the future is in easy compiled language (i would even go as far as visual) programming. Just look at the guys making shitty android apps with literally zero coding, just design and attaching it to predesigned scripts.. visually (literally a blocks) t. ex codefag.

>the future is in easy compiled language (i would even go as far as visual) programming
What kind of stuff is that? Like microsoft workbench?

>It was an obviously great career to pursue in hindsight, but that's life.

Only if you're the top 10%. Coding is a stressful as fuck job, you're thinking about solving the problem at work AND at home, you're threatened by automation and you get an average wage. Those 200k/year wages are achievable for just a tiny sliver of people.

What about coding causes brain overusage compared to any other STEM job?

I imagine myself as a chilled out beta basedboy coder making good double digiits pumping out unsuccessful crypto projects and sub-par open source contributions. The dream.

the part where you're expecting to work 80-100 hr weeks and piss in bottles.

Because coding like a drug causes some sort of addiction pushing you constant tinkering overdrive, without any sane balance between theory/domain and empirical methods. By its very nature CS is a generic subject and unless you merge that with some sort of domain knowledge (biology / finance / insurance etc.) you are always replaceable as automation creeps in. Domain knowledge erects a qualitative competitive advantage that grows with experience as opposed to quant knowledge. And BTW, even before AI destructs programming jobs, the reality is majority of quantitative jobs can be outsourced to specilaised vendors (look at Alteryx) including much-hyped "Data Science". Without domain knowledge you are just a "Data Drone"/Data Engineer.

Ignore the user you replied to. He's obviously never met any programmer IRL is obviously projecting. Brain overusage only happens to brainlets and those who are unskilled.

32-year old Boomer here.

Had some contact with coding in university and I would literally rather shovel shit than do that for a living.

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yeah, 34 year old engineer here. shoulda done CS instead.

Visual Studio & Blender etc. M$ ides & tools. .NET framework & C#/VB or even JS cordova usually

Sounds like sheetrocking desu, except they don't sit around all day in comfy chairs having need fights & a beertap in the break room.














*Nerf gun fights
Yes, this shit literally happens.
I bolted & became a sparky, then moved onto designing & building industrial manufacturing machines.
I'm lucky I have the electrical/programing stuff and the millwright/machining exp too.

>tfw 110k a year writing job

b-but English majors are doomes

see look I can't even fucking spell and still make money

Thanks user, I will research these brainlet languages.

Blender?As in Blender 3D?

Why do you hate it?

Anyone with a 110+ IQ and an aderall perscription can pick up programming. Take a look at Silicon Valley highschools and see how many of them end up in tech jobs. Its quite a lot.

That being said, the hard part of programming is sticking with it. Knowledge builds on itself, and at the end of the day you need to pick the right specialization, which may be hard to predict given how fast the industry can shift.

School is really important too, pretty much all of my peers from my school (top 5 CS program) got at least interviews into FAANG if not fulltime offers. These jobs start at like 150K-200K+ depending on your background and specialization. Keep in mind some of them had shit GPAs, but school seems to be a lot more important than GPA at FAANG companies. I know a guy who graduated from a lower tier University with a 3.86 GPA and didn't even get an interview at a FAANG. He's been applying for 3+ years out of school while working at IBM.

It's a winner-takes-all market. I would be happy in a introvert-friendly accounting soul-sucking job while using that knowledge to invest at side or side-hustle. How many of you can see through financial statements, anyway ?

An wise man once said - "I only code myself at home and manage others at work". If you can do that leveraging your extroversion you will go far in the tech ladder like any other industry. Unless you specialise in a niche like CyberSecurity, age is your enemy on this line. Brainwash is a very effective to keep the supply high.

Brainlets overclock their brains and burn out but the rest of the coding elite get to stave off alzheimers and apply their analytics skills to shit like poker.

lol at the ex codefag who doesn't have enough brain cells to code comfortably to finish weeks ahead of deadlines leaving all the rest of his time to shitpost and shooting the shit with coworkers.

I don't see how most codefags don't realize that the act of coding is the ultimate thing to be automated by code, making 99% of them obsolete.


Any engineer can get a job a person with a BS in CS can get, and with two years experience any job a CS masters can get. CS is strictly inferior. I'm EE and I went straight into software engineering. Most of the best programmers have engineering backgrounds, CS majors without advanced degrees are usually low level code monkeys.

Basic programming will become part of most jobs, like other basic technology skills like email and slide shows. But just because you can copy and paste business logic into some framework doing 99.9% of the work doesn't mean you're a "programmer". Android studio alone is probably the equivalent lines of code of a hundred thousand mobile apps. The people working at Google writing that are the ones making money, not the guy who googles a tutorial online and can copy and paste some boilerplate code to produce a working "app."

Is 27 too old? I think programming is cool but feel too old to start because of this meme

Don't be a downer, you can still make it if you really commit yourself.

No it's not. I've been working Research/Threat/Intelligence Analysis and making more than the average programmer (with more room for career advancement).

Programming is fucking boring. Anyone who can sit down and commit themselves to that tedium deserves to make money

Took programming 1 and 2 in hs, that was in 1998, do I still have a chance, guess how old I am!

>Actually back in the day there wasnt really a vision of what kind of success could have in CS.

Everyone did say "programming the internet and computers are the future" though no one really knew how, most of my teachers pushed web design at that point, HTML woo.

really my best example of what a programmer could be was that ibm programmer that got his ass handed to him in the pirates of silicon valley. Basically every movie nerd with computers no money just broke and nerd.

And really I'm sure things haven't changed much for the average wage slave of now. That movie really made me change my mind about it as a career in that era. Thought things are much different now, no one really could have predicted how tech came to dominate everything.

>t.elitist engicuck

fellow yoomer here. We are definitely very old but I'd rather kms than continue working on my current job

Why not hire a pajeet to code for you and create apps from their labor?

lol stay mad cuckboy working at google

Codefag here. I should have kept it as a hobby. Grass is always greener and all that shit

28-year old shit shoveling Doomer here.

I would literally rather program.

I am 25 and did some coding before , should I fully commit to it or not ? I don't really like my current job but it pays well .The only downside is that the country where I live in only senior devs do get decent salary.

Don't become a codefag unless you get a real buzz whenever you learn something new or make things work. If you do then it's not too late to pick it up and it's an awesome job for introverts.

Been doing this for 5 years now. Pay is good, hours very good where I am right now. The amount of shit I still don't know somedays though feels intimidating. A CS degree gets you nowhere near ready for professional coding.

Currently working on a Dev-Ops team where we pretty much decide for ourselves what we work on each day. Very little management interference. It's chill.