What happened to it?

What happened to it?

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nothing like your empty brainlet skull

Still better than Chainlink

They got exit scammed

We got kiked

not exit scammed but someone on the inside is doing something shady
luckily they got exposed for being a fucking retard when they accidentally market dumped team tokens on binance

The team dumped over 800.000 eng on binance a few days ago. Market sale too.


You can't fat finger on binance. It will ask for confirmation on such large amounts.

that's why I said retard
remember this the same team that got their email "hacked" during ICO and lost 500k

>Enigmas "professional" team goes and interrupts a chainlink livestream, throws out insults acting petty and childish
>Now someone on their team market sells 800k enigmas

Kek, the absolute fucking state

just buy link, the milk is always fresh

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> Marketing head (Tor) with just head, no brain
> keeps saying team working hard
> nothing externally visible to show (which means most likely nothing internal happening either)
> mainnet delayed
> open testnet delayed
> node information delayed

But .. but .. we want to take over the world with an ERC20 token

Team slow exit scamming is all it is. Move on folks MIT show is over and done with.

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Neither is true. The team went to the Link chat to correct false claims made by Link in the Enigma chat. Also the team has sold no tokens. They have nothing to do with the moron that market sold.

Except you can go read the code yourself you fucktard. It's clear all these morons on Jow Forums can't read and don't give a shit about reality. It's a cesspool of turds.

Niggers. All of them.

True. Proof attached.

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Welcome Tor. When exit scam?

it's a money grab run by narcissists, any other questions?

Looks like engima shill has arrived

It is you, hero of K'vatch!

Tor accepted on telegram that pre-sale ico tokens have been released and there was wallet movement. He just didn't want to say they were sold because of obvious price talk by the team rule.

I think they thought people would pin this on the bear market, but not everyone is as dumb as they think we are

Btw they did the exact same thing this past April too. You can look it up on etherscan.

Just shady fuck devs and con artist head of growth (inverted growth apparently) this was bound to happen.

Also one of the closest to cult telegram channel ever in crypto space. Just filled with unemployed, hoping for moon, uneducated fanboys (they call them ambassadors) shilling eng non-stop

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gawd luckily i was able to dump my 10k stack and bought more linkies at 5,8k

last i saw they were bitching that coinbase chose chainlink as 1 of 30 coins they are thinking of listing and overlooked this 130th market cap project. The same day a team member (most likely) market sold 1,000,000 tokens. Basically a shit show. RIP

Enough said

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eng is so unprofessional ..cant believe why anyone would invest in them

TRX is a top coin... Can't get less professional than that.



Enigma: A turkroach and a midget milking the fucktards.

Shit like this kill crypto adoption. It happened in stocks and people got so tired of it they called for the creation of the SEC.
Thats the issue with unregulated markets greedy faggots who think they are smart running away with a 100k than trying to make a product and get 100million each.

With all the FUD going on, is it a good idea to go all in?

last time someone market sold the bottom it started mooning immediately
watch todays daily close

Remember when this crybaby jew had the audacity to enter our telegram and whine about us "bullying" his project. What a fucking joke.